Step bye Step for Install the Domino server 7 on aix 5L 5.2
Step bye Step for Install the Domino server 7 on aix 5L 5.2
Step bye Step for Install the Domino server 7 on aix 5L 5.2
1、硬件平台: IBM 43P 150
[tsm]/#prtconf | more
System Model: IBM,7043-150
Processor Type: PowerPC_604e
Number Of Processors: 1
Memory Size: 512MB
Good Memory Size: 512MB
Firmware Version: IBM,TCP99256
Console Login: enable
Auto Restart: false
Full Core: false
[tsm]/#oslevel -r
[tsm]/#bootinfo -y #32-bit的硬件
[tsm]/#bootinfo -K #32-bit的Kernel
AIX 5.2 ML03 # 打到最高即可,我这里懒惰了
5、AIX I/O completion ports 设置
[tsm]/#lsdev -C -H |grep iocp
iocp0 Defined I/O Completion Ports
smitty iocp
Configure Defined I/O Completion Ports
[tsm]/#lsdev -C -H |grep iocp
iocp0 Available I/O Completion Ports 使之成为Available的
如果需要使用Domino server中文环境,则在这里还需要安装操作系统的中文包。
第二部分: 安装前的操作系统定制
1 停止sendmail 和 httpd进程
[tsm]/#stopsrc -s sendmail
0513-044 The sendmail Subsystem was requested to stop.
[tsm]/#chrctcp -d sendmail
[tsm]/#ps -ef | grep sendmail
root 15594 15632 1 20:28:20 pts/1 0:00 grep sendmail
[tsm]/#ps -ef | grep httpd
imnadm 12642 1 0 19:11:44 - 0:00 /usr/IMNSearch/httpdlite/httpdlite -r /etc/IMNSearch/httpdlite/httpdlite.conf
root 15600 15632 0 20:28:26 pts/1 0:00 grep httpd
[tsm]/#vi /etc/inittab
:httpdlite:2:once:/usr/IMNSearch/httpdlite/httpdlite -r /etc/IMNSearch/httpdlite/httpdlite.conf & >/
dev/console 2>&1
2、创建 Notes 组
[tsm]/#mkgroup -A notes
3、创建 notes 用户
[tsm]/#mkuser pgrp=notes groups='staff,notes' home='/server1' notes
4、创建一个逻辑卷 For domino 数据目录
[tsm]/#mklv -y'dominodatalv' oravg 100
5、创建一个逻辑卷 for Domino二进制数据目录
[tsm]/#mklv -y'dominobinlv' oravg 50
6、创建一个文件系统 for domino数据目录
[tsm]/#smitty crjfslvstd
其中逻辑卷选择 dominodatalv , mountpoint 填写 /server1 auto mount 选择 yes
7、 创建一个文件系统 for domino二进制数据
[tsm]/#smitty crjfslvstd
其中逻辑卷选择 dominobinlv , mountpoint 填写 /usr/domino auto mount 选择 yes
8、mount 创建好的FS
[tsm]/#mount /server1
[tsm]/#mount /usr/domino
Filesystem 512-blocks Free %Used Iused %Iused Mounted on
/dev/hd4 16384 3544 79% 1208 30% /
/dev/hd2 2605056 552080 79% 23579 8% /usr
/dev/hd9var 16384 12816 22% 208 11% /var
/dev/hd3 49152 47432 4% 33 1% /tmp
/dev/hd1 16384 15776 4% 18 1% /home
/dev/tsm_data 1638400 1211208 27% 81 1% /tsm_data
/dev/domino_data 3276800 1733344 48% 253 1% /domino_data
/dev/dominodatalv 1638400 1586872 4% 17 1% /server1
/dev/dominobinlv 819200 793384 4% 17 1% /usr/domino
[tsm]/#chown -R notes:notes /server1
[tsm]/#chown -R notes:notes /usr/domino
10、 检查AIX内核配置
[tsm]/#lsattr -El sys0 | grep maxuproc
maxuproc 128 Maximum number of PROCESSES allowed per user True
第三部分:Domino server的安装
Domino Server Installation
Welcome to the Domino Server Install Program.
Type h for help on how to use this program.
Press TAB to begin the installation.
Type h for help
Type e to exit installation
Press TAB to continue to the next screen.
选择tab 继续
Domino Server Installation
A lot of new features have been added to the Domino Server.
In order to install your server correctly, please read the Domino
Server release notes first, then run your installation. Otherwise,
you may experience problems when using the new features.
Type e to exit the Install program.
Press ESC to return to the previous screen
Press TAB to continue to the next screen.
