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RFC699 - Request For Comments summary notes: 600-699

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  Network Working Group J. Postel
Request for Comments: 699 J. Vernon
November 1982

Requests For Comments Summary
Notes: 600-699

This RFCis a slightly annotated list of the 100 RFCs from RFC600

through RFC699. This is a kind of status report on these RFCs.

RFCAuthor Date Title
--- ------ --------- -----

699 Postel 10 Nov 82 Requests for Comments Summary
Notes: 600-699

This summary.

698 Tovar 23 Jul 75 Telnet Extended ASCII Option

Describes an option to allow transmission of a special kind of
extended ASCII used at the Stanford AI and MIT AI Labs.

697 Lieb 14 Jul 75 CWD Command of FTP

Discusses FTP login access to "files only" directories.

696 Cerf 17 Jul 75 Comments on the IMP/HOST and
HOST/IMP Protocol Changes

Observations on current international standards recommendations from
IFIP working group 6.1; see also RFCs 692, 690 687.

695 Krilanovich 5 Jul 75 Official Change in Host-Host Protocol

Corrects ambiguity concerning the ERR command; changes NIC 8246 and
NIC 7104.

694 Postel 18 Jun 75 Protocol Information

References to documents and contacts concerning the various protocols
used in the ARPANET, as well as recent developments; updates RFC661.

693 Not Issued

692 Wolfe 20 Jun 75 Comments on IMP/Host Protocol Changes

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RFC699 November 1982

A proposed solution to the problem of combined length of IMP and Host
leaders; see also RFCs 696, 690 and 687.

691 Harvey 28 May 75 One More Try on the FTP

Slight revision of RFC686, on the subject of print files; see also
RFCs 640, 630, 542, 454, 448, 414, 385 and 354.

690 Postel 6 Jun 75 Comments on the proposed Host/IMP
Protocol Changes

Comments on suggestions in RFC687; see also RFCs 692 and 696.

689 Clements 23 May 75 TENEX NCP Finite State Machine for

Describes the internal states of an NCP connection in the TENEX

688 Walden 4 Jun 75 Tentative Schedule for the New TELNET
Implementation for the TIP

687 Walden 2 Jun 75 IMP/Host and Host/IMP Protocol Changes

Addressing hosts on more than 63 IMPs, and other backwards compatible
expansions; see also RFCs 690 and 692.

686 Harvey 10 May 75 Leaving Well Enough Alone

Discusses difference between early and later versions of FTP; see also
RFCs 691, 640, 630, 542, 454, 448, 414, 385 and 354.

685 Beeler 16 Apr 75 Response Time in Cross-network

The contribution of ARPANET communication to response time.

684 Schantz 15 Apr 75 A Commentary on Procedure Calling as a
Network Protocol

Issues in designing distributed computing systems. Shortcomings of
RFC674; see also RFCs 542 and 354.

683 Clements 3 Apr 75 FTPSRV -- TENEX Extension for Paged

Defines an extension to FTP for page-mode transfers between TENEX
systems; also discusses file transfer reliability.

682 Not Issued

Postel & Vernon [page 2]

RFC699 November 1982

681 Holmgren 14 May 75 Network Unix

Capabilities as an ARPANET Mini-Host: standard I/O, Telnet, NCP,
Hardware/Software requirements, reliability, availability.

680 Myer 30 Apr 75 Message Transmission Protocol

Extends message field definition beyond RFC561 attempts to establish
syntactic and semantic standards for ARPANET; see also RFCs 733 and

679 Dodds 21 Feb 75 February, 1975, Survey of New-Protocol
Telnet Servers

An earlier poll of Telnet server implementation status. Updates RFCs
701, 702 and 669; see also RFC703.

678 Postel 18 Dec 74 Standard File Formats

For transmission of documents across different environments.

677 Johnson 27 Jan 75 The Maintenance of Duplicate Databases

676 Not Issued

675 Cerf 16 Dec 74 Specification of Internet Transmission
Control Program

The first detailed specification of TCP; see RFC793.

