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ASP ,IP地址分段计算

发布: 2007-6-30 18:56 | 作者: admin | 来源: | 查看: 12次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论

领测软件测试网 <script language="JScript" Runat="Server">
function IPDeCode(EIP){
var Ip1,Ip2,Ip3,Ip4;
Ip1 = moveByteR(EIP & 0xff000000,3);
Ip2 = moveByteR(EIP & 0x00ff0000,2);
Ip3 = moveByteR(EIP & 0x0000ff00,1);
Ip4 = EIP & 0x000000ff;
return Ip1 + "." + Ip2 + "." + Ip3 + "." + Ip4;

function moveByteL(num,bytenum){
return num <<= (bytenum*8)

function moveByteR(num,bytenum){
return num >>>= (bytenum*8)


在vbs中没有位操作,这样在一个页面中用到了js和vbs,并不好,如果用vbs也可以,不过罗嗦了一些,而且有一点注意,如果在vbs中split("",","),会得到202,102,29三个数,得不到最后一个6,所以需要将ip换成split("" & ".",",")
function ip2int(ipstr)
dim iptemp,max
iptemp = split(ipstr&".",".")
max = ubound(iptemp)
if max <> 4 then
exit function
end if

dim a,b,i
a = "&H"
for i = 0 to 3
b = Hex(iptemp(i))
if len(b) = 1 then
b = "0"&b
end if
a = a&b
ip2int = CLng(a)
end function

function int2ip(ip)
dim iptemp,a,ipstr,i,length
iptemp = Hex(ip)
length = 8 - len(iptemp)
for i = 1 to length
iptemp = "0" & iptemp
a = left(iptemp,2)
a = "&H" & a
i = CInt(a)
a = CStr(i)
ipstr = a & "."
a = mid(iptemp,3,2)
a = "&H" & a
i = CInt(a)
a = CStr(i)
ipstr = ipstr & a & "."
a = mid(iptemp,5,2)
a = "&H" & a
i = CInt(a)
a = CStr(i)
ipstr = ipstr & a & "."
a = right(iptemp,2)
a = "&H" & a
i = CInt(a)
a = CStr(i)
ipstr = ipstr & a
int2ip = ipstr
end function

dim testIP,testInt
testInt = ip2int(testIP)
response.write testIP & " will be encoded to <font color=red>" & testInt & "</font><br>"
response.write testIP & " will be dencoded to <font color=red>" & int2ip(testInt) & "</font><br>"

文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/

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