pcas400 回复于:2003-09-08 09:40:18 |
需要暂时让硬盘不加电具体办法是用STRSST命令。 |
rockyii 回复于:2003-09-08 10:10:50 |
暂时让硬盘不加电? |
rockyii 回复于:2003-09-08 10:11:30 |
能上qq吗? |
onbaby 回复于:2003-09-08 10:52:46 |
在线更换硬盘实例: To replace a disk unit by using SST, do the following: 1. Type: STRSST 2. From the System Service Tools (SST) menu, do the following: a. Select option 3 (Work with disk units). b. Select option 3 (Work with disk unit recovery) on the Work with Disk Unit display. 3. Select option 1 (Replace configured unit) on the Work with Disk Unit Recovery display and press the Enter key. The Select Configured Unit to Replace display is shown. 4. Type a 1 in the Option column on the Select Configured Unit to Replace display and press the Enter key. 5. Type a 1 in the Option column on the Select Replacement Unit display and press the Enter key. 6. Press Enter to Confirm. 7. The replacement function runs for several minutes. Wait until the replacement function completes. |
xuguopeng 回复于:2003-09-08 11:10:21 |
收藏先`` |
rockyii 回复于:2003-09-08 14:44:22 |
先顶一下再收藏,建议精华。 |
layyf 回复于:2003-09-08 23:31:58 |
好像最后还是要做一次IPL才行 |
rick_zhang 回复于:2003-09-09 15:23:24 |
我记得拔插之间是有个时间限制的,否则会则么样,就不知道了. |
pcas400 回复于:2003-09-09 15:36:56 |
是的,这样做后只是几十秒硬盘暂时不加电,晚了就不行了。 |
billybull 回复于:2003-10-08 15:55:02 |
硬盘灯闪,9″内插拔,否则数据废也,不用IPL,做次rebuildind即可 |
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