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RFC1822 - A Grant of Rights to Use a Specific IBM patent with Photuris

发布: 2007-6-23 14:09 | 作者:   | 来源:   | 查看: 15次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论


  Network Working Group J. Lowe
Request for Comments: 1822 IBM
Category: Informational August 1995

A Grant of Rights to Use a Specific IBM patent with Photuris

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. This memo
does not specify an Internet standard of any kind. Distribution of
this memo is unlimited.


This RFCis NOT a standard. It is an official public record of a
grant by IBM Corporation for the use of a specific IBM patent in
conjunction with the Photuris key management protocol.


This Request for Comments records a grant by IBM Corporation to
permit the conditional free use of one of its patents. This grant is
made to help facilitate adoption of the Internet Key Management
Protocol contribution IBM has offered to the IETF. It should be noted
that the confirmatory license mentioned is optional. The grant is
made in this RFCand parties have it even if they do not request a
confirmation from IBM.

A Grant of Rights to Use IBM US Patent 5,148,479

IBM hereby covenants that it will not assert its US Patent 5,148,479
or its non-US counterparts against any party that implements Photuris
or any derivative that includes IBM's IKMP contribution, and operates
in compliance with Photuris or such derivative, when Photuris or such
derivative is employed in connection with any Internet Protocol.

This grant of rights will terminate with respect to any party that
asserts a patent it owns, directly or indirectly, against IBM for
IBM's implementation of and operation in compliance with Photuris or
any derivative, as defined above. The termination will occur as of
the date the patent is asserted against IBM.

A written confirmation of this grant, and/or a license under any
other IBM patent under IBM's then-current terms, conditions and
royalty rates, can be obtained by sending a request to:

John W. Lowe
IBM Corporation
500 Columbus Avenue
Thornwood, New York 10594

Security Considerations

The referenced protocol is a security-related protocol.

Author's Address

John W. Lowe
IBM Corporation
500 Columbus Avenue
Thornwood, New York 10594


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