select gwlb, count(case when (year(getdate())-year(rybirthday)) between 20 and 30 then rygh end) as @#20-30@#,
count(case when (year(getdate())-year(rybirthday)) between 30 and 40 then rygh end) as @#30-40@#,
count(case when (year(getdate())-year(rybirthday)) between 40 and 50 then rygh end) as @#40-50@#,
count(case when (year(getdate())-year(rybirthday)) between 50 and 60 then rygh end) as @#50-60@#,
count(case when (year(getdate())-year(rybirthday)) between 60 and 70 then rygh end) as @#60-70@#
from t_ry
group by gwlb
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/