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面向复杂软件的 Build 自动验证解决方案

发布: 2009-5-04 15:05 | 作者: 邵科峰 | 来源: 测试时代采编 | 查看: 49次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论


Build 自动验证程序按图 2 所示步骤循环执行。

图 2. Build 自动验证程序
图 2. Build 自动验证程序


Build 验证结果需要被持久化存储,所以我们引入验证结果发布服务器,开发人员和测试人员可以通过浏览器查看所有 Build 的验证结果。图 3 展示了验证结果发布服务器的具体实现,构建(Build)验证服务器和发布服务器通过数据库交互,并通过一个 Web 程序进行结果发布;图 4 则是一个典型的验证结果发布的实例。

图 3. 验证结果发布服务器的具体实现
图 3. 验证结果发布服务器的具体实现

图 4. 构建(Build)验证结果发布
图 4. 构建(Build)验证结果发布

验证结果发布程序的实现相对简单,我们对此不作展开。 Build 自动验证程序则是整个解决方案的核心,下面对它的所有步骤逐一说明。

轮询下载 Build

Build 的下载一般通过 FTP 协议完成,虽然 Windows 和 Unix 的命令脚本都提供相信的 FTP 支持,但用命令脚本不易实现各种错误(例如网络错误或者 Build 服务器不可访问)的处理逻辑,因此脚本运行的容错性和稳定性相对较差。而 Build 自动验证程序要求在无人干预的情况下 7 × 24 小时工作,所以我们选择 Java 实现 Build 轮询下载。图 5 是 Build 轮询下载的基本流程,BuildDownload.java 则是该流程的具体实现。

图 5. Build 轮询下载流程
图 5. Build 轮询下载流程

清单 1. BuildDownload.java
				public class BuildDownload {  private String server; //Build Server's IP or host name  private int port; //Build Server's FTP port  private String user; //User ID used to log in the Build Server  private String pwd; //Password  private String remoteBuildDir; //The remote build directory on the Build Server  private String localBuildDir; //The local directory to store the downloaded build  private int interval; //The interval minutes to search the new build  public static void main(String[] args) {    //1. Check the input parameter: the full path of the configuration file    if (args.length != 1) {      System.out.println("Error - Invalid parameters.");      System.exit(1);    }    BuildDownload dameon = new BuildDownload(args[0]);    //2. Search and download the newest build    boolean isSuccess = false;    do {      isSuccess = dameon.download();    }    while(!isSuccess);  }  public BuildDownload(String configFile) {  /*Load the specified property file and initialize the configurations*/  }  public boolean download() {    FtpClient client = new FtpClient();    InputStream input = null;    BufferedInputStream buffer = null;    BufferedReader bufferReader = null;    FileOutputStream outfile = null;    try {      System.out.println("Info - Wait " + this.interval + " minutes.");      Thread.sleep(this.interval*60000);      //1. Connect to FTP server      client.openServer(this.server, this.port);      client.login(this.user, this.pwd);      //2. Search the newest build on the Build Server      System.out.println("Info - Search the newest build on the Build Server.");      client.cd(this.remoteBuildDir);      input = client.list();      bufferReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(input));      String newest = "00000000000000.zip"; //The format of build name: yyyyMMddHHmmss.zip      while ((temp=bufferReader.readLine())!=null) {        String temp = temp.trim();        int start = temp.lastIndexOf(" ");        temp = temp.substring(start+1);        if ( temp.compareTo(newest) > 0 )          newest = temp;      }      bufferReader.close();      input.close();      System.out.println("Info - The newest build on the Build Server is " + newest);      //3. Compare the remote newest build with the latest verified build      String latestVerifiedBuild = getLatestVerifiedBuildID();      if (latestVerifiedBuild.compareTo(newest) >= 0) {        client.closeServer();        System.out.println("Info - The build " + newest + " has been verified.");        return false;      }      System.out.println("Info - A new build " + newest + " is ready.");      //4. Download the newest build      clearLocalDirectory();      System.out.println("Info - Start to download the build " + newest);      client.binary();      input = (InputStream)client.get(this.remoteBuildDir + "/" + newest);      buffer = new BufferedInputStream(input);      outfile = new FileOutputStream(this.localBuildDir + "/" + newest, true);      int content;      while((content=buffer.read()) != -1) {        outfile.write(content);      }      outfile.flush();      outfile.close();      buffer.close();      input.close();      client.closeServer();      System.out.println("Info - Finish to download the build " + newest);      return true;    }    catch (Exception e) {      e.printStackTrace();      System.out.println("Error - Unexpected exception happened.");      return false;    }  }  public String getLatestVerifiedBuildID() {    /*Get the latest verified build from the database in the publish server*/  }  public void clearLocalDirectory() {    /*Clear the local directory in which the downloaded build was stored*/  }}			


文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/


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