[code:1:6b43ce3170]Instructions for both OpenLinux and Open UNIX
Before you install Oracle
Release specific workarounds
Changes to the Oracle instructions
Java Development Kit
Instructions unique for Open UNIX
Instructions unique for Open UNIX
Installing Oracle 9iAS
Installing Oracle 9iAS
Before you install Oracle
Release specific workarounds
Oracle9i expects some commands to be located in specific directories and an additional compatibility library to be installed. Perform the following steps to prepare your system for Oracle9i:
/* Open Unix users must be in a root Linux shell by typing: */
# linux /* from a Unix root shell */
bash# cd /
bash# ln -s /usr/bin/gawk /bin/awk
bash# ln -s /usr/bin/grep /bin/grep
Then confirm that the csm-compat-1.0-3 package is installed on your system:
bash# rpm -q csm-compat-1.0-3
If it is not installed, install the package from the SCO OpenLinux 3.1 CD. Then add the following line
to /etc/ld.so.conf, and then run the following command to make the library available:
bash# ldconfig
Changes to the Oracle instructions
Java Development Kit
Oracle9i has been certified with the Sun JDK which is installed with OpenLinux. There is no need to download any alternative JDK version as mentioned in the Oracle9i Release Notes.
Instructions unique for Open UNIX (a.k.a UnixWare 7.1.2)
General Information
How does my Unix OS run Linux applications like Oracle
Multiple CD-ROM Installation and the runInstaller Script
Users and Groups
How do I create a startup file for Oracle daemons?
Operating System
Linux processes chroot
Before you install
Choosing an Installation Location
Pentium 4 or unknown processor type
Kernel Parameters
Installing Oracle
Installing Oracle
After Installing Oracle
The Oracle account and CDE
BDCA doesn't work out of the box
NOTE: Follow the install directions for Linux as provided by Oracle (with the exceptions listed above.)
The rest of this section describes other install steps and concepts unique to running Linux programs on a UnixWare.
General Information
How does my Unix OS run Linux applications like Oracle?
Open UNIX 8 with LKP provides full binary compatibility for Oracle9i. The Oracle libraries and executables installed from the CD are identical to those installed on native Linux distributions. Since LKP also provides the same system libraries (i.e. glibc etc.) and GNU tool chain (gcc, ld etc.) as found on SCO's native Linux products, there are no special steps required to build Linux user applications incorporating the Oracle9i libraries. Oracle has certified Oracle 9i, Oracle 9ias and Oracle 8.1.7 on Open UNIX.
For more information please see Caldera Open UNIX documentation.
Linux Kernel Personality for Open UNIX 8
The Oracle9i system requirements for memory, swap space, disk space and Temporary disk space apply equally to Open UNIX 8 as for OpenLinux.
The recommended commands for verifying system memory and swap space on Open UNIX 8 are
# memsize -a
# swap -l
Open UNIX 8 has the ability to preallocate portions of system memory for specific functions. This feature will be discussed below in more detail regarding performance enhancements. However, for the purposes of installing Oracle9i, the "Usable memory" reported by the memsize command should be used for verifying the recommended minimum system requirements
Multiple CD-ROM Installation and the runInstaller Script
Please note the sections entitled "Multiple CD-ROM Installation" and "runInstaller Script" in the Oracle9i release notes for issues surrounding switching CD-ROMs during the install.
Users and Groups
Add a Database Administrator (dba) group:
#groupadd dba
Create oracle user account (oracle) with the dba group:
#useradd -g dba -d directory(for OU8 see below) -m -s /linux/bin/bash -c "Oracle Account" oracle
NOTE:You can make any other user a database administrator by putting them in the dba group. Having several database administrators can be useful for auditing purposes.
Set the password for the oracle account
#passwd oracle
How do I create a startup file for Oracle daemons?
Normally you don't have to. Open UNIX has a script that is run at boot time (/etc/rc2.d/S99linuxrc), that has a list of Linux daemons not to run. By default all Linux daemons that are installed with OpenLinux are not run. Anything else that is added (by Oracle or other applications) is run. So you don't have to do anything special that you wouldn't do in Linux.
You can create scripts on the Linux or UNIX environment to start programs, but be careful of what shell starts what. If you don't you'll get unexpected behavior. If you must create scripts try to use a "full path" so that Unix scripts start /unixware/usr/bin/ksh and Linux ones would start /linux/bin/bash. It doesn't hurt anything to reference /linux/bin/bash from a Linux shell, because /linux/linux is a link to /. So from a Linux shell /linux/bin/bash is really /bin/bash. The same thing applies in the UNIX shell /unixware is a link to /. Its a little mind twisting at first but it really makes sense.
