coffees = ["French Roast", "Columbian", "Kona"];//这不是初始化,而是赋值。
对象初始化表达式是语言集成查询的一个重要功能,因为它们允许在仅允许表达式的上下文(如 λ 表达式和表达式树)中生成新的结构化值。
5. Anonymous types
C# 3.0 permits the new operator to be used with an anonymous object initializer to create an object of an anonymous type.
霍霍,implicitly typed local variables + object initializer = anonymous types!
LINQ 项目支持以数据为中心的编程样式,其中,某些类型的存在主要是为了通过结构化值提供静态“形式”,而不是提供同时具有状态和行为的完整对象。……匿名类型允许将新的结构定义为与它们的初始化进行“内联”。
6. Implicitly typed arrays
The syntax of array creation expressions (§ is extended to support implicitly typed array creation expressions.
implicitly typed local variables + collection initializer = Implicitly typed arrays
7. Query expressions
Query expressions provide a language integrated syntax for queries that is similar to relational and hierarchical query languages such as SQL and XQuery.
The C# 3.0 language does not specify the exact execution semantics of query expressions. Rather, C# 3.0 translates query expressions into invocations of methods that adhere to the query expression pattern. Specifically, query expressions are translated into invocations of methods named Where, Select, SelectMany, Join, GroupJoin, OrderBy, OrderByDescending, ThenBy, ThenByDescending, GroupBy, and Cast that are expected to have particular signatures and result types.
C#引入了很多语言构造来支持特定的操作。比如foreach语句、using语句等,在支持函数回调的语言中,这些语句的功能都可以用函数来模拟,C++ STL中就有for_each函数。
C#3.0的Query expressions应该也是这类语言构造。乍一看,貌似可以在C#中写类似SQL的查询语句来从对象中提取信息了——把查询语句写在字符串中并不稀奇,C#3.0的厉害之处在于,它把查询语句提升为语言级别的构造。至于实现原理,似乎与C语言的宏有神似之处,编译器在类型绑定和重载决策之前,把查询表达式翻译为相应的方法调用。比如下面的查询表达式
from c in customers group c by c.Country into g select new { Country = g.Key, CustCount = g.Count() }
customers. GroupBy(c => c.Country). Select(g => new { Country = g.Key, CustCount = g.Count() })
与 foreach 语句一样,查询语法是一个方便的声明性代码缩写,您可以手动编写它。
8. Expression trees
Expression trees permit lambda expressions to be represented as data structures instead of executable code.
λ 表达式的优点是,能够提供最直接而简洁的创作语法。更重要的是,λ 表达式可以编译为代码,也可以编译为数据,从而允许优化器、转换器和计算器在运行时处理 λ 表达式。表达式树是 λ 表达式的有效内存中数据表示形式,它使表达式的结构透明且显式。
编译器是发出可执行 IL 还是表达式树取决于 λ 表达式的用法。如果将 λ 表达式指定给委托类型的变量、字段或参数,则编译器将发出与匿名方法等效的 IL。如果将 λ 表达式指定给 Expression 类型的变量、字段或参数,则编译器将发出表达式树。
Func f = n => n < 5; Expression e = n => n < 5;
变量 f 是对委托的引用,可以直接执行:
bool isSmall = f(2); // isSmall is now true