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发布: 2008-2-17 12:57 | 作者: 易水 | 来源: CCW | 查看: 54次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论

领测软件测试网 Leech

  Slang term frequently used by those actively engaged P2P and unethical file sharing. A leech or leecher is considered to be a user who downloads files and provides few or no uploads in return. Crackers also uses this term to describe those who constantly request sources and information and offer nothing in return.




  Short for favorite icon, a customized icon that is used by Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) versions 5.0 and later. When a user bookmarks a specific Web page, that Web page loads a customized icon into the user's browser, typically a tiny version of a company or Web site's logo. The favicon is displayed next to the Web site's name in the Favorites list and can also be displayed in the Links toolbar. When a site has not created a favicon, IE will load the IE logo into the browser by default. When a user bookmarks a page, the browser will request a favicon.ico file from the directory of the Web page. If such a file exists, then the Web page is using a favicon and will return the file to the browser. A typical favicon is 16 ×16 pixels and uses only 16 colors.


  这是一个定制化的图标,系为偏爱图标的缩写,由微软的IE 5.0及更高版本使用。当用户给特定的网页做个书签,该网页就给用户的浏览器装载一个定制化的图标,通常是微小化的公司或网站司标。偏爱图标显示在收藏列表中的网站名称的旁边,或者也能显示在链接工具栏中。当网站还没有生成偏爱图标时,IE就默认地将IE的图标装入浏览器。当用户给页面做书签时,浏览器会从网页的目录中请求一个fabicon.ico文件。如果这样的文件存在,而且网页正使用一个偏爱图标,它将会把文件返回到浏览器。典型的偏爱图标是16×16像素,只能使用16种颜色。 


文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/


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