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怎样解决SQL Server:“Could not create component categories manager”和“Could not create

发布: 2007-7-02 11:08 | 作者: admin | 来源: | 查看: 23次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论

因为做测试在一台Windows Server 2003的机器上安装了一套BizTalk 2004(也可能不是由于装了这个导致的),突然发觉没有办法在Enterprise Manager里面导入、导出数据。查了一下微软支持网站没有任何想法,于是老办法google了一下,居然发现这样一篇小文章,跟各位分享:

This can happen after some additional software has been installed, and DLLs required by DTS have been overwritten. The main culprit is Comcat.dll (winnt ystem32). Version 4.71 is required for DTS to function correctly. For a quick fix copy Comcat.dll from your SQL 7 CD-ROM, and register it as described below. If this does not work then start working your way through the suggestions below. (Re-)Apply SP1 or SP2 (Re-)Install Internet Explorer 5 Copy Comcat.dll from the SQL 7 CD-ROM to \winnt ystem32, replacing the existing version. Re-register comcat.dll [Regsvr32 \winnt ystem32\comcat.dll] Re-register the DTS DLLs Regsvr32 \mssql7\binn\axscphst.dll (SQL Server 2000: \Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\axscphst.dll) Regsvr32 \mssql7\binn\dtsffile.dll (SQL Server 2000: \Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\dtsffile.dll) Regsvr32 \mssql7\binn\dtspkg.dll (SQL Server 2000: \Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\dtspkg.dll) Regsvr32 \mssql7\binn\dtspump.dll (SQL Server 2000: \Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\dtspump.dll)  Regsvr32 \mssql7\binn\dtsui.dll (SQL Server 2000: \Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\dtsui.dll)


文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/

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