Domino Server Installation
In order to proceed with the installation of the Domino Server,
you must read and agree with the terms and conditions of the
Lotus Domino Software Agreement.
Press TAB to read the Lotus Domino Software Agreement.
Type e to exit the Install program.
Press ESC to return to the previous screen
Press TAB to continue to the next screen.
4、下一屏要求阅读许可协议(License agreement)。
Press any key to continue
Program Name: IBM Lotus Domino 7.0 - Beta,The evaluation period begins on the date that you agree to the terms of this Agreement and ends after 90 days.
Program-unique Terms
IBM Lotus Domino 7.0 (the "Program") may be accompanied by a copy of IBM DB2 Universal Database
(the "Additional Program"). The Additional Program may be accompanied by a separate license.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these separate license terms, you may use the
Additional Program solely and exclusively in conjunction with your evaluation of the Program
during the evaluation period, and for no other purpose. Nothing herein shall be deemed to modify
or restrict any valid licenses you may have to any other IBM software programs which you acquired
separately from the Program.
Press the Escape key to go back to the previous screen
Press the Tab key to continue...
Domino Server Installation
You may proceed with the installation only if you agree to the
terms and conditions of the Lotus Domino Software Agreement.
Type e to exit the Install program.
Press ESC to return to the previous screen.
Press the Spacebar to change the setting until you get the one you want.
Press TAB to accept a setting and continue to the next screen.
>>> Do you agree to the terms of the license agreement ? [Yes]
Domino Server Installation
Here you are given the option to install additional or upgrade
existing Server Partitions. Selecting "Yes" below will allow
you to specify which Data directories to install. Only those
Data directories specified will be upgraded or added.
The existing Program directory must be specified in order for
new Server Partitions to be created. However, existing Data
directories do not need to be listed. Any existing Data
directories that are listed will be installed to, and old templates
in those Partitions will be overwritten.
If you wish to add more than one Partition to your existing
Domino server, select "Yes" when asked if you want to run
multiple server partitions on this system. Otherwise you will
only be able to upgrade or install one Data directory.
If you do not have an existing Domino Server on your system,
please select "No" for the option to add data directories only.
Type e to exit the Install program.
Press ESC to return to the previous screen.
Press the Spacebar to change the setting until you get the one you want.
Press TAB to accept a setting and continue to the next screen.
>>>Do you want to install data directories only? [No ]
这里选择 NO ,按TAB即可选择继续
Domino Server Installation
Select the type of installation you want.
Type h for help.
Type e to exit the Install program.
Press ESC to return to the previous screen.
Press the Spacebar to change the setting until you get the one you want.
Press TAB to accept a setting and continue to the next screen.
>>> Select Setup type : [Domino Enterprise Server]
这里我们安装Domino Enterprise Server , 可以按空格键进行选择
Domino Server Installation
The optional installation feature for template files is designed for
users who are installing over a previous version of the Domino Server
and wish to keep all previous template files. If this is not an
installation over an existing Domino Server, all template files must
be installed.
To ensure proper operation of your Domino Server, we highly
recommend installing all template files. Only select [No] if you are
an advanced user and you know that this server already has the latest
template files. The Domino Server will not run properly without the
latest templates.
Type e to exit the Install program.
Press ESC to return to the previous screen.
Press the Spacebar to change the setting until you get the one you want.
Press TAB to accept a setting and continue to the next screen.
>>>Do you want to install all template files for this Domino Server? [Yes]
这里选择YES , 按TAB键继续
Domino Server Installation
The option to setup an ASP server refers to the configuration of an
Application Service Provider server. This type of server can only be
configured after an Enterprise Server installation.
Selecting "Yes" below will cause the Domino Setup program to configure
the server appropriately for ASP functionality. This will add security
features not present in a normal configuration, so do not select "Yes"
unless an ASP configuration is specifically required for this server.
The default value is "No", which is recommended for performing server
upgrades and/or non-ASP installations.
Type e to exit the Install program.
Press ESC to return to the previous screen.
Press the Spacebar to change the setting until you get the one you want.
Press TAB to accept a setting and continue to the next screen.
>>>Do you want to configure this server with ASP functionality? [No ]
这里选择NO , TAB 继续
Domino Server Installation
The program directory is the path where the Install program
installs the Domino program files. The Install program
automatically adds "lotus" to the path.
Press ENTER to retain the current setting
Type a new setting and press ENTER.
Current program directory setting : /opt/lotus
New program directory setting : /usr/domino
Domino Server Installation
The Domino Server software no longer requires the /opt/lotus soft link for
handling multi-Domino Server installations on a single operating system.