Operating System
Oracle9i is certified on SCO Open UNIX 8 Release 8.0.0 with Maintenance Pack 1 (ou800pk1) and Support Level Supplement ptf8002 (the Oracle9i PTF).
Install the latest Maintenance Pack. Each maintenance pack release contains the fixes from the previous maintenance packs. ptf8002 is also included in Maintenance Pack 4 (as of this writing the latest Maintenance Pack.) The Latest Maintence Pack can be found at ftp://ftp.sco.com/pub/openunix8/ou800pk/
Linux processes chroot
One very important thing to keep in mind when administering a system for Linux applications, is that Linux processes chroot. (See chroot(2).) This makes it possible to have both UNIX and Linux files coexisting on the same disk. This also creates two directory structures.
All Linux information is stored under /linux. But from a Linux process (because of the chroot) this looks like /. Most system Maintence is done from UNIX. So you must keep in mind where Linux processes expect to find things, (because of the chroot) things might not be where you expect to find things, they are not in the same place as a UNIX processes would see it.
Mount points for Linux programs must be put under /linux for Linux processes.
Before you install
Choosing an Installation Location
By default, the Linux file system layout under LKP is allocated space under the root file system of Open UNIX 8. You can select other options See Caldera Open UNIX documentation. Under File systems.
/home is special - Don't use the default location if you are planning to use Reliant HA or require the use of the fuser command. /home is mounted using lxuwfs to /linux/home. So that way looking at /home from a Unix or a Linux process, it seems to be in the same location(This works similar to a symbolic link.) You can create other mount points like /home using lxuwfs. But one important note Reliant HA uses the fuser command. Currently fuser doesn't understand lxuwfs. So if you want to use Reliant HA don't use a lxuwfs location for Oracle.
lxuwfs - /linux/unixware, /linux/home and /linux/tmp all use lxuwfs. /linux/home uses lxuwfs, so that users will see their home directories in both environments. The oracle account has no need to see UNIX, so there is nothing wrong in changing the default location (as long as its under /linux.) /linux/tmp uses lxuwfs so that the UNIX X server can use Linux window managers. /linux/unixware is the only way to escape from the Linux chroot jail.
Separate file systems or additional disks - If you wish to install Oracle 9i on a separate file system, it is absolutely necessary to ensure that mount point for this file system resides under the /linux directory.
(So the entry in /etc/vfstab should look something like /dev/dsk/c0b0t0d0s4 /dev/rdsk/c0b0t0d0s4 /linux/u1 vxfs - yes rw )
This will ensure that the Oracle9i software is installed completely within the Linux directory tree.
/linux/unixware - /linux/unixware (or /unixware from a Linux process) provides a way to get back to the root Unix directory structure. For example suppose you want to access a UNIX raw slice for your database. You can give it the path /unixware/dev/cNbNtNdNsN. Since it uses the raw device you don't have to worry about the fuser command.
The UnixWare technology that is included in Open UNIX 8 has consistently provided the best Oracle database performance on Intel hardware. The following general rules of thumb should allow you to maximize the performance of your Oracle9i database on Open UNIX.
Use Open UNIX 8 raw slices to hold the Oracle database files. Once your disk slices have been allocated, Oracle9i can access these slices in raw io mode via the path name schema /unixware/dev/rdsk/cNbNtNdNsN. No special commands are required to tell the kernel to switch into raw mode.
Preallocate special memory for the Oracle SGA. First, pick an SGA size that is as large as possible but preserves sufficient remaining memory resources for Oracle processes and applications. Then segregate this amount of memory for use as Page Size Extension (PSE) Shared Memory (SHM). This memory will take advantage of performance features in Pentium and Pentium Pro processors and will always be resident in core (i.e. never swapped out). See the section titled "Configuring the Dedicated Memory feature" in the Open UNIX 8 documentation for instructions on how to do this.
Optimize the Open UNIX 8 kernel for your specific Oracle workload. This typically improves kernel performance by close to 20% when operating on your specific workload. However, since most applications tend to spend much more time in user space than inside the kernel, the performance improvement from the application's perspective is seen to be more modest, usually closer to 5%. See the idoptimize command for details on kernel optimization.
