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Move dms_prod server form 670 to 690

发布: 2007-6-08 22:43 | 作者: seanhe | 来源: | 查看: 26次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论

领测软件测试网 算是顺利的一次

Move dms_prod server form 670 to 690


1.ant: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 7pt; line-height: normal; font-size-adjust: none; font-stretch: normal;">          in 690, assign resources to this new lpar
4 port.network card, two fibre card, one cpu, 2G memory, a disk case

2.          in ESS manager, assign disks to 690’s fibre card

3.          in each fibre switch manager, add a zone to connect fibre card and disks

4.          in 670, stop all applications
see admin guide

5.          umount file systems in vgs but not include rootvg

6.          varyoffvg but not include rootvg

7.          disconnect lan cables

8.          bosboot –ad /dev/hdisk0

9.          bosboot –ad /dev/hdisk1

10.      pull out hdisk1 from 670’s drawer

11.      put this disk into 690’s drawer

12.      boot the new lpar in 690
don’t connect lan cable and fibre cable

13.      use smitty to unmirrorvg rootvg
because the hdisk0’s pvid is a group of numbers

14.      use smitty to reducevg rootvg

15.      lsdev |grep fcs

16.      rmdev –dl fcs* -R
use for loop or type the command for each card

17.      rmdev –dl en* -R

18.      connect lan cable and fibre cable

19.      cfgmgr

20.      lspv, you can see the new hard disk, and vgs they belong to

21.      varyonvg datavg

22.      lsvg –l datavg
check lvs

23.      hd2vp datavg hdisk2
maybe system will hang, but you can use ctrl+C return to shell

24.      varyonvg datavg

25.      use smitty tcpip to assign ip address
two interfaces

26.      check all file systems, lvs, addresses, and then reboot

27.      rmdev –dl hdisk0

28.      put in another disk in the disk case

29.      cfgmgr

30.      you can see the new disk as hdisk0

31.      extendvg rootvg hdisk0

32.      mirrorvg rootvg hdisk0

33.      bosboot –ad /dev/hdisk0

34.      bootlist –m normal hdisk0 hdisk1

35.      stop all applications

36.      reboot

37.      mksysb –i /dev/rmt0

38.      in fibre switch, delete the old zone

39.      in ESS manager, delete the volumn assign of 670’s fibre card

delete the old lpar in 670


文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/

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