Trucluster 安装手册
一、 安装前准备(两台机分别做)
* 安装公共盘柜,>>> show dev 时,公共盘柜的盘正常
* 在控台下,设置以下参数:
>>> set bus_probe_algorithem new
>>> set boot_reset on
>>> set pkb0_host_id 6 (其中 一台pkb0_host_id为6,另一台
l 配置网络:在/etc/hosts中加入对方的主机名及地址、公共主机名及地址。加入本机及对方主机的memory channel 名及地址。
* lmfsetup 增加 Trucluster 许可证
* 做时间同步:
(1) 时间同步NTP 配置
# ntpsetup (两台机均要做)
[ Press the RETURN key to continue ] :
Default answers are shown in square brackets ([]). To use a default
answer, press RETURN.
Would you like to enable authentication (y/n) [n]? n
NTP Server/Peer Selection
During the selection of servers and peers, you will be asked
for a hostname, and for the mode, server or peer, to be
associated to each hostname.
Press RETURN to terminate the list.
Hostname of NTP server/peer [no default]: 对方主机名
Mode for sgcrj1 (server or peer) (s/p) [s]? S
Looking up host gzeacdatasvr1 ... found.
Is sgcrj1 running ntpd (V1) or xntpd (V2 or V3) (V1/V2/V3) [V3]? V3
Hostname of NTP server/peer [no default]: 回车
The list of NTP servers is:
server gzeacdatasvr1 version 3
Enter "r" to REDO the servers list, "e" to EXIT the ntpsetup
procedure, or "c" to CONTINUE [no default]: C
[ Press RETURN to continue ] :
Xntpd (the NTP daemon) Options
Would you like to use the -g option (y/n) [y]? y
Would you like to use the -x option (y/n) [n]? N
Configuring your system to run NTP... done.
Starting the NTP daemon (xntpd)...
Setting kernel timezone variable
Setting the current time and date with ntpdate
Ntpdate failed.
Network Time Service started
To monitor NTP, enter "/usr/bin/ntpq -p".
****** NTPSETUP Complete ******
# ntp –s –f 对方主机名
# crontab –e
最后加入:00 06 * * * ntp -s -f 对方主机名
二、 安装Trucluster软件,两台主机分别作:
# mount -r /dev/rz5c /mnt
# setld -l /mnt/TruCluster/kit
- TruCluster(TM) Software:
1) TruCluster Cluster Monitor
2) TruCluster Reference Pages
3) ALL mandatory and all optional subsets
4) MANDATORY subsets only
5) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus
6) EXIT without installing any subsets
Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus.
Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 3
Enter the IP name for the cluster interconnect: mccrj1 (memory channel 名)
You chose "mccrj1," IP using interface mc0
Is this correct? [y]: y
Will the system be in an ASE? [y]: y
Enter the ASE_ID number [0]: 0
Do you want to run the ASE logger on this node? [n]: y
Choose an installation procedure:
TruCluster Production Server (ASE) Installation Menu
f) Setting up an ASE for the first time
r) Performing a rolling upgrade
s) Performing a simultaneous upgrade
e) Adding to an ASE with a V1.6 operating version
p) Adding to an ASE with a V1.5 operating version
Enter your choice [f]: f
Initializing a new ASE V1.6 database ...
The kernel will now be configured using "doconfig".
Enter the name of the kernel configuration file. [SGCRJ]:
Saving /sys/conf/SGCRJ as /sys/conf/SGCRJ.bck
Do you want to edit the configuration file? (y/n) [n]: n
The ASE I/O Bus Renumbering Tool has been invoked.
Select the controllers that define the shared ASE I/O buses.
Name Controller Slot Bus Slot
) scsi0 itpsa0 0 pci2001 0
) scsi1 itpsa1 0 pci2001 1
2) scsi2 isp0 0 pci1 8
) scsi3 ata0 0 pci0 105
) scsi4 ata1 0 pci0 205
q) Quit without making changes
Enter your choices (comma or space separated): q (各成员的SCSI号要一致,不同时建议往大的数值改)
Quit without making changes
Is the above choice correct (y|n)? [y]: y
Working....Tue Jan 11 09:44:17 CST 2000
The new kernel is /sys/SGCRJ/vmunix
The kernel build was successful. Please perform the following actions:
o Move the new kernel to /.
o Before rebooting make sure that the cluster interconnect IP
addresses for all cluster members are recorded in each member's
/etc/hosts file.
o Reboot the system.
# mv /vmunix /vmunix.noTru0
# mv /sys/SGCRJ1/vmunix
# reboot
(2) 打patch
# init s
# bcheckrc
# cd /usr/patch/patch_kit
# ./dupatch
# doconfig
# mv 新核心 /vmunix
# reboot
注:若已打了系统补丁,则只选择打Trucluster 补丁。否则两种补丁一起打。
三 、两台机都reboot后, 配置Trucluster:
# asesetup
Stopping the TruCluster ASE member ...
