mynewvar = PCasefunc(txtFieldName)
Function PCase(strInput)
Dim iPosition @# Our current position in the string (First character = 1)
Dim iSpace @# The position of the next space after our iPosition
Dim strOutput @# Our temporary string used to build the function@#s output
iPosition = 1
Do While InStr(iPosition, strInput, " ", 1) <> 0
iSpace = InStr(iPosition, strInput, " ", 1)
strOutput = strOutput & UCase(Mid(strInput, iPosition, 1))
strOutput = strOutput & LCase(Mid(strInput, iPosition + 1, iSpace - iPosition))
iPosition = iSpace + 1
strOutput = strOutput & UCase(Mid(strInput, iPosition, 1))
strOutput = strOutput & LCase(Mid(strInput, iPosition + 1))
PCase = strOutput
End Function