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发布: 2010-6-13 10:56 | 作者: 不详 | 来源: 领测国际采编 | 查看: 16次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论


  If you start by creating a bunch of simple test cases, you will probably run out of time before you create the powerful test cases. A large collection of simple, easy-to-pass test cases might look more rigorous than ad hod manual testing, but a competent manual tester is probably running increasingly complex tests as the program stabilizes.


  12. Combining tests can find new bugs (the sum is greater than the parts). (Consensus)

  联合测试能找出新的bug。(总和比各部分要强大) (一致同意)

  13. There is value in using automated tests that are indeterminate (i.e. random) though we need methods to make a test case determinate. (Consensus)


  We aren’t advocating blind testing. You need to know what test you’ve run. And sometimes you need to be able to specify exact inputs or sequences of inputs. But if you can determine whether or not the program is passing the tests that you’re running, there is a lot to be said for constantly giving it new test cases instead of reruns of old tests that it has passed.


  14. We need to plan for the ability to log what testing was done. (Consensus)


  Some tools make it easier to log the progress of testing, some make it harder. For debugging purposes and for tracing the progress of testing, you want to know at a glance what tests cases have been run and what the results were.


  Staffing and Management


  15. Most of the benefit from automation work that is done during Release N (such as Release 3.0) is realized in Release N+1. There are exceptions to this truism, situations in which you can achieve near-term payback for the automation effort. Examples include smoke tests, some stress tests (some stress tests are impossible unless you automate), and configuration/compatibility tests. (Consensus)


文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/

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