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发布: 2010-6-13 10:56 | 作者: 不详 | 来源: 领测国际采编 | 查看: 18次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论


  16. If Release N is the first release of a program that you are automating, then your primary goal in Release N may be to provide scaffolding for automation to be written in Release N+1. Your secondary goal would be light but targeted testing in N. (Consensus)


  17. People need to focus on automation not to do it as an on-the-side task. If no one is dedicated to the task then the automation effort is probably going to be a waste of time. (Consensus)


  18. Many testers are junior programmers who don't know how to architect or create well designed frameworks. (Consensus)


  Data-driven approach


  The data-driven approach was described in the main paper. I think that it’s safe to say that we all like data-driven approaches, but that none of us would use a data-driven approach in every conceivable situation. Here are a few additional, specific notes from the meeting.


  19. The subject matter (the data) of a data-driven automation strategy might include (for example):


  parameters that you can input to the program; 输入程序的参数

  sequences of operations or commands that you make the program execute; 程序执行的操作或命令序列

  sequences of test cases that you drive the program through; 驱动程序的测试用例序列

  sequences of machine states that you drive the program through; 驱动程序的状态机序列

  documents that you have the program read and operate on; 程序读取和操作的文档

  parameters or events that are specified by a model of the system (such as a state model or a cause-effect-graph based model) (Consensus). 系统模型(例如状态模型或因果图模型)指定的参数或事件。(一致同意)


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