You can now select your own option for the /opt/lotus soft link feature
if you have chosen a directory other than /opt/lotus for installation.
Type e to exit the Install program.
Press ESC to return to the previous screen.
Press the Spacebar to change the setting until you get the one you want.
Press TAB to accept a setting and continue to the next screen.
>>>Do you want to create /opt/lotus soft link for this Domino Server? [Yes]
这里选择YES ,TAB继续
Domino Server Installation
You will now be prompted for information on how to install one or
more Domino Data Directories.
Please note that the UNIX user and group names asked for will own
all of the data directories specified.
The system will own the program files.
Type e to exit the Install program.
Press ESC to return to the previous screen
Press TAB to continue to the next screen.
Domino Server Installation
You can run more than one Domino Server on a single computer
at a time based on this installation. This feature is called
Domino Partitioned Servers,and requires separate Data Directories
for each Domino Server to be run.
Type h for help.
Type e to exit the Install program.
Press ESC to return to the previous screen.
Press the Spacebar to change the setting until you get the one you want.
Press TAB to accept a setting and continue to the next screen.
>>>Do you want to run more than one server based on this installation? [No ]
Domino Server Installation
The data directory is the path where the Install program
installs the Domino data files.
Press ENTER to retain the current setting
Type a new setting and press ENTER.
Current data directory setting : /local/notesdata
New data directory setting : /server1
Domino Server Installation
Please enter the Domino UNIX user name. This UNIX user will own the
Domino data files, and be used to run the Domino Server.
NOTE for the upgrade installer:
The Domino UNIX user name/account name you specify here must be the same
as the owner of the existing installed data files for proper operation
of Domino.
Type h for help.
Type e to exit the Install program.
Press ESC to return to the previous screen.
Press ENTER to edit a setting.
Press TAB to accept a setting and continue to the next screen.
Current UNIX user setting : notes
Domino Server Installation
Please enter the Domino UNIX group. This UNIX group will own the
Domino data files. The Domino UNIX user must be a member
of this group.
NOTE for the upgrade installer:
Domino UNIX group/account group you specify here must be the same as
the owner of the existing installed data files for proper operation
of Domino.
Type h for help.
Type e to exit the Install program.
Press ESC to return to the previous screen.
Press ENTER to edit a setting.
Press TAB to accept a setting and continue to the next screen.
Current UNIX group setting : notes
Domino Server Installation
This optional feature is for single local Domino Server installations only.
For new server installations, server setup will be launched automatically
after the installation is complete. For upgrade installations, the server
will be restarted automatically after the installation is complete.
The default value is "Manual Server Setup" which does not launch server setup
or restart the server after installation. The installation will complete and
you will then have to launch server setup or restart the server manually.
Select "Local Server Setup" to launch server setup after a new server
installation or to restart the server after a server upgrade.
Select "Remote Server Setup" to launch server setup in listen mode for new
server installations. You will then be able to connect to the server with the
Remote Server Setup tool.
Type e to exit the Install program.
Press ESC to return to the previous screen.
Press the Spacebar to change the setting until you get the one you want.
Press TAB to accept a setting and continue to the next screen.
>>>Select server setup method: [Manual Server Setup]
Domino Server Installation
Your configuration of the Install program is complete.
By continuing, the Install program will first allow
you to review your configuration settings before
beginning the installation.
Type e to exit the Install program.
Press ESC to return to the previous screen
Press TAB to continue to the next screen.
Domino Server Installation
Installation settings:
Installation type : Domino Enterprise Server
Install template files : Yes
Server Setup Method : Manual Server Setup
Configure to ASP Server: No
Create /opt/lotus link : Yes
Program directory : /usr/domino/lotus
Data directory : /server1
UNIX user : notes
UNIX group : notes
Press the Escape key to re-configure the settings
Press the Tab key to perform the installation...
The Domino Server installed successfully.
Please manually configure the Domino Server as follows:
1) Login as the appropriate UNIX user: 'notes';
2) Change to the data directory using the command: 'cd /server1';
3) Configure the server using the command: '/usr/domino/lotus/bin/server'
To configure the server remotely, the remote server setup tool
is required and you can use the command:
'/usr/domino/lotus/bin/server -listen'
After issuing this command, additional instructions will appear
for remote server setup. For additional details, see the section
'Using the Domino Server Setup program remotely' in the Lotus Domino
Administrator Help documentation.
这里最后的提示告诉我们如何开始进行Domino Server的配置。
结束 !