一、To Download and Install the Driver Packages
1. Log into the host to be connected to the array.
2. Go to wwws.sun.com/software/download.
3. Under “Browse All Products,” click “View All.”
4. Under “s - z,” find “Sun StorEdge PCI Dual Ultra3 SCSI Host Adapter v1.0” and
click the link.
5. Register, and/or enter your Username and Password, and click “Login.”
6. Read the License Agreement, click “Yes” if you accept, and click “Continue.”
7. On the Sun StorEdge(TM) PCI Dual Ultra3 SCSI Host Adapter 1.0 page, find the
packages listed under the column heads for one of the following operating
Solaris 8/SPARC Platform
Solaris 9/SPARC Platform
8. Download the required packages by double-clicking on the link to each desired
file, and in the “Save As” dialog box, enter a destination directory for the file, and
click the “OK” button.
a. Download the drivers.
For 32-bit and 64-bit configurations, download the following two files:
For a 64-bit configuration, also download the following two files:
b. Download the README file: PCI_HBA_ReadMe.txt.
9. Follow the instructions in the README to install the packages.
The sequence in the instructions is as follows:
a. Uncompress the downloaded zip files.
b. Extract the packages from the tar files.
c. Install the packages.
d. Reboot with the -r option to reconfigure the system.
二、To Download and Install the Solaris
Recommended Patch Cluster
1. Log into the host to be connected to the array.
2. In a browser, go to www.sun.com/sunsolve.
3. Under “SunSolve Patch Contents,” click “Patch Portal.”
4. Under “Downloads” and under “Recommended and Security Patches,” click
“Recommended and Security Patches.”
5. Read the SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT and click the “Agree” button.
6. In the “Recommended & Security Patch Clusters for Solaris” table, find “Solaris
8,” “Solaris 8 x86,” “Solaris 9” or “Solaris 9 x86” in the OS column, and click the
appropriate “View Readme” in the Clusters column.
7. Print or save the # CLUSTER_README from the browser window.
8. Click the browser’s “Back” button to return to the previous page.
9. In the “Solaris 8,” “Solaris 8 x86,” “Solaris 9” or “Solaris 9 x86” row, click “HTTP”
or “FTP” (as desired) in the Clusters column.
10. In the “Save As” dialog box, enter a destination directory for the patch cluster,
and click the “OK” button.
11. Follow the procedure in the # CLUSTER_README to install the patches.
三、To Download and Install the Driver Patch
1. Log into the host to be connected to the array.
2. In a browser, go to www.sun.com/sunsolve.
3. Under “SunSolve Patch Contents,” click “Patch Portal.”
4. Under “PatchFinder,” enter one of the patch numbers given below, and press the
“Find Patch” button.
112706 for Solaris 9
112697 for Solaris 8
5. Print or save the patch instructions from the browser window.
6. Click either the HTTP or FTP link in “[ Download Patch (nnn,nnn bytes) HTTP
FTP ].”
7. In the “Save As” dialog box, enter a destination directory for the patch, and click
the “OK” button.
nanaskylead 回复于:2003-11-10 18:36:58 |
好东西,收了先 |
C.Arthur 回复于:2003-11-10 18:45:49 |
藏 |
sunmarmot 回复于:2003-11-10 20:20:35 |
![]() |
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/