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RFC253 - Second Network Graphics meeting details

发布: 2007-6-23 14:09 | 作者:   | 来源:   | 查看: 13次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论


  Network Graphics Group James A. Moorer
Request for Comments: #253 Stanford Al Laboratory
NIC #7694 19 October 1971
Related: RFC#246
Obsoletes: none

Second Network Graphics Meeting Details

Stanford will be the site of the second.network graphics
meeting. Attendees will be stored in the Flamingo Motel in Palo Alto
at $8.25 a night. The conference itself will be in the Stanford
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory conference room. The motel is
roughly 2 miles from the laboratory. Monday night, November 22, a
chinese banquet will be offered at the Golden Pavillion restaurent in
Los Altos at $7.20 a plate. Any attendees are welcome to invite
non-network guests if desired. Attendees will please notify Stanford
as soon as possible and indicate the following:

1) Your name.
2) Your affiliation (site).
3) Whether you will need a room.
4) Whether you will attend the banquet.
5) Whether you will be renting a car. This is for setting up
transportation pools.
6) Whether you will give a talk and if so, how long it will be and
what audio-visual devices will be needed.

This information may be transmitted to me or to the
secretaries who are supposed to know about the conference and will
take the data. The phone number here is (405) 321-2300, extension
4971. I will try to get maps out to all the non-resident attendees as
they register. Latest withdrawal date for the banquet and room
reservations will be November 18 and will be considered bound after
that date.

The conference will convene at 6:00 PM Pacific time on
Sunday, November 21, and end at noon on Tuesday, November 23.

[ This RFCwas put into machine readable form for entry ]
[ into the online RFCarchives by BBN Corp. under the ]
[ direction of Alex McKenzie. 12/96 ]

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