typedef struct _snd_config snd_config_t;
struct _snd_config {
char *id;
snd_config_type_t type;
union {
long integer;
long long integer64;
char *string;
double real;
const void *ptr;
struct {
struct list_head fields;
int join;
} compound;
} u;
struct list_head list;
snd_config_t *father;
usage: the complete definition of sound card is stored in such structure
typedef struct _snd_config_update snd_config_update_t;
struct _snd_config_update {
unsigned int count;
struct finfo *finfo;
usage: this structure stored the file information of alsa definition
struct finfo {
char *name;
dev_t dev; //typedef short dev_t
ino_t ino;
time_t mtime;
usage: this structure stored file name, device ,inode,created time,etc.
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/