patch base code-revision num (如110668-04)
前面部分是这个补丁的主版本号(base code),后面部分是此补丁的修订号。两者合起来构成此补丁的Patch-ID。如上例编号为110668-04的补丁,110668为主版本号,04是修订号。此补丁是在110668-03的基础上做了新的修复。有一点需要指出,补丁版本号为110668的一系列补丁都是针对 /usr/sbin/in.te.netd 这一文件的不同问题的修复,110668-04发布以后,sun将不再提供110668-04以前的补丁,如110668-03等。
b) Cluster补丁程序:
如:9_x86_Recommended.zip是针对Solaris 9 for X86的补丁集。
8_Recommended.zip是针对Solaris 8 for Sparc 的补丁集。
1.2 关于补丁的其他信息
sun公司对每一版本的solaris都维护了一份Patch Reports,该Patch Reports包含了对应版本solaris所有补丁的描述。Patch Reports每月更新两次,可以从如下地址得到:
另外sun还维护了一份Sun Alert Patch Report,该文档按产品分类,并且随时更新。从这里可以找到所有sun产品的更新文档及相应补丁,当然也包括的solaris的Sun Alert 文档、Patch ID、简要说明等。Sun Alert Patch Report从这里可以得到:
Point补丁由于其分散性不易下载与管理,可以使用Sun Alert Patch Report或Patch Reports来查看补丁情况,这两份文档相应的Patch ID及对应下载地址。另外sun网站提供的Patch Finder 功能也可以使我们在知道Patch ID的情况下很方便的找到该补丁,连接如下:
3.1 /var/sadm/patch目录
如: # ls /var/sadm/patch
107558-05 107594-04 107630-01 107663-01 107683-01
107696-01 107817-01 107582-01 107612-06 107640-03
3.2 管理solaris补丁
Solaris提供了两个命令来管理补丁,patchadd和patchrm。这两个命令是在Solaris 2.6版本开始提供的,在2.6以前的版本中,每个补丁包中都提供了一个installpatch 程序和一个backoutpatch 程序来完成补丁的安装和卸载。
patchadd用来安装解压缩后的补丁程序。patchadd通过调用pkgadd 命令来安装补丁。安装补丁前,我们需要将补丁解压到/var/tmp下安装。安装补丁如下命令:
# cd /var/tmp
# patchadd 110668-04
Checking installed patches...
Verifying sufficient filesystem capacity (dry run method)
Installing patch packages...
如果当前目录下有110668-04目录,patchadd将安装此补丁。补丁安装后,系统会备份原文件,以便在以后删除此补丁。如果使用patchadd -d 选项安装补丁,系统将不备份源文件,这意味着你将不能在以后删除此补丁。使用patchadd -p 选项可以检验已安装的patch,例如:
# patchadd -p
Patch: 106793-01 Obsoletes: Requires: Incompatibles:
Packages: SUNWhea
. . .
# showrev -p
Patch: 106793-01 Obsoletes: Requires: Incompatibles:
Packages: SUNWhea
. . .
patchrm 如果因为某种情况你想卸载某一补丁,你可以使用patchrm命令来完成。此命令通过调用 pkgadd来恢复安装补丁前的文件备份来卸载补丁。使用Patch-ID作为patchrm的参数就可以卸载补丁:
# patchrm 106793-01
Checking installed packages and patches...
Backing out patch 106793-01...
Patch 106793-01 has been backed out.
1).在安装patch时,用patchadd -d命令指定patchadd不备份被更新的文件。这样安装的patch无法删除。
2).另一patch需要此patch,即存在dependence(关联性), 如一定要删掉该patch,先删掉另一patch。
3.3 Cluster补丁的安装
3.4 安装Patch时的注意事项
3.5 安装PATCH过程中出现的问题
Installation of 123456-11 failed. Return code 2
通过Return code我们可以知道错误类型。需要注意的是,Return code 2说明此补丁已被安装,Return code 8说明此补丁要修复的软件没有被系统安装。因此,2和8是完全可以被忽略的错误提示。下表说明了各个Return code对应的错误类型。