674 Postel 12 DEC 74 Procedure Call Documents--Version 2

Host level protocol used in the NSW--a slightly constrained version of
ARPANET Host-to-Host protocol, affecting allocation, RFNM wait, and
retransmission; see also RFC684.

673 Not Issued

672 Schantz 6 Dec 74 A Multi-Site Data Collection Facility

Applicability of TIP/TENEX protocols beyond TIP accounting.

671 Schantz 6 Dec 74 A Note on Reconnection Protocol

Experience with implementation in RSEXEC context.

670 Not Issued

Postel & Vernon [page 3]

RFC699 November 1982

669 Dodds 4 Dec 74 November 1974, Survey of New-Protocol
Telnet Servers

An earlier poll of Telnet server implementation status. Updates RFC
702; see also RFCs 703 and 679.

668 Not Issued

667 Chipman Dec 74 BBN Host Ports

Approved scheme to connect host ports to the network.

666 Padlipsky 26 Nov 74 Specification of the Unified User-Level

Discusses and proposes a common command language.

665 Not Issued

664 Not Issued

663 Kanodia 29 Nov 74 A Lost Message Detection and Recovery

Proposed extension of host-host protocol; see also RFCs 534, 516, 512,
492 and 467.

662 Kanodia 26 Nov 74 Performance Improvement in ARPANET File
Transfers from Multics

Experimenting with host output buffers to improve throughput.

661 Postel 23 Nov 74 Protocol Information

An old version; see RFC694.

660 Walden 23 Oct 74 Some Changes to the IMP and the
IMP/Host Interface

Decoupling of message number sequences of hosts; host-host access
control; message number window; messages outside normal mechanism; see
also BBN 1822.

659 Postel 18 Oct 74 Announcing Additional Telnet Options

Options defined in RFCs 651-658.

658 Crocker 25 Oct 74 Telnet Output Line Feed Disposition

Postel & Vernon [page 4]

RFC699 November 1982

657 Crocker 25 Oct 74 Telnet Output Vertical Tab Disposition

656 Crocker 25 Oct 74 Telnet Output Vertical Tab Stops Option

655 Crocker 25 Oct 74 Telnet Output Form Feed Disposition

654 Crocker 25 Oct 74 Telnet Output Horizontal Tab
Disposition Option

653 Crocker 25 Oct 74 Telnet Output Horizontal Tab Stops

652 Crocker 25 Oct 74 Telnet Output Carriage Return
Disposition Option

651 Crocker 25 Oct 74 Revised Telnet Status Option

650 Not Issued

649 Not Issued

648 Not Issued

647 Padlipsky 12 Nov 74 A Proposed Protocol for Connecting Host
Computers to ARPA-Like Networks via
Front End Processors

Approaches to Front-End protocol processing using available hardware
and software.

646 Not Issued

645 Crocker 26 Jun 74 Network Standard Data Specification

Providing a mechanism for specifying all attributes of a collection of
bits; see also RFC615.

644 Thomas 22 Jul 74 On The Problem of Signature
Authentication for Network Mail

643 Mader 5 Jul 74 Network Debugging Protocol

To be used in an implementation of a PDP-11 network bootstrap device
and a cross-network debugger.

642 Burchfiel 5 Jul 74 Ready Line Philosophy and

Postel & Vernon [page 5]

RFC699 November 1982

641 Not Issued

640 Postel 5 Jun 74 Revised FTP Reply Codes

Updates RFC542.

639 Not Issued

638 McKenzie 25 Apr 74 IMP/TIP Preventive Maintenance Schedule

Corrects RFC633.

637 McKenzie 23 Apr 74 Change of Network Address for SU-DSL

636 Burchfiel 10 Jun 74 TIP/TENEX Reliability Improvements

Obtaining/maintaining connections; recovery from lost connections;
connection-state changes.

635 Cerf 22 Apr 74 An Assessment of ARPANET Protocols

Theoretical and practical motivation for redesign. Multipacket
messages; host retransmission; duplicate detection; sequencing;

634 McKenzie 10 Apr 74 Change in Network Address for Haskins

633 McKenzie 18 Mar 74 IMP/TIP Preventive Maintenance Schedule

An old version; see RFC638.

