When you try to install $ubj, unix $ay$ that you mu$t have Update $ervice Enabler licen$e ($U$).
If you install from $upplement CD2 .i$o:
1. Open i$o file with WinI$O or $omthing
2. Delete line " updateProductVersion=1.0"
from file /opt/P/$CO/UP2507/1.0.0Ca/.$oftmgmt/product.db and
$ave file.
3. $ave i$o image and burn CD
Now you can in$tall $ubj without ($U$).
Injoy! :roll:
yanguo66 回复于:2004-03-29 16:11:35 |
really!!! I 'll try it and thank you !
Do it as you say, is Update pack 2 for $CO Open$erver 5.0.7 effect? |
gxl218 回复于:2004-04-07 09:09:37 |
Thank you! |
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/