Now, let's imagine that we have a microlevel change (e.g., a bug fix or small enhancement) to make. If we are developing variants, there are three possibilities:
Case 1: The change is required by just one variant of our product; for example, the change might be specific to software running on the MS-Windows platform.
Case 2: The change is required by all variants; for example, the change might relate to how a calculation is performed, which should be platform independent.
Case 3: The change is required by selected variants; for example, a change might be required only for the variants created for Japanese and Chinese customers.
Case 1 is relatively easy to deal with. So is Case 2, provided that the project team has a good architect; the calculation could be compartmentalized into a single component that is shared among all variants. Case 3 requires selectively propagating the change to multiple variants, which is where UCM can really help out.
现在,让我们假设我们有一个微粒级的变更(比如,一个bug fix或一个小的优化需求)。如果我们正在开发是差异性版本,将有三种可能:
Let's review in detail how UCM assists teams in each of these situations.
Under the UCM model, the team would walk through the following steps:
Step 1: When starting on a project, each team member "joins" the project. This creates a view for the person to work in. The configuration of that view is based on a new stream that tracks the changes made by the team member.
Step 2: An activity is created (perhaps by the team leader) and assigned to the team member.
Step 3: This team member accepts the activity within the context of the stream and commences work. As the stream has preconfigured the working area (view), development can start immediately.
Step 4: Eventually, the change is completed. At this point, the team member could either take on other related work or baseline the stream to capture the state of the artifacts at that point in time.
Step 4a: In Case 1 (change required by just one variant), there might be integration required with others working on the project, but the work is
otherwise finished.
Step 4b: In Case 2 or Case 3 (change required by some or all variants), we would also need to go through integration. This time, we could make use of the automation provided by the tool (Rational ClearCase) to deliver changes to multiple destinations (product variants).
步骤4b:在可能2或可能3(变更针对一个或多个差异性),我们可能同样需要集成。这时,我们可以充分利用工具(Rational ClearCase)的自动化功能来提交变更到多个不同的目标工作流(差异性版本工作流)。
Example: Developing a GPS Tracking System
Step 4b clearly needs additional explanation; let's do this by walking through another example: the development of a GPS tracking system originally created for in-car use. Let's suppose that, although the original system is successful, it has not been widely adopted in the prestige car market. To break into this market, a number of new features are required (i.e., a variant), which in turn require changes to existing software components. In addition, we want to create variants for trucks and handheld devices.
The Problem
For the hand-held device, the graphics software for the GPS tracking system needs to be modified to deal with the screens used in these devices. The team working on the prestige car project also needs these changes, as they want to adopt similar hardware to reduce sun glare.
The UCM Solution
UCM 解决方案
The UCM solution to this problem is sketched out in Figure 1. To solve this
problem, the team used multiple streams:
A stream for each variant.
A stream to group activities common to multiple variants.
If the team had made modifications required to support the screens directly within the hand-held variant stream (by checking out files from a workspace [view] associated with that stream), it would have been difficult to share these modification without also sharing the activities specific to the hand-held variant. So instead, the team used a "Graphics Changes" stream to capture all the development changes and then "deliver"4 (to use more UCM terminology) these changes to each variant that needed them -- in this case, the hand-held and prestige car streams

