2006 Desktop Linux Market survey 桌面版linux调查
Number of voters: 14535
Poll ended: Tue Aug 29 07:09:54 2006
1. Which Linux distros do you use on your home or office desktop system(s)?
Arch Linux 1.7 %
Damn Small Linux (DSL) 1.5 %
Debian 12.2 %
Fedora 7 %
Gentoo 9.6 %
GoblinX 0 %
Kanotix 0.9 %
Knoppix LiveCD 2.9 %
Linspire (formerly Lindows) 1 %
Mandriva (including Mandrake, Lycoris, Connectiva) 4.8 %
Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED) 2.9 %
openSUSE 10.1 %
PCLinuxOS 2 %
Pie Box 0 %
Puppy Linux 0.6 %
Red Hat 2.2 %
SimplyMEPIS 1.5 %
Slackware (or SLAX liveCD) 4.6 %
Tomahawk 0 %
Ubuntu (including Kubuntu, Edubuntu) 29.2 %
VectorLinux 0.6 %
Xandros 0.8 %
Zenwalk (formerly MiniSlack) 1 %
Other (please email us) 1.5 %
Does not apply 0.4 %
2. Which windowing environments do you frequently use on your Linux desktop(s)?
BlackBox 1.6 %
GNOME 35.1 %
Enlightenment 3.8 %
Fluxbox 3.9 %
IceWM 3.2 %
KDE 37.7 %
WindowMaker 2.2 %
Xfce 9.8 %
Other (please email us) 1.9 %
Does not apply 0.3 %
3. Which web browsers do you frequently use on your Linux desktop(s)?
Dillo 1.2 %
Epiphany 2.7 %
Firefox 58.2 %
Flock 0.6 %
Galeon 1.2 %
Konqueror 16.3 %
Mozilla 4.7 %
Netscape 4.x 0 %
Netscape 6.x or 7.x 0.2 %
Opera 12 %
Safari 0.3 %
Seamonkey 1.6 %
Other (please email us) 0.3 %
Does not apply 0.1 %
4. Which email clients do you frequently use on your Linux desktop(s)?
Balsa (GNOME) 0.3 %
Evolution 18.8 %
KMail 16.3 %
Mozilla Messenger 1.4 %
Mutt 4 %
Netscape 6.x Messenger 0.1 %
Pine 1.9 %
Scalix 0 %
SeaMonkey 0.8 %
SendMail 0.4 %
Sylpheed 3.3 %
Thunderbird 36.4 %
Other (please email us) 2.5 %
Does not apply 13.2 %
5. Which of these methods do you use to run Windows apps on your Linux desktop(s)?
Crossover 7 %
VMWare 16.7 %
Wine 33.5 %
Win4Lin 0.9 %
Xen 1.1 %
Other (please email us) 1.5 %
None -- I don't run Windows apps on Linux 38.9 %
被第一名拉开很大差距的第二名是Debian(Ubuntu基于debian),市场占有率12.2%。紧接其后的是openSUSE,市场占有率 10.1。如果你把它的商业版SLED(SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 2.9%)也包括在内就是13%。
接着,我们遇到了调查结果第一个意外-Gentoo 竟然占了第四名 9.6%.对于我来说,Gentoo是linux专家才用的linux。我知道用Gentoo的linux爱好者能更深刻的了解linux,
Mandriva,这个在过去非常流行的linux,似乎已大不如前。就算我们加进相关版本-Mandrake,Lycoris和Co.netiva 总共也只有4.8%
大名鼎鼎的Redhat单单 2.2%,不过它还是强过 Linspire 1% 和 Xandros 0.8%(这两个版本以模仿windows的操作为特色)。
我确信Red Hat Enterprise linux workstation和Red Hat Desktop在商业桌面平台中占有率很高。Xandros也有很广泛的用户。
不管怎样,缺乏社区支持的linux版本没有一个在这次调查中有很高的占有率。这些linux在商业平台的真实情况有待于 IDGS 和 Gartners 在世界范围内进行一个更为科学的调查。我想Red Hat Enterprise linux workstation和SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop
最后,我还是可以说在更加完美的调查结果中 Ubuntu 也会是 第一名。
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/
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