16384, 22725, 21407, 19266, 16384, 12873, 8867, 4520,
22725, 31521, 29692, 26722, 22725, 17855, 12299, 6270,
21407, 29692, 27969, 25172, 21407, 16819, 11585, 5906,
19266, 26722, 25172, 22654, 19266, 15137, 10426, 5315,
16384, 22725, 21407, 19266, 16384, 12873, 8867, 4520,
12873, 17855, 16819, 15137, 25746, 20228, 13933, 7103,
17734, 24598, 23170, 20853, 17734, 13933, 9597, 4892,
18081, 25080, 23624, 21261, 18081, 14206, 9785, 4988
use this table to multiply the block[j] in the decode_macroblock
after multiply,shift to right 13 bits; (17-4)
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/