Let's get down to the "nuts and bolts" of setting up this mechanism. First, the developer creates a new view to provide a workspace to modify files and directories, and to build and test the changes. He can either select the Graphics Changes stream or request that another stream be created. For the moment, let's assume he uses the Graphics Changes stream.
To modify a file (e.g., graphicsdriver.cpp), the developer must check it out
from the workspace. Of course, he needs to check out the correct version If he is using UCM, he knows it is the correct version because the developer is working in a ClearCase view (i.e., a workspace), and ClearCase view is associated with a stream, which automatically configures the view with the latest set of file and directory versions. In response to a check out request, the stream selects a file that reflects the baseline (tested and reviewed component versions) the stream is founded upon, plus changes to this baseline.
When the developer checks out a file, UCM forces him to specify the context for his modifications -- that is, the activity to which he has been assigned. Checking in a file creates a new version for that file, and the activity's change set is updated to record this new version. ClearCase also automatically updates the configuration of versions in the developer's view so that he will select this new version. In our example, the developer modifies graphicsdriver.cpp to support new graphics hardware, so the activity might be called "Activity 263: Support New Graphics Hardware model 654 from VeryGoodGraphicsHardware Corporation."
Once the developer makes all the changes, he (or the integrator, depending on the organization's size and preferences) can perform delivery as follows:
1. The developer selects the view with the changes, clicks a "Deliver" button, and selects the destination -- in this case the hand-held variant stream.
2. ClearCase finds the activities that have not been previously delivered5 . Then, using the change set for each of these activities, it determines the changes, at a file and directory level, that should be incorporated into the destination stream.
3. The developer/integrator may review the activities (e.g., Activity 263) and changes (e.g., versions 1, 2, and 3 created on the Graphics Changes stream of graphicsdriver.cpp) to be delivered, and then either proceed or perform further quality assurance procedures, such as peer reviews of these versions.
4. When the developer/integrator decides to proceed, the destination (hand-held) stream is updated to include all activities created or modified (such as Activity 263) within the Graphics Changes stream since the last delivery. At a file level, this means:
EITHER: ClearCase will update the hand-held variant stream so that a different version of graphicsdriver.cpp will be selected in views that are configured by this stream, OR: If graphicsdriver.cpp has already been modified in the hand-held variant stream, ClearCase will merge the modifications made by the Graphics hanges stream with the modifications already present. Note that this merging procedure is quite robust for many file types (text, HTML, XML, etc.) but is problematic for binary files. In either case, the user may choose to be informed of the changes
made and review the automated modifications before committing to them.
Tracking the Work of Multiple Developers
If the graphics changes required are quite significant, several developers might be assigned to the task. If all of these developers work on the same Graphics Changes stream, even with separate workspaces, issues can arise that impact productivity.
Let's suppose that Bob and Wendy are both assigned to the graphics work and have split the work between them: Bob does Activity 263, and Wendy does Activity 264: Improve Graphics Rendering Performance (Figure 2). Wendy determines that Activity 264 requires modifications to the graphicsrendering.cpp file, so she checks it out and makes modifications. Wendy, being the conscientious developer she is, decides to test these changes. To perform the test, she tries to build the software. Sadly for Wendy, Bob previously checked in his changes (to graphicsdriver.cpp) without testing or even compiling them. As Bob's and Wendy's views share the same configuration, when Bob checks in his changes to graphicsdriver.cpp, Wendy's view may be updated to select the new version. Because Wendy can test her system only if she compiles both graphicsrendering.cpp and graphicsdriver.cpp, her work could be halted by Bob's lack of attention to quality: graphicsdriver.cpp might not compile, or it might cause the system to fail immediately upon execution (Figure 3).
让我们假设Bob和Wendy都是被指派进行图形工作的,并且已经划分了各自的工作任务:Bob做活动263,Wendy做活动 264:优画图形透视效果(图2)。Wendy决定 活动264需要修改graphicsrendering.cpp文件,于是她检出该文件并做了修改。Wendy,作为一个细心的开发人员,她决定测试这些变更。为执行这个测试,她试图构建软件,但泄气的是,Bob在此之前已经检入了他对graphicdrivers.cpp的变更,不仅没有测试,甚至没有编译过。由于Bob和Wendy共享一个相同配置,当Bob检入他对graphicsdriver的变更,Wendy的视图可以被更新到这个新的版本。因为Wendy只有在编译了graphicrendering.cpp和graphicsdriver.cpp后才能测试她的系统,她的工作可能由于Bob对质量的疏忽而被中断:graphicsdriver可能不能编译通过或者可能导致系统一运行就立即失败。(图3)

To address this situation, Wendy and Bob could create individual streams, based on the same foundation as the Graphics Changes stream. Their individual changes would then be entirely isolated from each other, and Wendy's productivity would not be hampered by Bob's lack of attention to detail (Figure 4).

This is detail; let's take a quick step back and look again at the big picture.
We have seen that the big advantages to using streams and UCM are that you can:
l l Quickly propagate a bug fix or enhancement to all product variants that need it.
Improve the productivity of individual developers.
However, we have been using simplified examples that don't touch upon some of the complexities of larger software projects. We'll discuss scaling up in the next section.
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/