lhdragon 回复于:2003-12-03 09:05:16 |
这个问题在以前有人问过,你查一下。 |
netkey 回复于:2003-12-19 13:14:28 |
用sysman netconfig改就不会有问题!
你是怎么改的? |
qzhu 回复于:2003-12-23 05:54:36 |
os? |
orange13130 回复于:2003-12-23 09:16:02 |
你的系统应该能启动的,可能只是Xwindows进不去了,你用telnet测试下,最好使用三楼的方法去更改,有几个配置文件需要修改的,还是sysman改的比较彻底 |
jxlaiqi 回复于:2003-12-23 09:45:36 |
#checklist #sysman network(5.x下) 可以在这个工具中配置ip地址(交互式的) 或者 #netconfig #ifconfig 这些命令好像都可以 编辑#vi /etc/rc.config 在其中找到ip地址的地方,修改,保存退出。 #shutdown -r now 这样应该可以修改ip的 |
zhangpiwang 回复于:2004-01-14 21:21:29 |
然后用netconfig改了就好用了,谢谢 原来不好使是机器可以起来.但是等到cde登陆的时候输入口令帐户就hang住了. |
orange13130 回复于:2004-01-15 10:00:02 |
我以前遇到过,你少改了一些文件,最好用sysman来做,否则cde有可能起不来。 |
jianan 回复于:2004-01-15 10:31:39 |
兄地,你/etc/hosts文件改了没? |
campoeagle 回复于:2004-01-15 12:17:07 |
改IP后,XWINDOWS不能登陆大多都是 /etc/hosts文件没有改的原因。 |
zhangpiwang 回复于:2004-01-15 22:07:16 |
你们要是知道就告诉我所有要改的文件s |
我爱臭豆腐 回复于:2004-01-16 09:56:28 |
Although this Best Practice is the recommended method for Changing the
Host Name Permanently, if your system does not meet the requirements described in Is This Best Practice Right for You?, you can use the following alternative method. 1. Be sure that you have answered all the questions in Be Prepared to Answer These Questions. 2. Log in as root. 3. Make a backup copy of the /etc/rc.config file. $ cp /etc/rc.config /etc/rc.config.BACKUP 4. Edit the HOSTNAME entry in the /etc/rc.config file, changing the entry for oldname to newname. Before: HOSTNAME="oldname.aaa.bbb.ccc" After: HOSTNAME="newname.aaa.bbb.ccc" 5. Make a backup copy of the /etc/hosts file. $ cp /etc/hosts /etc/hosts.BACKUP 7 6. Edit the /etc/hosts file , changing the entry for oldname to newname. Before: IPaddress oldname.aaa.bbb.ccc oldname After: IPaddress newname.aaa.bbb.ccc newname 7. Optionally edit and change the file name of the file corresponding to oldname (it may be in uppercase characters) in the /usr/sys/conf directory; this example shows one method for doing this. # cd /usr/sys/conf # ls GENERIC ... OLDNAME # sed -e "s/OLDNAME/NEWNAME/" OLDNAME > NEWNAME # rm OLDNAME ____________________ Note ____________________ This step is provided solely for the sake of consistency. It has no bearing on the host name change. 8. Reboot the system with the shutdown -r command. Be sure to warn users and give them adequate time to save their files, exit their applications, and log off. The following is an example that reboots the system in one hour and displays a message. # /usr/sbin/shutdown -r +60 System going down in 1 hour! Save your files and log out! 9. Edit the root .profile, .kshrc, .login, .cshrc, and .rhosts files as needed to reference the new system name; pay particular attention to the setting of the DISPLAY and PS environment variables. 10. Inform other users of the system name change; they may need to edit their .profile, .kshrc, .login, .cshrc, and .rhosts files accordingly. 上面是compaq的标准更改hostname和ip地址的方法.你自己看看吧. :em04: |
zhangpiwang 回复于:2004-01-16 21:05:55 |
/usr/sys/conf下的东西我还没有看,那个sed命令什么意思啊.干吗的作用 我明天看看, 十分感谢 |
我爱臭豆腐 回复于:2004-01-17 07:37:33 |
/usr/sys/conf下的东西我还没有看,那个sed命令什么意思啊.干吗的作用 我明天看看, 十分感谢[/quote:41482b5ae2] sed - stream editor 你可以man sed 看看。基本上按照上面的东西更改你的配置就没有问题了。我试验过很多次。但是我个人建议你还是使用图形界面更改比较方便。如果你对命令不是很熟悉的话 :wink: |
doudoutu 回复于:2004-02-02 08:39:50 |
en |
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