需要把rm6中的write caching and write caching mirroring options disable吗?
Snowict 回复于:2005-04-12 12:01:35 |
To determine the age of the battery:
1. Run the following Sun StorEdge RAID Manager 6(RM6) CLI command: raidutil -c <device> -B NOTE: A1000 battery is not hotswappable. 2. Prior to replacing the battery, take note of the controller's name. # lad 3. Using RM6 GUI, open the Maintenance and Tuning application. 4. Select the RAID module for the Sun StorEdge A1000 array. 5. Click the Cache Parameters button, or select Option -> Cache Parameters from the drop-down menu. 6. Disable the Write Caching and Write Caching Mirroring options. 7. Stop the host machine that is connected to the Sun StorEdge A1000 array. # init 0 8. Turn off the Sun StorEdge A1000 array and follow the battery replacement procedure in the Sun StorEdge A1000 and D1000 array Installation, Operations, and Service Manual. 9. Boot the host machine, without the -r option. 10. After the battery replacement, run the following RM6 command to reset the battery age: raidutil -c <device> -R 11. Check the new battery age: #/usr/lib/osa/bin/raidutil -c c1t0d0 -B LUNs found on c1t0d0. LUN 0 RAID 0 10 MB LUN 1 RAID 5 1000 MB Battery age is between 0 days and 90 days. raidutil succeeded! 12. Re-enable the Write Caching and the Write Caching Mirroring options. 13. After 12 hours, check to see if the battery is working. |
Snowict 回复于:2005-04-12 12:22:05 |
建议班主将跟贴放到精华区。 |
kentao 回复于:2005-04-12 14:55:12 |
1. Run the following Sun StorEdge RAID Manager 6(RM6) CLI command:
raidutil -c <device> -B NOTE: A1000 battery is not hotswappable. 2. Prior to replacing the battery, take note of the controller's name. # lad 非常感谢! 还有疑问: 请问1中的<device>是指什么? 2中为什么要注意controller's name?后面好像没有用到.。 |
sunsroad 回复于:2005-04-12 16:27:01 |
[quote:39fa1daf17="Snowict"]To determine the age of the battery:
1. Run the following Sun StorEdge RAID Manager 6(RM6) CLI command: raidutil -c <device> -B NOTE: A1000 battery is not hotswappable. 2. Prior to ..........[/quote:39fa1daf17] 没有那么麻烦的,你只要将与A1000有关的IO关掉,然后直接就可以将其battery取下来,将新的battery换上就可以了。 之后要在主机上做一个操作: raidutil -c <device> -R 就可以了。 之后你就可以将A1000的块设备mount上来就可以了。 如果你要检查系统的状况,可以用下面的命令来看一下: healthck -a 或者就直接用RM6来查看。 |
fishsample2 回复于:2005-04-12 16:29:54 |
sunroad说的是正解 |
kentao 回复于:2005-04-13 09:06:16 |
没有那么麻烦的,你只要将与A1000有关的IO关掉,然后直接就可以将其battery取下来,将新的battery换上就可以了。 之后要在主机上做一个操作: raidutil -c <device> -R 就可以了。 之后你就可以将A10..........[/quote:54c8fd73da] 谢谢! 因为我没有弄过A1000,请问: 1、怎样把与A1000有关的IO关掉? 2、不需要关机和阵列? 3、还是没有明白device是指什么? |
lyh003473 回复于:2005-04-13 09:56:46 |
A1000电池是不可以热插拔的,难道sunsroad 的意思是不关机换电池>? |
kentao 回复于:2005-04-13 10:21:18 |
# lad c2t5d0 1T10409166 LUNS: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 c3t5d0 1T10408595 LUNS: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 c4t5d0 1T82219798 LUNS: 0 # raidutil -c c2t5d0 -B LUNs found on c2t5d0. LUN 0 RAID 0 30 MB LUN 1 RAID 0 34562 MB LUN 2 RAID 0 34692 MB LUN 3 RAID 0 34692 MB LUN 4 RAID 0 34692 MB LUN 5 RAID 0 34692 MB LUN 6 RAID 0 34692 MB LUN 7 RAID 0 100 MB LUN 8 RAID 0 34692 MB LUN 9 RAID 0 34692 MB LUN 10 RAID 0 34692 MB LUN 11 RAID 0 34692 MB LUN 12 RAID 0 34692 MB LUN 13 RAID 0 34692 MB Battery age is between 630 days and 720 days. raidutil succeeded! # raidutil -c c3t5d0 -B LUNs found on c3t5d0. LUN 0 RAID 0 30 MB LUN 1 RAID 0 34562 MB LUN 2 RAID 0 34692 MB LUN 3 RAID 0 34692 MB LUN 4 RAID 0 34692 MB LUN 5 RAID 0 34692 MB LUN 6 RAID 0 34692 MB LUN 7 RAID 0 100 MB LUN 8 RAID 0 34692 MB LUN 9 RAID 0 34692 MB LUN 10 RAID 0 34692 MB LUN 11 RAID 0 34692 MB LUN 12 RAID 0 34692 MB LUN 13 RAID 0 34692 MB Battery age is between 630 days and 720 days. raidutil succeeded! 我查了一些文档,如果电池需要换会有如下提示: battery age between 630 and 720 days - near expiration battery age greater than 720 days - expired Battery should be replaced for the above cases. NOTE: A1000 battery is not hotswappable. 但是我的A1000后面的电池亮黄灯告警,这里为什么没有看见相关的信息? messages中也没有发现。 |
echo52 回复于:2005-04-13 17:37:38 |
Sun A 1000 接 两台sun Fire 280R , A1000配置6个硬盘。
SUN A1000的磁盘阵列一个硬盘闪黄灯,我怀疑是不是硬盘出现出现故障了 和sun的800联系了,他们也建议我换硬盘并把硬盘邮寄过来了。那么是不是我把业务停止了把服务器和盘阵断电,换上新的硬盘,再加电,数据是不时自动重构了?如下: Step1 . 停止vcs ,oracle , shutdown solaris Step2 . 断电,换上新的硬盘 Step3 . 加电,启动vcs,oracle . 照常跑应用,raid5自动重构数据。 各位指点! 还有我运行lad rm6什么的,提示命令没有发现.why? |
