asked me for it, now here is the solution. Thanks again for all your nice comments :)
First we set the type of script
Make the object, and set the object to an Excelsheet
Dim MyExcelChart
Set MyExcelChart = CreateObject("Excel.Sheet")
Now lets write the rest of the script, see the comments
‘’ show or dont show excel to user, TRUE or FALSE
MyExcelChart.Application.Visible = True
‘’ populate the cells
MyExcelChart.ActiveSheet.Range("B2:k2").Value = Array
("Week1", "Week2", "Week3", "Week4", "Week5", "Week6", "Week7", "Week8", "Week9", "Week10")
MyExcelChart.ActiveSheet.Range("B3:k3").Value = Array
("67", "87", "5", "9", "7", "45", "45", "54", "54", "10")
MyExcelChart.ActiveSheet.Range("B4:k4").Value = Array
("10", "10", "8", "27", "33", "37", "50", "54", "10", "10")
MyExcelChart.ActiveSheet.Range("B5:k5").Value = Array
("23", "3", "86", "64", "60", "18", "5", "1", "36", "80")
MyExcelChart.ActiveSheet.Cells(3,1).Value=" Explorer"
‘’ Select the contents that need to be in the chart
‘’ Add the chart
‘’ Format the chart, set type of chart, shape of the bars, show title, get the data for the chart, show
datatable, show legend
MyExcelChart.activechart.ChartType = 97
MyExcelChart.activechart.BarShape =3
MyExcelChart.activechart.HasTitle = True
MyExcelChart.activechart.ChartTitle.Text = "Visitors log for each week shown in browsers percentage"
MyExcelChart.activechart.SetSourceData MyExcelChart.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:k5"),1
MyExcelChart.activechart.Location 1
MyExcelChart.activechart.HasDataTable = True
MyExcelChart.activechart.DataTable.ShowLegendKey = True
‘’ Save the the excelsheet to excelface
MyExcelChart.SaveAs "c:\chart.xls"
Now lets complete the HTML tags.
This completes yer ASP page, look below for the complete code of myexcelchart.asp
‘’ Create Object
Set MyExcelChart = CreateObject("Excel.Sheet")
‘’ show or dont show excel to user, TRUE or FALSE
MyExcelChart.Application.Visible = True
‘’ populate the cells
MyExcelChart.ActiveSheet.Range("B2:k2").Value = Array
("Week1", "Week2", "Week3", "Week4", "Week5", "Week6", "Week7", "Week8", "Week9", "Week10")
MyExcelChart.ActiveSheet.Range("B3:k3").Value = Array
("67", "87", "5", "9", "7", "45", "45", "54", "54", "10")
MyExcelChart.ActiveSheet.Range("B4:k4").Value = Array
("10", "10", "8", "27", "33", "37", "50", "54", "10", "10")
MyExcelChart.ActiveSheet.Range("B5:k5").Value = Array
("23", "3", "86", "64", "60", "18", "5", "1", "36", "80")
MyExcelChart.ActiveSheet.Cells(3,1).Value="Internet Explorer"
‘’ Select the contents that need to be in the chart
‘’ Add the chart
‘’ Format the chart, set type of chart, shape of the bars, show title, get the data for the chart, show
datatable, show legend
MyExcelChart.activechart.ChartType = 97
MyExcelChart.activechart.BarShape =3
MyExcelChart.activechart.HasTitle = True
MyExcelChart.activechart.ChartTitle.Text = "Visitors log for each week shown in browsers percentage"
MyExcelChart.activechart.SetSourceData MyExcelChart.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:k5"),1
MyExcelChart.activechart.Location 1
MyExcelChart.activechart.HasDataTable = True
MyExcelChart.activechart.DataTable.ShowLegendKey = True
‘’ Save the the excelsheet to chart.xls
MyExcelChart.SaveAs "c:\chart.xls"