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IIS 更新ScriptMaps

发布: 2007-6-30 18:56 | 作者: admin | 来源: | 查看: 19次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论

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To use the colored code in your pages link to the stylesheet colorcode.css and copy everything between the <pre class=‘’coloredcode‘’>...</pre> tags. Feel free to modify color assignment in the stylesheet as you wish.


// for :Dynamic ScriptMapping with Metabase
Copyright (c) 2003, Lewis Moten. All rights reserved.
// Name: Dynamic ScriptMapping with Metabase
// Description:Allows you to assign almost any extension to be processed by the ASPX script processor. You may add, update, and remove the extension progromatically without opening the IIS Manager. Great for those of you who do not have access to the machines desktop (such as hosted at other ISPs).
// By: Lewis E. Moten III
// Inputs:None
// Returns:None
//Side Effects:None
//This code is copyrighted and has limited warranties.
//Please see http://www.Planet-Source-Code.com/xq/ASP/txtCodeId.1586/lngWId.10/qx/vb/scripts/ShowCode.htm
//for details.

Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim ext As String = "GIF"
‘’ Setup extension to be processed by ASPX script processor
Response.Write("&lt;BR>Add: " & Mapping(ext, MappingAction.Add))
‘’ Update extension to be processed by latest ASPX script processor
Response.Write("&lt;BR>Update: " & Mapping(ext, MappingAction.Update))
‘’ Setup extension so that it is not processed by any script processor
Response.Write("&lt;BR>Delete: " & Mapping(ext, MappingAction.Delete))
End Sub
Enum MappingAction
End Enum
Private Function Mapping(ByVal ext As String, ByVal action As MappingAction) As Boolean
‘’ Assigns the ASPX processor to the extension specified.
‘’ See IIS documentation for information regarding script mapping
‘’ http://localhost/iishelp/iis/htm/asp/apro9tkj.htm
‘’ Example of Script Mapping:
‘’ ".gif,C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\aspnet_isapi.dll,1,GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG"
Dim APPL_MD_PATH As String
Dim AppPath As String
Dim App As DirectoryEntry
Dim ScriptMaps As ArrayList
Dim ExtentionExists As Boolean = False
Dim ScriptProcessor As String = ""
Dim Flags As String = "5"
Dim IncludedVerbs As String = "GET,POST,HEAD"
Dim NewMap As String = "{0},{1},{2},{3}"
‘’ Make sure ext is prefixed with "."
If Not ext.IndexOf(".") = 0 Then ext = "." & ext
‘’ Make sure ext is lowercase
ext = ext.ToLower
‘’ Do our best to prevent problems with default script processors
Dim BadExt As String
BadExt = ".asa.asax.ascx.ashx.asmx.asp.aspx.asd.cdx.cer.config."
BadExt &= "cs.csproj.idc.java.jsl.licx.rem.resources.resx.shtm."
BadExt &= "shtml.soap.stm.vb.vbproj.vjsproj.vsdisco.webinfo."
If Not BadExt.IndexOf(ext & ".") = -1 Then
Return False
End If
Response.Write("got here!")
‘’ Get application metadata path
APPL_MD_PATH = Request.ServerVariables("APPL_MD_PATH").ToString
‘’ Format path for ADSI
AppPath = Replace(APPL_MD_PATH, "/LM/", "IIS://localhost/")
‘’ Attempt to acquire the object
If DirectoryEntry.Exists(AppPath) Then
App = New DirectoryEntry(AppPath)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Return False
End Try
‘’ Get a list of all script mappings
ScriptMaps = New ArrayList(CType(App.Properties("ScriptMaps").Value, Object()))
‘’ If we are not deleting a script map
If Not action = MappingAction.Delete Then
‘’ We need to get the latest processor installed
‘’ that handles aspx pages.
For Each Map As String In ScriptMaps
‘’ if the first value of the string is an ASPX page
If Split(Map, ",", 4)(0) = ".aspx" Then
‘’ The latest script processor is the second
‘’ value in the comma delimited string
ScriptProcessor = Split(Map, ",", 4)(1)
Exit For
End If
‘’ Processor not found!
If ScriptProcessor = "" Then
App = Nothing
Return False
End If
End If
‘’ Find out if extension exists
For index As Integer = 0 To ScriptMaps.Count() - 1
‘’ get current map
Dim map As String = ScriptMaps(index).ToString
‘’ if we found the extension
If Split(Map, ",", 4)(0) = ext Then
‘’ Determine results based on action
If action = MappingAction.Add Then
‘’ impossible to add if it exists
App = Nothing
Return False
ElseIf action = MappingAction.Update Then
‘’ update the map with latest script processor
ScriptMaps(index) = NewMap.Format(NewMap, ext, ScriptProcessor, Flags, IncludedVerbs)
Exit For
ElseIf action = MappingAction.Delete Then
‘’ delete the map
Exit For
End If
End If
‘’ Is user attempting to add map?
If action = MappingAction.Add Then
‘’ Build the new map
ScriptMaps.Add(NewMap.Format(NewMap, ext, ScriptProcessor, Flags, IncludedVerbs))
End If
‘’ Save the new set of script maps
App.Properties("ScriptMaps").Value = ScriptMaps.ToArray
App = Nothing
Return True
End Function


文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/

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