Disk layout
Effort spent on planning the layout of the database files can have an enormous influence on overall database performance. While not specific to Open UNIX 8, the following guidelines merit consideration.
Separate different kinds of IO. The logs need fast and reliable sequential writing. Some database tables may be accessed very randomly, while others require optimizing for sequential access. Since the strategies for maximizing throughput (caching, RAID) differ for these different IO loads, separating them can make it easier to optimize and tune your system.
Overall performance can be sensitive to the logfile performance. It may be worthwhile to separate the logs from the rest of the database onto separate disk and controller hardware combinations specifically optimized for log writing.
VxFS and VxVM
While raw disk io provides the best Oracle9i performance, for some applications the ability to take advantage of the enterprise features, reliability and flexibility of the VERITAS VxFS file system and Volume Manager (VxVM) is worth some performance loss. But keep in mind, that the VxFS file system has many performance options that can provide a dramatic improvement for database files. In particular, note the existence of "mincache" and "convosync" options to the mount command and the setext command which manages the extent map of a file.
Warning: Choosing a correct install location is critical. It must reside under /linux.
Pentium 4 or unknown processor type
There is a issue with Pentium 4 or other unknown processor types. The Oracle installer expects "uname -a" to return i686. UnixWare by default returns i386 for any unknown processor. This issue will be fixed in Maintence Pack 5. The workaround for this issue is to edit the file /etc/conf/pack.d/linux/space.c.
Change the line
char *lx_machine = 0;
char *lx_machine = "i686";
Then rebuild the kernel and reboot.
idbuild -B
cd /; shutdown -g0 -i6 -y
Kernel Parameters
The mechanism for setting kernel tuning parameters is different for Open UNIX 8 than for Linux. Do not attempt to tune your system's shared memory, semaphores, etc. using the commands described in the Oracle9i Release Notes. Without sufficient kernel tuning Oracle will not run correctly.
The following Open UNIX 8 commands should be used instead to prepare your system for use with Oracle9i:
# /etc/conf/bin/idtune -m SEMMNI 100
# /etc/conf/bin/idtune -m SEMMSL 100
# /etc/conf/bin/idtune -m SEMVMX 32767
# /etc/conf/bin/idtune -m SHMMAX 2147483647
# /etc/conf/bin/idtune SHMMIN 1
# /etc/conf/bin/idtune -m SHMMNI 100
# /etc/conf/bin/idtune -m SDATLIM 0x7fffffff
# /etc/conf/bin/idtune -m HDATLIM 0x7fffffff
# /etc/conf/bin/idtune -m SVMMLIM 0x7fffffff
# /etc/conf/bin/idtune -m HVMMLIM 0x7fffffff
# /etc/conf/bin/idtune -m SFSZLIM 0x7fffffff
# /etc/conf/bin/idtune -m HFSZLIM 0x7fffffff
# /etc/conf/bin/idtune -m HFNOLIM 2048
# /etc/conf/bin/idtune -m SFNOLIM 1024
# /etc/conf/bin/idtune -m ARG_MAX 1048576
# /etc/conf/bin/idtune -m MAXLINK 32767
# /etc/conf/bin/idtune -m FLCKREC 2000
/* For Open UNIX 8.0.0 (a.k.a UnixWare 7.1.2) */
You must manually edit /etc/conf/mtune.d/ipc & /etc/conf/mtune.d/ipc for SEMOPM and SHMSEG.
(This is not necessary for UnixWare 7.1.3 or later)
If the file is edited by some other editor other then vi it may create a backup file i.e. ipc~. This is handled poorly by the idbuild script. Backup files must be deleted or removed from the /etc/conf/mtune.d directory.
# /etc/conf/bin/idtune -m SEMOPM 100
# /etc/conf/bin/idtune -m SHMSEG 4096
Now that the kernel parameters are set, the kernel now needs to be created. Rebuild the kernel and reboot the system to allow the new kernel to run.
#/etc/conf/bin/idbuild -B
#cd /
#shutdown -go -i6 -y
One way to see if the kernel is tuned is run the command "java -v", this will start the JVM. Java requires a large amount of shared memory. The Oracle installer is Java based. Also the time stamp on the kernel(/boot/unix) should have changed.
Installing Oracle
Installing Oracle
From a root UNIX shell, mount the Oracle CD. It is critical that the mount point is under /linux. See Linux processes chroot.
#mount -F cdfs /dev/cdrom/cdrom1 /linux/mnt/cdrom
Log in as the oracle account user
Edit your shell's startup file, or a separate file and set the following environment variables.
export PATH
Change directory to the cdrom mount point.
