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Multithreading in .NET Applications

发布: 2007-7-01 20:40 | 作者: admin | 来源: | 查看: 11次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论


Multithreading in .NET Applications

创建高水平的应用程序,多线程是一个很好的设计工具,特别是那些要求与与用户互操作的程序。使用Microsoft.NET能很方便的创建这样的多线程应用程序。Part1和Part2两不部分探索了NET 的框架。在第一篇中,我们讨论了线程的背景知识,线程的优点,并提供了例子。 在第二篇中,我们讨论了多线程的工作机制,以及线程同步机制。在这篇文章中(多线程的最后一篇)我们来分析和使用System.Threading,System.Net两个名字空间。



   TCP/IP -这是计算机用来通信的一套协议,是路由协议,这就意味着如果你的目的地主机,如果不依赖它所在地网络的话,这个路由将保证你的通信能够正常进行。



Listener  Application

 Listener  Application也就是服务器程序,它打开网络端口,同时等待客户机的连接。这样的程序包括web 服务器,数据库服务器,e-mail服务器,chat服务器等等。Listener Application

l         一般都遵循以下算法:

l         能打开可以使用的端口。

l         通过端口可以等待客户端Socket的连接。

l         客户端通过Socket连接,提出请求或者连接服务。

l         服务器启动一些进程发送回答。

l         关闭客户端Socket连接。

Sample Listener Code Listing


using System;using System.Net;using System.Net.Sockets;using System.Text;using System.Threading; namespace CodeGuru.MultithreadedPart3{  /// <remarks>  /// Example console application demonstrating a listener/server  /// application.  /// Waits for connections to be made and responds with a message.  /// </remarks>  class HelloWorldServer  {   /// <summary>    /// The main entry point for the application.    /// </summary>    [STAThread]    static void Main(string[] args)    {      try      {        DateTime now;        String dateStr;         // Choose a port other than 8080 if you have difficulty        TcpListener listener = new TcpListener(IPAddress.Loopback,                                               8080);        listener.Start();         Console.WriteLine("Waiting for clients to connect");        Console.WriteLine("Press Ctrl+c to Quit...");        while(true)        {          // Accept blocks until a client connects          Socket clientSocket = listener.AcceptSocket();           for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )          {            // Get the current date and time then build a            // Byte Array to send            now = DateTime.Now;            dateStr = now.ToShortDateString() + " "                    + now.ToLongTimeString();            Byte[] byteDateLine = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(                                  dateStr.ToCharArray());             // Send the data            clientSocket.Send(byteDateLine, byteDateLine.Length, 0);            Thread.Sleep(1000);            Console.WriteLine("Sent {0}", dateStr);          }          clientSocket.Close();        }    }    catch( SocketException socketEx )      {        Console.WriteLine("Socket error: {0}", socketEx.Message);      }    }  }}

Sample Client Code Listing


using System;using System.IO;using System.Net;using System.Net.Sockets;using System.Text; namespace CodeGuru.MultithreadedPart3{  /// <remarks>  /// Example console application demonstrating a client  /// application.  /// Makes a connection to the server and displays the response.  /// </remarks>  class HelloWorldClient  {    /// <summary>    /// The main entry point for the application.    /// </summary>    [STAThread]    static void Main(string[] args)    {      bool isDone = false;      Byte[] read = new Byte[32];      TcpClient client = new TcpClient("localhost", 8080);       // Get the stream to read the input      Stream s;      try      {        s = client.GetStream();      }      catch( InvalidOperationException )      {        Console.WriteLine("Cannot connect to localhost");        return;      }       // Read the stream and convert it to ASII      while( !isDone )      {        int numBytes = s.Read(read, 0, read.Length);        String data = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(read);        if( numBytes == 0 )        {          isDone = true;        }        else        {          Console.WriteLine("Received {0} bytes: {1}",                             numBytes, data);        }      }      client.Close();    }  }}Testing the Listener Using the Client


图: 1—Listener



图 2—Client


Multithreaded Listener Application


Sample Listener Code Listing


using System;using System.Net;using System.Net.Sockets;using System.Text;using System.Threading;namespace CodeGuru.MultithreadedPart3{  /// <remarks>  /// Example console application demonstrating a listener/server  /// application.  /// Waits for connections to be made and responds with a message.  /// </remarks>  class HelloWorldServer  {    // Socket to use to accept client connections    private Socket _socket;     /// <summary>    /// The main entry point for the application.    /// </summary>    [STAThread]    static void Main(string[] args)    {      try      {        TcpListener listener = new TcpListener(                                   IPAddress.Loopback, 8080);        listener.Start();         Console.WriteLine("Waiting for clients to connect");        Console.WriteLine("Press Ctrl+c to Quit...");        while(true)        {          // Accept blocks until a client connects          HelloWorldServer hwServer = new HelloWorldServer();          hwServer._socket = listener.AcceptSocket();           // Process the client connection on a new thread          Thread sampleThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(                                           hwServer.Process));          sampleThread.Start();        }      }      catch( SocketException socketEx )      {        Console.WriteLine("Socket error: {0}", socketEx.Message);      }    }    /*     * Get the current date and time and send it to the client.     * Requires that a socket is created and connected to a client.     * Closes the socket when complete.     */    private void Process()    {      DateTime now;      String dateStr;       for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )      {        // Get the current date and time then concatenate build        // a Byte Array to send        now = DateTime.Now;        dateStr = now.ToShortDateString() + " "                + now.ToLongTimeString();        Byte[] byteDateLine = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(                                      dateStr.ToCharArray());         // Send the data        this._socket.Send(byteDateLine, byteDateLine.Length, 0);        Thread.Sleep(1000);        Console.WriteLine("Sent {0}", dateStr);      }      this._socket.Close();    }  }}

Testing the Multithreaded Listener Using the Client


Possible Enhancements



l         客户端可以发送”DATATIME”的数据作为请求,同时服务器用date和time来应答。

l         不使用控制台作为服务器,而使用windows 服务器,这样,可以自动启动,和后台运行。

 About the Author

Mark Strawmyer, MCSD, MCSE (NT4/W2K), MCDBA is a Senior Architect of .NET applications for large- and mid-size organizations. Mark is a technology leader with in Indianapolis, Indiana. He specializes in the architecture, design, and development of Microsoft-based solutions. You can reach Mark at .





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