Making Only One Batch Job Run at a Time
The number of batch jobs running can be controlled at the job queue level, the subsystem level, or the pool level. Do one of the following: o For the job queue level, set the MAXACT parameter on the Change Job Queue Entry (CHGJOBQE) command.
o For the subsystem level, set the MAXJOBS parameter on the Change Subsystem Description (CHGSBSD) command.
o For the pool level, the manner of changing the maximum number of jobs is a function of whether a private pool is being used or a shared pool. Which pool a particular job runs in is a function of how it is routed; thus, it is a function of the routing data specified when the job is submitted and the routing entries in the subsystem description for the subsystem that is servicing the job queue that the batch job is submitted to. If the pool is a private pool defined to and used only by that subsystem, the activity level is specified for the pool when the subsystem description is created or by using the CHGSBSD command to change the activity level. If the pool is a shared pool, the activity level of the pool is changed by use of the CHGSHRPOOL command or the WRKSHRPOOL command.