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领测软件测试网 <?php
//by Alpha.Z

class myimap
        var    $username="";
        var    $userpwd="";
        var    $hostname="";
        var    $port=0;
        var    $connection=0;            //是否连接
        var    $state="DISCONNECTED";        //连接状态
        var    $greeting="";            
        var    $must_update=0;
        var    $inStream=0;

    Function open()
        if ($this->port==110)

        if ($this->inStream)
            echo "用户:$this->username 的信箱连接成功。<br>";
            return $inStream;
            echo "用户:$this->username 的信箱连接失败。<br>";
            return 0;
    Function close()
            echo "<hr>已经与服务器 $this->hostname 断开连接。";
            return 1;
            echo "<hr>与服务器 $this->hostname 断开连接失败。";
            return 0;
    Function CheckMailbox()
        if ($mboxinfo)
            if ($mboxinfo->Nmsgs>0)
                echo "您的收件箱里共有邮件数:".$mboxinfo->Nmsgs."<br>";
                echo "未读邮件数:".$mboxinfo->Unread."<br>";
                //echo "新邮件数:".$mboxinfo->Rescent."<br>";
                echo "总共占用空间:".$mboxinfo->Size."字节<br>";
                echo "最新邮件日期:".$mboxinfo->Date."<br><hr>";
                echo "您的信箱里没有邮件。<br><hr>";
            echo @#<font color="RED">错误:无法获取收件箱的信息。</font>@#;

        echo @#<table border="1">@#;
        $sorted = imap_sort($this->inStream, $sortby, $sort_reverse, SE_UID);

        for ($i=1;$i<=$mboxinfo->Nmsgs;$i++)
            $msgHeader = @imap_header($this->inStream, imap_msgno($this->inStream, $sorted[$i-1]));
            if (isset($msgHeader->date))
                $date = $msgHeader->date;
                if (ord($date) > 64)
                    $date = substr($date, 5);
                while (strstr(@#  @#, $date))
                    $date = str_replace(@#  @#, @# @#, $date);

            if (isset($msgHeader->from[0]))
                $from = $msgHeader->from[0];
                    if (isset($from->personal))
                        $frm = trim($from->personal);
                        if (isset($from->mailbox) && isset($from->host))
                            $frm = $from->mailbox . @#@@# . $from->host;
                            if (isset($msgHeader->fromaddress))
                                $frm = trim($h->fromaddress);
                if (isset($msgHeader->fromaddress))
                    $frm = trim($msgHeader->fromaddress);

            if (isset($msgHeader->toaddress))
                $to = trim($msgHeader->toaddress);
                $to = "未知";

            if (isset($msgHeader->subject))
                $sub = trim($this->decode_mime_string($msgHeader->subject));
            if (isset($msgHeader->Size))
                $msg_size = ($msgHeader->Size > 1024) ? sprintf("%.0f kb", $msgHeader->Size / 1024) : $msgHeader->Size;
            if (strlen($frm) > 50)
                $frm = substr($frm, 0, 50) . @#...@#;
            if (strlen($sub) > 50)
                $sub = substr($sub, 0, 50) . @#...@#;

            echo @#<tr>@#;
            echo @#<td align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="check"></td><td>@#.$frm.@#</td><td><a href="showbody_imap.php?usr=@#.$this->username.@#&pwd=@#.$this->userpwd.@#&msg=@#.$i.@#">@#.$sub.@#</a></td><td>@#.$date.@#</td><td>@#.$msg_size.@#</td>@#;
            echo @#</tr>@#;
        echo "</table>";
    Function decode_mime_string ($string)
        $pos = strpos($string, @#=?@#);
        if (!is_int($pos))
            return $string;

        $preceding = substr($string, 0, $pos); // save any preceding text

        $search = substr($string, $pos+2, 75); // the mime header spec says this is the longest a single encoded word can be
        $d1 = strpos($search, @#?@#);
        if (!is_int($d1))
            return $string;