632 Opderbeck 20 May 74 Throughput Degradations for Single
Packet Messages

631 Danthine 17 Apr 74 Call for Papers: International Meeting
on Minicomputers and Data Communication

630 Sussman 10 Apr 74 FTP Error Code Usage for More Reliable
Mail Service

Describes FTP reply-code usage in TENEX mail processing.

629 North 27 Mar 74 Scenario for Using the Network Journal

628 Keeney 27 Mar 74 Status of RFCNumbers and a Note on
Pre-assigned Journal Numbers

Postel & Vernon [page 6]

RFC699 November 1982

627 Feinler 25 Mar 74 ASCII Text File of Hostnames

See also RFCs 606, 608, 623 and 625.

626 Kleinrock 14 Mar 74 On a possible Lockup Condition in Imp
Subnet due to Message Sequencing

625 Feinler 7 Mar 74 On Line Hostnames Service

See also RFCs 606, 608, 623 and 627.

624 Krilanovich 28 Feb 74 Comments on the File Transfer Protocol

Design changes and slight modifications. Replaces RFC607; see also
RFCs 614, 542 and 640.

623 Krilanovich 22 Feb 74 Comments on On-Line Host Name Service

See also RFCs 627, 625, 608 and 606.

622 McKenzie 13 Mar 74 Scheduling IMP/TIP Down Time

Modification of previous policy.

621 Kudlick 6 Mar 74 NIC User Directories at SRI-ARC

See also RFCs 620 and 609.

620 Ferguson 1 Mar 74 Request for Monitor Host Table Updates

In conjunction with moving NIC users to OFFICE-1; see also RFCs 621
and 609.

619 Naylor 7 Mar 74 Mean Round-Trip Times in the ARPANET

Actual measurements of round-trip times.

618 Taft 19 Feb 74 A Few Observations on NCP Statistics

Distribution of NCP and IMP message types by actual measurement.

617 Taft 19 Feb 74 A Note on Socket Number Assignment

Danger of imposing more fixed socket number requirements; see also
RFCs 542, 503 and 451.

616 Walden 11 Feb 74 Latest Network Maps

615 Crocker 1 Mar 74 Proposed Network Standard Data Pathname

Postel & Vernon [page 7]

RFC699 November 1982

614 Pogran 28 Jan 74 Response to RFC607 (NIC-21255),
"Comments on the FTP"

See also RFCs 624, 542 and 640.

613 McKenzie 21 Jan 74 Network Connectivity: A Response to RFC603

612 McKenzie 16 Jan 74 Traffic Statistics Dec. 1973

611 Walden 14 Feb 74 Two Changes to the IMP/Host Protocol

Expansion of Host-Going-Down and addition of Dead-Host-Status Message.

610 Winter 15 Dec 73 Further Datalanguage Design Concepts

Preliminary results of the language design; a model for data languagea
semantics; future considerations.

609 Ferguson 10 Jan 74 Statement of Upcoming Move of NIC/NLS

See also RFCs 621 and 620.

608 Feinler 10 Jan 73 Host Names On-Line

Response to RFC606; see also RFCs 627, 625 and 623.

607 Krilanovich 7 Jan 73 NIC-21255 Comments on the File
Transfer Protocol

An old version; see RFC624; see also RFCs 614, 542 and 640.

606 Deutsch 29 Dec 73 Host Names On-Line

Resolving differences in hostname-address mappings; see also RFCs 627,
625, 623 and 608.

605 Not Issued

604 Postel 26 Dec 73 Assigned Link Numbers

Modifies official host-host protocol. Replaces RFC377.

603 Burchfiel 31 Dec 73 Response to RFC597: Host Status

Questions about the ARPANET topology described in RFC597.

Postel & Vernon [page 8]

RFC699 November 1982

602 Metcalfe 27 Dec 73 "The Stockings Were Hung by the Chimney
With Care"

Susceptibility of ARPANET to security violations.

601 McKenzie 14 Dec 73 Traffic Statistics November 1973

600 Berggreen 26 Nov 73 Interfacing an Illinois Plasma Terminal
to the ARPANET

Discusses some unusual interface issues for the Plato terminal.

Postel & Vernon [page 9]

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