lyh003473 回复于:2005-04-13 18:59:41 |
VCS双机根本不用停的,280也不用停,阵列也不用停,只在拔掉坏盘,加入新盘就行了 |
kentao 回复于:2005-04-14 08:55:23 |
[quote:c510eb7948="echo52"]Sun A 1000 接 两台sun Fire 280R , A1000配置6个硬盘。
SUN A1000的磁盘阵列一个硬盘闪黄灯,我怀疑是不是硬盘出现出现故障了 和sun的800联系了,他们也建议我换硬盘并把硬盘邮寄过来了。那么是不是我把业务?.........[/quote:c510eb7948] A1000换盘不需要断电! 下面是还盘步骤: To Fix the Drive Failures With Recovery Guru 1. Start the Recovery Application. RAID Module 1 is already selected. 2. Click Recovery Guru. Checking displays until its diagnosis of the module’s condition is complete. You see two separate Drive Failure entries instead of one Multiple Drive Failure in the Failure column. Also, the first Drive Failure entry is highlighted and NO is displayed in the Fixed? column. 3. Click Fix. The Summary Report displays for this drive failure that provides the drive’s location ([1,1]; the affected LUN’s number, status, and RAID Level; and a summary of what the recovery procedure will involve. You see that the LUN is Degraded and not Dead; therefore, the failed drives are not in the same drive group. Furthermore, you see that the LUN’s data should still be accessible. 4. Click OK. Important Notes displays to summarize what you should consider before removing the failed drive Note – The type of recovery procedure required for drive failures depends on the RAID Level of the affected logical unit and the number of drives failed in the same drive group. Therefore, it is best to use Recovery Guru. For example, in a RAID 0 LUN, one drive failure causes the loss of all data. In a RAID 1, 3, or 5 LUN, one drive failure causes the LUN to go to Degraded, but data is still accessible. 5. Click OK. The Replacement Procedure For Drive At Location [1,1] provides a step-by-step procedure to walk you through removing and replacing the failed drive. Carefully follow each step to benefit from Recovery Guru’s analysis and verifications: a. Verify that the new drive’s capacity matches the failed drive’s capacity. b. Remove the failed drive. c. Wait 30 seconds. d. Insert the new drive into the drive canister. Caution – Do not click OK in the Replacement Procedure window unless you have physically replaced the failed drive. However, when you click OK, Recovery Guru verifies whether or not the drive has been replaced. If Recovery Guru detects the drive as not replaced, it displays a Drive Replacement Condition message that suggests you verify the following: The drive has indeed been physically replaced. The drive does not have an incorrect capacity; that is, a capacity smaller than the drive it is replacing. Reconstruction has not yet started. 6. Click OK. A display tells you that reconstruction has automatically started on the new drive and you can click LUN Reconstruction in the Status Application to view the reconstruction progress. For more information on what reconstruction involves, see “Reconstruction” on page 23. 7. Click OK. You return to the main Recovery Guru window. The Fixed? column updates to say YES for the first Drive Failure entry and the second Drive Failure entry is highlighted. 8. Click Fix. The Summary Report for this drive failure shows the drive’s location is [2,1]. The LUN is also Degraded. Note – It is possible to have more than one failed drive in a RAID Module and the logical unit(s) remain in the degraded mode. This occurs if the failed drives are not in the same drive group. Also, it is possible to have more than one drive fail in a RAID 1 logical unit and the logical unit remain Degraded, as long as the failed drives are not in the same mirrored pair. 9. Continue following Recovery Guru’s instructions to replace this second failed drive as you did for the first. When you return to the main Recovery Guru window, the Fixed? column now shows YES for both Drive Failure entries and neither entry is highlighted. 10. Click Recovery Guru again to verify that RAID Module 1 is now Optimal. The display shows Optimal in the failure column. The Fix option is dimmed and you cannot highlight the module for any action. Your module is again operating in a normal condition. 另:rm6和lad命令在:/usr/lib/osa/bin下 |
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