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RFC1956 - Registration in the MIL Domain

发布: 2007-6-23 14:09 | 作者:   | 来源:   | 查看: 15次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论



Network Working Group                                     D. Engebretson
Request for Comments: 1956                                      R. Plzak
Category:  Informational                                         DoD NIC
                                                               June 1996

                     Registration in the MIL Domain

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  This memo
   does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of
   this memo is unlimited.


   This RFCdescribes the policy for the registration of second level
   domains under the ".MIL" domain.


   A.  The ".MIL" domain is delegated from the root authority to the US
   Department of Defense (DoD).  Only US military services, unified or
   specified commands, and operating agencies of the DoD which do not
   report through military service chains can be registered as a second
   level domain under the ".MIL" domain.  All other DoD organizations
   will register through their respective second level domain
   administrators using the registration procedures established by those
   offices.  The ".MIL" domain is administered by the DoD Network
   Information Center (NIC).

   B.  The domain names under the ".MIL" will be descriptive of the
   organization they will service.  The domain name length is preferred
   to be 12 characters or less, and must be unique (first come first
   serve if duplicates occur).

   C.  Each second level domain under the ".MIL" domain will be
   supported by at least two name servers.  Preferably these servers
   will be located in two separate networks.  All DNS servers supporting
   subdomains of the ".MIL" domain must be in the ".MIL" domain.

   D.  Prospective second level domain administrators in the ".MIL"
   domain will request registration using the template provided by the
   DoD NIC.  The templates are available via anonymous FTP or
   interactively via the DoD NIC World Wide Web Homepage.  The domain
   request template shall be submitted to the DoD NIC hostmaster
   (hostmaster@nic.ddn.mil).  The DoD NIC hostmaster will only accept
   domain registration templates from registered ".MIL" users.

Security Considerations

   Security issues are not discussed in this memo.

Authors' Addresses

   D.W. Engebretson
   11440 Isaac Newton Square
   Reston, VA 22090

   Phone: +1 703 735 8065
   EMail:  engebred@ncr.disa.mil

   Raymond Plzak
   Department of Defense Network Information Center
   14200 Parkridge Drive Suite 200
   Chantilly, VA 22021

   Phone: +1 800 365 3642
   EMail: plzak@nic.ddn.mil


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