Run the installer, and follow the instructions on the screen.
After Installing Oracle
The Oracle account and CDE
Now that the oracle account has been created. Since its shell is a Linux shell and not a UNIX shell, it can't run CDE. CDE is a UNIX window manager it is not a X server, so you can run other window managers. You can run KDE while using the UNIX X server using the oracle account. To do this create the file $HOME/.xinitrc (Where $HOME is the oracle account's home directory) with the contents:
If you have to have CDE you can create another user account that has a UNIX shell and from a terminal window use the linux command to enter a Linux shell and "su - oracle" to the Linux oracle account.
BDCA doesn't work out of the box
In order to get bdca to run, you have to delete the line:
in $ORACLE_HOME.network/admin/ldap.ora.
Installing Oracle 9iAS
Required Patches
Oracle patch ARU 1212275 (Bug # 2133364).
Caldera Open UNIX 8.0.0 Maintenance Pack 4 or newer
JDK Requirements
Oracle9i Application Server for Linux Release is Certified on Caldera Open UNIX 8 with the Linux Kernel Personality (LKP).
The Oracle9i Application Server Release 1 v( Installation Guide, the Oracle9i Application Server Release 1 v( Release Notes, and the Oracle9i Application Server Release 1 v( Release Notes Addendum describe how to install the Oracle9i Application Server on Linux platforms. The same application instructions as is documented in these three books for Linux Intel systems apply to Open UNIX
To obtain a free product sampler of Oracle 9i and Oracle 9iAS for Linux, please click on the following url: http://otn.oracle.com/software/products/ias/htdocs/linuxsoftold.htm
Required Patches
The following patches are required:
Oracle patch ARU 1212275 (Bug # 2133364).
This patch fixes an Apache web server problem for Oracle9i Application Server. The patch is available for download from Oracle Metalink (ARULink) site and the ARU system or here. This patch should be applied after the Oracle9i Application Server installation.
Caldera Open UNIX 8.0.0 Maintenance Pack 4 (ou800pk4) or newer
This patch provides the latest maintenance collection of system tested operating system fixes. It is required for full Oracle9i Application Server functionality. This patch is available for download at ftp://ftp.caldera.com/pub/openunix8/ou800pk.
JDK Requirements
Most Oracle9i Application Server components run with the JDK 1.3.0 that ships with Open UNIX 8.0.0 LKP. However the SOAP and Wireless components require a Sun JRE 1.2.2.
Oracle9i Application Server Linux Release for Caldera is certified using the Sun Linux JRE 1.2.2 version 7 (http://java.sun.com/products/archive/j2se/1.2.2_007/jre/index.html). Sun JRE 1.2.2 can be downloaded from:
Then install by doing the following:
# cd directory_where_you_downloaded_JRE_1.2.2
# mv jre-1_2_2_007-linux-i386.tar.gz /linux/opt
# cd /linux/opt
# linux
bash# tar xvzf jre-1_2_2_007-linux-i386.tar.gz
The Oracle SOAP Administrator's Guide and the Oracle Wireless Edition Administrator Guide explain when to use the JDK 1.2.2.
After installing the above patches, you need to enable the pdksh "whence" command. The easiest way to do this is to run these commands as root:
# linux /* For Open Unix only */
bash# cd /usr/bin
bash# ln which whence
Alternatively, you can download and install the Caldera OpenLinux 3.1.1 pdksh package:
# ftp -p ftp.caldera.com
# login as "anonymous" or "ftp";
(use your email address as your password)
# ftp> cd pub/OpenLinux3.1.1/Server/RPMS
# ftp> mget pdksh-5.2.14-6MR.i386.rpm
# ftp> quit
# cd directory_where_you_downloaded_pdksh-5.2.14-6MR.i386.rpm
# linux /* For Open Unix if not in a bash shell */
bash# rpm -i pdksh-5.2.14-6MR.i386.rpm
answer 回复于:2003-08-12 14:05:46 |
http://www.sco.com/partners/oracle/OpenLinux.html#9iAS |
answer 回复于:2003-08-12 14:07:39 |
可以参考这个 http://www.sco.com/partners/oracle/ |
huanglong98614 回复于:2003-10-17 22:00:35 |
谢谢了,请问那有csm-compat-1.0-3这个包呀,我安装成功了,可运行apache出问题,数据库没问题,unixware7.1.3+oracle9i p4 2.4G+512M |
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/