# volinstall
# volsetup
Approximate maximum number of physical disks that will be managed by LSM ? [10] 10
Enter the disk(s) to add into the rootdg disk group.
NOTE: Enter a blank line to end the list of disks.
? rz0h
Initialize vold and the root disk group:
Add disk rz0h to the root disk group as rz0h:
Addition of disk rz0h as rz0h succeeded.
Initialization of vold and the root disk group was successful.
* 以上为第一次安装LSM时需要做。
# voldiskadm
Logical Storage Manager Support Operations
Menu: LogicalStorageManager/Disk
1 Add or initialize a disk
2 Encapsulate a disk
3 Remove a disk
4 Remove a disk for replacement
5 Replace a failed or removed disk
6 Mirror volumes
7 Move volumes from a disk
8 Enable access to (import) a disk group
9 Remove access to (deport) a disk group
10 Enable (online) a disk device
11 Disable (offline) a disk device
list List disk information
? Display help about menu
q Exit from menus
Select an operation to perform: 1
Add or initialize a disk
Menu: LogicalStorageManager/Disk/AddDisk
Use this operation to add a disk to a disk group. You can
select an existing disk group or create a new disk group. You
can also initialize a disk without adding it to a disk group,
which leaves the disk available for use as a replacement disk.
This operation takes, as input, a disk device or partition and
a disk group (or none to leave the disk available for use as a
replacement disk). If you are adding the disk to a disk
group, you will be asked to give a name to the disk.
Select disk device to add [<disk/partition name>,list,q,?] rzc16c
Disk device rzc16c appears to have never been used with LSM.
If rzc16c contains valid data then you should encapsulate the
disk partition instead of initializing it as a new LSM disk
Do you wish to encapsulate rzc16c? [y,n,q,?] (default: n)
Please respond with "y" or "n"
Do you wish to encapsulate rzc16c? [y,n,q,?] (default: n) n
Do you wish to initialize rzc16c? [y,n,q,?] (default: y) y
You can choose to add this disk to an existing disk group, to
create a new disk group, or you can choose to leave the disk
available for use by future add or replacement operations. To
create a new disk group, select a disk group name that does not
yet exist. To leave the disk available for future use, specify
a disk group name of "none".
Which disk group [<group>,none,list,q,?] (default: rootdg) datadg
There is no active disk group named datadg.
Create a new group named datadg? [y,n,q,?] (default: y) y
You must now select a disk name for the disk. This disk name
can be specified to disk removal, move, or replacement
operations. If you move the disk, such as between host bus
adapters, the disk will retain the same disk name, even though
it will be accessed using a different disk device name.
Enter disk name [<name>,q,?] (default: datadg01) rzc16c
The requested operation is to initialize disk device rzc16c and
to create a new disk group named datadg containing this disk.
The disk will be named rzc16c within the disk group.
Approximate maximum number of physical disks that
will be added to the datadg diskgroup.
Number of disks [e.g. 5,10,30,60,q,?] (default: 10)
Continue with operation? [y,n,q,?] (default: y) y
Initialize a disk
Menu: LogicalStorageManager/Disk/AddDisk
Initialize a disk
Menu: LogicalStorageManager/Disk/AddDisk
Disk initialization for rzc16c completed successfully.
Add or initialize another disk? [y,n,q,?] (default: n) n
Logical Storage Manager Support Operations
Menu: LogicalStorageManager/Disk
Select an operation to perform: q
# volassist -g crj make cotr1 20m crj_disk1
cuixn 回复于:2003-11-03 12:33:55 |
学习学习 |
hazbxc 回复于:2003-11-04 08:52:05 |
还要多指教 |
zorrozolo 回复于:2003-11-04 19:22:14 |
最后一句:volassist -g crj make cotr1 20m crj_disk1 是什么意思
另外如果我在安装的时候将两个硬盘的h区作为了逻辑卷,是不是就已经有disk group 包括这两个磁盘了,我如何查看呢?sysman里倒是有图形的菜单。 请问你哪里有关于逻辑卷 LSM设置的详细文档吗?我使用Storage_Management的时候告诉我缺少liscense ,但在sysman的菜单里可以 控制逻辑卷,不知道到这样有问题吗? 非常感谢 |
hazbxc 回复于:2003-11-05 09:19:02 |
二个硬盘化为一个h分区,那不是就有一个disk group,至于查看可用voldiskadm。 我好像有一些lics,但不知有没有你所需要的。 |
zorrozolo 回复于:2003-11-06 15:18:37 |
二个硬盘化为一个h分区,那不是就有一个disk group,至于查看可用voldiskadm。 我好像有一些lics,但不知有没有你所需要的。[/quote:80a2c30eab] 我启动“配制”里的Storage_Management (逻辑卷管理) 报缺少 license 就进不去了你有关于lsm的license吗? 谢谢 |
hazbxc 回复于:2003-11-06 19:20:16 |
我找找看,有的话就给了 |
zorrozolo 回复于:2003-11-07 12:09:32 |
看了看这个文档好像没有讲如何将组里的磁盘做raid1或raid5,raid5好像要license。我用sysman -menu可以看到配制逻辑卷的向导,具体不知道怎么使请指教指教。谢谢 |
Galfordxu 回复于:2004-02-01 10:05:37 |
其实Digital 的LSM有两套命令来实现, adddisk也是一种选择. 无论哪种方式都有丰富的命令可供使用, :P 这也是Tru64 的价值所在。 |