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发布: 2007-6-21 21:57 | 作者:   | 来源:   | 查看: 44次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论



  Public Function chg(rmsg As String) As String
   Dim tep As String
   Dim temp As String
   Dim i As Integer
   Dim b As Integer
   tep = rmsg
   i = Len(tep)
   b = i / 4
   If i = b * 4 Then
   b = b - 1
   tep = Left(tep, b * 4)
   tep = Left(tep, b * 4)
   End If
   chg = ""
   For i = 1 To b
   temp = "&H" & Mid(tep, (i - 1) * 4 + 1, 4)
   chg = chg & ChrW(CInt(Val(temp)))
   Next i
   End Function


  Public Function telc(num As String) As String
   Dim tl As Integer
   Dim ltem, rtem, ttem As String
   Dim ti As Integer
   ttem = ""
   tl = Len(num)
   If tl <> 11 And tl <> 13 Then
   MsgBox "wrong number." & tl
   Exit Function
   End If
   If tl = 11 Then
   tl = tl + 2
   num = "86" & num
   End If
   For ti = 1 To tl Step 2
   ltem = Mid(num, ti, 1)
   rtem = Mid(num, ti + 1, 1)
   If ti = tl Then rtem = "F"
   ttem = ttem & rtem & ltem
   Next ti
   telc = ttem
   End Function  



  Const prex = "0891"
   Const midx = "11000D91"
   Const sufx = "000800"
   Public Function Sendsms(csca As String, num As String, msg As String) As _Boolean
   Dim pdu, psmsc, pnum, pmsg As String
   Dim leng As String
   Dim length As Integer
   length = Len(msg)
   length = 2 * length
   leng = Hex(length)
   If length < 16 Then leng = "0" & leng
   psmsc = Trim(telc(csca))
   pnum = Trim(telc(num))
   pmsg = Trim(ascg(msg))
   pdu = prex & psmsc & midx & pnum & sufx & leng & pmsg
   mobcomm.Output = "AT+CMGF=0" + vbCr
   mobcomm.Output = "AT+CMGS=" & Str(15 + length) + vbCr
   mobcomm.Output = pdu & Chr$(26)
   Sendsms = True
   End Function  





  Public Function ascg(smsg As String) As String
   Dim si, sb As Integer
   Dim stmp As Integer
   Dim stemp As String
   sb = Len(smsg)
   ascg = ""
   For si = 1 To sb
   stmp = AscW(Mid(smsg, si, 1))
   If Abs(stmp) < 127 Then
   stemp = "00" & Hex(stmp)
   stemp = Hex(stmp)
   End If
   ascg = ascg & stemp
   Next si
   ascg = Trim(ascg)
   End Function 

  2 手机短信接收函数 


  Public Sub readsms(rnum As String)
   mobcomm.Output = "AT+CMGF=1" + vbCr
   mobcomm.Output = "AT+CMGR=" & rnum + vbCr
   End Sub

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