Chassis code logging failure的原因可能有很多种,通过今天的case总结一下。
Chassis code logging failure
Description of Error:
An attempt by the operating system to log a chassis code failed.
Probable Cause / Recommended Action:
Communications between the processor dependent code (PDC) and the service
processor has failed.
Verify service processor operation. Enter chassis log manually with
service processor commands.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^D E T A I L^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
An attempt by the operating system (OS) to do a chassis log write function
The chassis code that the OS was trying to write was:
Encoded chassis code: 0x78e008041100f000
Data field: 0x0000000200000000
The processor dependent code returned the status -5. Possible status values:
-1 = Unimplemented procedure.
-2 = Nonexistent Option.
-3 = Call completed with error.
-10 = Invalid argument.
用CCV(Chassis Code Viewer)分析了一下 chassis code 0x78e008041100f000,结果如下:
Chassis code source is: Chassis Code Hex - Chassis Code Hex: 0x78e008041100f000
Field decode based on PDC_PAT ARS, version 2.6
Source[31:28]: 0x1( 1) - processor
Source Detail[27:24]: 0x1( 1) - Processor General
Source ID[23:16]: 0x00( 0)
Event Detail[35:32]: 0x4( 4) - timeout
Reporting Entity Type[55:52]: 0xe(14) - HP-UX
Reporting Entity ID[51:44]: 0x00( 0) - Cabinet 0, Cell 0, CPU 0
Caller Activity[15:12]: 0xf(15) - display_activity() update
Caller Subactivity[11:4]: 0x00( 0) - Implementation Dependent
Activity Status[3:0]: 0x0( 0) - platform dependent
Data Type[63:59]: 0xf(15) - activity level / timeout
Data word description:
Alert Level[39:36]: 0x0( 0) - No failure detected, forward progress logs and timer requests only
EOM[43:43]: 0x1(1) - No additional associated log entries follow.
Message ID[42:40]: 0x0(0)
Reserved[57:56]: 0x0(0)
关键字:timeout,所以错误的原因应该是timeout,如果改情况只是偶尔出现,应不属于很大的问题。一般通过run STM 或reset GSP (cm>XD ,r)解决。