SPY is a suite of programs that allows you to passively and silently observe
what users are typing on the system. You can observe each keystroke, the entire
screen as they see it being drawn, or even inject keys into their program as
if they typed it. A special mode allows you to observe the complete
contents of any multiscreen on the system, with or without 6845 attribute
bytes, allowing color, underline, or blink information on the other tty
to be shown as well.
SPY is completely passive to the user and program and runs under any tty
device (console, serial, pseudo, etc.).
SPY cannot monitor a console that is in graphics mode.
SPY is implemented as an SVR3 filesystem for Open Server Release 5.0,
dynamically creating all necessary directories and files. This allows
standard UNIX tools like cat, dd, hd, etc. to use all of SPY's features
and allows you to write your own custom tools. Most of SPY's features can
even be used across NFS, allowing for remote monitoring and controlling
of programs and users from another machine.
仅在SCO OpenServer 5.0.4上测试通过,其它版本请自己测
1) 解压缩:
uncompress tls604.tar.Z
tar xvf tls604.tar
2) 安装:
cd spyfs-1.1
# ./installit
Installing the SPY package
Installing new header files
Installing new command files
Installing SPY driver files
SPY installed. You still need to relink a new kernel and reboot.
After this message, relink your kernel, answering 'y' to everything.
# /etc/conf/cf.d/link_unix
fsstat: SPY filesystem unmounted and ok
fsstat: mounted /spy
3) 使用:
监控终端: spyon
usage: spyon [options] name:number
or : spyon [options] ttyname
where options are any of the following:
-r show raw queue contents and quit
-c show canonical queue contents and quit
-o show output queue contents and quit
-a show all 3 queue contents and quit
-l list available spynames for using 'name:number' format
-m mountpoint use this mountpoint instead of /spy
-z use with -r, -c, or -o: don't quit
sensir 回复于:2002-12-29 15:11:34 |
good |
yeungxl 回复于:2002-12-29 15:54:19 |
版主有没有亲自试过呀? 该软件最后更新是1996 年,不知是否支持5.0.4 以上版本.请大家将5.0.4 以上版本试验结果贴出来. 给其他朋友参考参考. |
yeungxl 回复于:2002-12-30 09:32:56 |
怎么没人告知试验结果? 没想到这么少人感兴趣. 还有那个叫白雪松的人, 我发给他邮件一直不给 我回复. |
netop5 回复于:2002-12-30 10:20:17 |
怎么下载不了! |
rainbowzhou 回复于:2002-12-30 10:38:41 |
顶一下先 |
yeungxl 回复于:2002-12-30 10:45:40 |
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]netop5[/u]在 [i]2002/12/30 10:20am[/i] 发表的内容:[/b] 怎么下载不了! [/quote] 不会吧,我可是亲自试过 可以下载的. |
regenam 回复于:2002-12-30 13:08:52 |
可以下载,可以用,我在5.0.6中试过了!! 不过,要是在东方龙马的环境中的话,不能切换汉字输入!!! 这应该是致命伤了吧? 它支持是raw级的,不是截屏,就是当前的程序刷新了哪部分,它就改变哪部分, 要是别人正在用scoadmin你一下转过去,就会发觉没有框,很多东西都很不自在! 有好几个命令,而且相对来说较实用,可以当通道来用, 安装特容易! |
yeungxl 回复于:2002-12-30 13:50:44 |
[quote][b]下面引用由[u]regenam[/u]在 [i]2002/12/30 01:08pm[/i] 发表的内容:[/b] 可以下载,可以用,我在5.0.6中试过了!! 不过,要是在东方龙马的环境中的话,不能切换汉字输入!!! 这应该是致命伤了吧? 它支持是raw级的,不是截屏,就是当前的程序刷新了哪部分,它就改变哪部分, ... [/quote] 如果终端使用了汉字,控制台没运行汉字 会不会显示不出汉字? 关于汉字的问题,由于该软件比较早,估 计处理汉字有问题. |
yeungxl 回复于:2003-01-02 09:00:13 |
up |
cxd 回复于:2003-01-02 09:26:02 |
好东西! 学习ing |
idragon 回复于:2003-01-07 17:17:49 |
的确是好东西 |
regenam 回复于:2003-01-08 13:13:39 |
我试了一下,处于监控状态时,如果被监控的是用汉字的话,就没法输入了, 一句话,不能切换入法, 这样说好象也不对,因为就是你已切换到了中文,一监控的话,也输不进去了, 这真的很不好!!! 我很在乎这个! 。。其它的嘛,还行, 感觉就好象在tty01执行 $man man >/dev/tty02 一样, 这样的话,你在tty02看到的和用这玩意看到的是一样的。 感觉蛮神奇的! |
trainsky 回复于:2003-01-09 08:51:44 |
我试了一下,好像在本机上还不错,但是如果是登陆到别的机器上,spyon /dev/tty01显示错误“不存在”,spyon /dev/tty6a显示"sorry,i can not spy on it",不知道大家试的怎么样?(注:tty6a是终端。) |
ccbkejc 回复于:2003-01-09 10:00:25 |
不错的软件,不敢试用 |
hugwh 回复于:2003-01-09 11:29:44 |
好东东 |
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/