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发布: 2007-6-08 22:43 | 作者: seanhe | 来源: | 查看: 27次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论

领测软件测试网 Solaris Operating environment support utilities

main contents:
determine how solaris operating environment references system components
identify the steps required to configure devices in solaris operating environment
identify solaris operating environment support utilities
analyze output from various solaris operating environment support stilities
display and modify system configuration parameters using the eeprom command

The physical names are located in the /devices directory where the entries are created during installation or subsequent automatic device configuration or by using the "drvconf" command. The device file provides a pointer to the kernel device drivers

The device instance is the number on the right side of the file(the number is in bold in the displayed output for each device in the following example).the kernel uses these names to identify every possible device instance

The system determines what devices are attached to it at boot time. Then the kernel configures itself dynamically, loading needed modules into memeory. at this time, device drivers are loaded when devices, such as disk and tape devices, are accessed for the first time. This process is called autoconfiguration because all kernel modules are loaded automatically when needed

If solaris operating environment is running, perform the following steps:
1,become superuser
2,create the /reconfigure file
3,shut down the system
# shutdown -i0 -g30 -y
4,turn off power to the system after it is shut down
5,turn off the system
6,install the device
7,turn on the power to the system
8,verify that the device has been configured

To add a device driver:
1,become superuser
2,place the tape,diskette, or CD-ROM into the appropriate drive
3,use the pkgadd command to install the driver
# pkgadd -d device package-name
4,verify that the package has been added correctly by using the pkgchk command.The system prompt returns with no response if the package is installed correctly
# pkgchk packagename

Solaris operating environment provides you with a variety of utilities that you can use to monitor sun enterprise systems. the following is a list of utilities to display system and device configuration information:
prtconf:displays system configuration information, including total amount of memory and the device configuration as described by the system's device hierarchy.The output displayed by this command depends upon the type of system
sysdef:displays device configuration information including system hardware, pseudo devices, loadable modules, and selected kernel parameters
format:displays both logical and physical device names

Solaris operating environment provides system administrators and service personnel with the ability to change system configuration parameters in NVRAM so that they can take effect when the system is restarted.This is accomplished by using the "eeprom" command


文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/

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