Exit code Meaning
0 No error
1 Usage error
2 Attempt to apply a patch that's already been applied
3 Effective UID is not root
4 Attempt to save original files failed
5 pkgadd failed
6 Patch is obsoleted
7 Invalid package directory
8 Attempting to patch a package that is not installed
9 Cannot access /usr/sbin/pkgadd (client problem)
10 Package validation errors
11 Error adding patch to root template
12 Patch script terminated due to signal
13 Symbolic link included in patch
15 The prepatch script had a return code other than 0.
16 The postpatch script had a return code other than 0.
17 Mismatch of the -d option between a previous patch install and the current one.
18 Not enough space in the file systems that are targets of the patch.
19 $SOFTINFO/INST_RELEASE file not found
20 A direct instance patch was required but not found
21 The required patches have not been installed on the manager
22 A progressive instance patch was required but not found < tr>
23 A restricted patch is already applied to the package
24 An incompatible patch is applied
25 A required patch is not applied
26 The user specified backout data can't be found
27 The relative directory supplied can't be found
28 A pkginfo file is corrupt or missing
29 Bad patch ID format
30 Dryrun failure(s)
31 Path given for -C option is invalid
32 Must be running Solaris 2.6 or greater
33 Bad formatted patch file or patch file not found
34 The appropriate kernel jumbo patch needs to be installed
35 Later revision already installed
1.Solaris™8 Operating Environment System Administration I, (SA-238)
2.System Administration Guide, Volume 1, (805-7228),Solaris
3.SunSolve Patch Support Portal http://sunsolve.sun.com/pub-cgi/show.pl?target=patchpage#
nimysun 回复于:2005-04-26 15:49:25 |
顶起。 |
lyh303 回复于:2005-04-26 16:25:14 |
好东东,顶! |
ninedot 回复于:2005-04-26 16:27:30 |
好呀,学到了很多东西! |
GoldSn0ke 回复于:2005-04-26 17:17:05 |
太好了.tks!~ |
brilyment 回复于:2005-04-26 21:25:08 |
不错,收藏! |
songyupo 回复于:2005-04-26 23:25:39 |
好久没看到这位蜘蛛gg了,好东西 |
flighttop 回复于:2005-04-27 07:34:56 |
If you run into the following errors, don't care about them. Reboot your system and check with uname -a. The Generic_XXXXX-XX is the number of newest patch on your system.
Patch XXXXX-XX failed to install due to a failure produced by pkgadd. See /var/sadm/patch/XXXXX-XX/log for details Patchadd is terminating. # more /var/sadm/patch/117350-24/log Package not patched: PKG=FJSVhea Original package not installed. Package not patched: PKG=SUNWcar.d Original package not installed. Package not patched: PKG=SUNWcar.m Original package not installed. Package not patched: PKG=SUNWcar.us Original package not installed. Package not patched: PKG=SUNWcarx.us Original package not installed. |
lyh003473 回复于:2005-04-27 08:30:53 |
very good!! |
SUNfan 回复于:2005-04-27 10:23:50 |
写的不错 |
jackiliu2 回复于:2005-04-27 17:53:30 |
正缺这份 感谢分享 |
jac 回复于:2005-04-28 00:21:32 |
cool |
ljiayu-nj 回复于:2005-04-28 09:04:47 |
在这里可以学到书本上学不到的实用知识 |
DoTar 回复于:2005-04-28 09:35:07 |
强烈要求加精 |
flighttop 回复于:2005-04-29 02:06:43 |
Sun does not have a mailing list for new patch or security problem. You have to go to its Web site for checking out new patch. |
jf408 回复于:2005-04-29 09:31:14 |
高手 |
flighttop 回复于:2005-04-30 11:02:13 |
If you are lazy, you can install Sun Patch Manager 2.0 on your Solaris system. It can update your system with newest patch by just a command like up2date on RH Linux. But, you do not need to do so. The reason is that if you apply patches manually and regularly, your boss know what you are doing everyday. Once you install the Sun Patch Manager, it applies patches for you and your boss believe you have nothing to do. |
lanneret_lb 回复于:2005-05-05 17:22:03 |
楼主“东方蜘蛛”。。实在太感谢你啦。。。你的稿子都很好。。。。很值得收藏啊。。。Millions thanks..... |
aigo_H 回复于:2005-05-11 16:53:14 |
怎么没有提到pm2.0_all_s9_x86.zip这个补丁管理工具 |
so sorry 回复于:2005-05-11 17:01:57 |
昨天刚练了一把 |
jimijiao 回复于:2005-05-17 10:54:18 |
支持! |
qiezi 回复于:2005-09-09 09:25:15 |
up |
fancyboy 回复于:2005-09-09 09:27:38 |
这是03年我在学校做维护时写给管理员的一份文档,后来随手就贴到safechina了,其实只是将SUN的资料整理了一下而已。时间久远,而且也没听说过这个东东,呵呵。 |
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/