        $charset = substr($string, $pos+2, $d1);
        $search = substr($search, $d1+1);

        $d2 = strpos($search, @#?@#);
        if (!is_int($d2))
            return $string;

        $encoding = substr($search, 0, $d2);
        $search = substr($search, $d2+1);

        $end = strpos($search, @#?=@#);
        if (!is_int($end))
            return $string;

        $encoded_text = substr($search, 0, $end);
        $rest = substr($string, (strlen($preceding . $charset . $encoding . $encoded_text)+6));

        switch ($encoding)
            case @#Q@#:
            case @#q@#:
                $encoded_text = str_replace(@#_@#, @#%20@#, $encoded_text);
                $encoded_text = str_replace(@#=@#, @#%@#, $encoded_text);
                $decoded = urldecode($encoded_text);

            case @#B@#:
            case @#b@#:
                $decoded = urldecode(base64_decode($encoded_text));

                $decoded = @#=?@# . $charset . @#?@# . $encoding . @#?@# . $encoded_text . @#?=@#;

        return $preceding . $decoded . decode_mime_string($rest);

    Function display_toaddress ($user, $server, $from)
        return is_int(strpos($from, $this->get_barefrom($user, $server)));
    Function get_barefrom($user, $server)
        $barefrom = "$user@$real_server";

        return $barefrom;
    Function get_structure($msg_num)
        //echo gettype($structure);
        return $structure;

    Function proc_structure($msg_part, $part_no, $msg_num)
        if ($msg_part->ifdisposition)
        // See if it has a disposition
        // The only thing I know of that this
        // would be used for would be an attachment
        // Lets check anyway
            if ($msg_part->disposition == "ATTACHMENT")
                // If it is an attachment, then we let people download it
                // First see if they sent a filename
                $att_name = "unknown";
                for ($lcv = 0; $lcv < count($msg_part->parameters); $lcv++)
                    $param = $msg_part->parameters[$lcv];

                    if ($param->attribute == "NAME")
                        $att_name = $param->value;

                // You could give a link to download the attachment here....
                echo @#<a href="@#.$att_name.@#">@#.$att_name.@#</a><br>@#;
                // I guess it is used for something besides attachments????
            // Not an attachment, lets see what this part is...
            switch ($msg_part->type)
                case TYPETEXT:
                    $mime_type = "text";
                case TYPEMULTIPART:
                    $mime_type = "multipart";
                    // Hey, why not use this function to deal with all the parts
                    // of this multipart part :)
                    for ($i = 0; $i < count($msg_part->parts); $i++)
                        if ($part_no != "")
                            $part_no = $part_no.".";
                        for ($i = 0; $i < count($msg_part->parts); $i++)
                            $this->proc_structure($msg_part->parts[$i], $part_no.($i + 1), $msg_num);
                case TYPEMESSAGE:
                    $mime_type = "message";
                case TYPEAPPLICATION:
                    $mime_type = "application";
                case TYPEAUDIO:
                    $mime_type = "audio";
                case TYPEIMAGE:
                    $mime_type = "image";
                case TYPEVIDEO:
                    $mime_type = "video";
                case TYPEMODEL:
                    $mime_type = "model";
                    $mime_type = "unknown";
                    // hmmm....

            $full_mime_type = $mime_type."/".$msg_part->subtype;
            //echo $full_mime_type.@#<hr>@#;

            // Decide what you what to do with this part
            // If you want to show it, figure out the encoding and echo away
            switch ($msg_part->encoding)
                case ENCBASE64:
                // use imap_base64 to decode
                case ENCQUOTEDPRINTABLE:
                // use imap_qprint to decode
                    //echo ereg_replace("\n","<br>",imap_qprint(imap_fetchbody($this->inStream,$msg_num,$part_no)));
                    echo @#<pre>@#.imap_qprint(imap_fetchbody($this->inStream,$msg_num,$part_no)).@#</pre>@#;
                case ENCOTHER:
                // not sure if this needs decoding at all




文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/

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