Shutting down the ASE agent (/usr/sbin/aseagent)
Shutting down the ASE logger (/usr/sbin/aselogger)
Deinitializing the ASE Availability Manager
TruCluster ASE member stopped ...
Choose how to initialize this ASE member:
e) Run in an ASE with a V1.6 operating version
p) Run in an ASE with a V1.5 operating version
Enter your choice: e
Please confirm that there are only TruCluster Production Server V1.6
members in the ASE and that the V1.6 features have been enabled with
the asemgr. (y/n): y
Initializing a new ASE V1.6 database ...
Starting the TruCluster ASE member ...
Initializing the ASE Availability Manager
ASE logger started (/usr/sbin/aselogger)
ASE agent started (/usr/sbin/aseagent)
TruCluster ASE member started
(2)配置Trucluster 成员:
# asemgr
Enter a comma-separated list of member systems's interfaces on the cluster
interconnect within ASE 0.
Enter Members: mccrj1,mccrj2 (为memorry chanel 卡名)
Member List: mccrj1,mccrj2
Is this correct? (y/n) [y]: y
TruCluster Production Server (ASE)
ASE Main Menu
a) Managing the ASE
m) Managing ASE Services
s) Obtaining ASE Status
x) Exit
Enter your choice: x
(3)设置Tia-breaking 盘:
# cnxset -d /dev/rrz16c
Verifying: /dev/rrz16c
/dev/rrz16c is unknown to the local ASE
Performing further checks on this device...
/dev/rrz16c is a disk
/dev/rrz16c will be configured anyway
/dev/rrz16c is an acceptable device
Local configuration updated...You must also update all other nodes
(4)检查Trucluster 成员状态:
# cnxshow
Cluster View from mccrj1
Director: mccrj2 Suspended: No
Node monitor using tie-breaking disk: /dev/rrz16c
Hostname Cluster I/F CS_ID Incarnation Comm Okay Member
sgcrj mccrj1 0001,0002 00000000000d6e9a Yes Yes
sgcrj1 mccrj2 0001,0001 0000000000028a0f Yes Yes
(5)增加Trucluster 服务:
# asemgr
TruCluster Production Server (ASE)
ASE Main Menu
a) Managing the ASE
m) Managing ASE Services
s) Obtaining ASE Status
x) Exit
Enter your choice: m
Managing ASE Services
c) Service Configuration
r) Relocate a service
on) Set a service on line
off) Set a service off line
res) Restart a service
s) Display the status of a service
a) Advanced Utilities
q) Quit (back to the Main Menu)
x) Exit
Enter your choice [q]: c
Service Configuration
a) Add a new service
m) Modify a service
o) Modify a service without interrupting its availability
d) Delete a service
s) Display the status of a service
c) Display the configuration of a service
q) Quit (back to Managing ASE Services)
x) Exit
Enter your choice [q]: a
Adding a service
Select the type of service:
1) NFS service
2) Disk service
3) User-defined service
4) DRD service
5) Tape service
q) Quit without adding a service
x) Exit
Enter your choice [1]: 4
You are now adding a new DRD disk service to your ASE.
A DRD disk service is comprised of any number of DRDs which can be
created from a single raw disk partition or LSM volume which will
be accessible from all members in the cluster.
Note: If using a raw disk partition please be sure that the character
device special file exists on all members which are in this ASE.
DRD Service Name
The name of a DRD disk service must be a unique service name within this ASE.
Enter the DRD disk service name ('q' to quit): crj_ora805
You will now be prompted to enter a list of devices comprising
the DRD service, enter Return when you have completed the list.
Enter an existing character device special file for one of the following:
a physical device (ie /dev/rrz1c)
a LSM volume (ie /dev/rvol/dg/vol01)
To end the list, press the Return key at the prompt.
Enter character device special file: /dev/rvol/crj/cotr1
Following is a list of device(s) and pubpath(s) for disk group crj:
rz16c /dev/rz16c
Is this correct (y/n) [y]: y
/dev/rvol/crj/redo203,/dev/rvol/crj/system,/dev/rvol/crj/rbs, /dev/rvol/crj/temp
/dev/rvol/crj/tools, /dev/rvol/crj/users, /dev/rvol/crj/crj_rbs, /dev/rvol/crj/crj_tmp,
Selecting an Autogmalic service Placement(ASP) policy
b) Balanced Service Distribution
f) favor Members
r)Restrict to Favord members
Enter you choice [b]: b
Do you want Ase toconsider relocationg this service to another member if one becomes available while this service is running (y/n?) n
Enter “y” to add Service ‘oracle8’ (y/n): y
Adding service …
Starting service …
Service oracle8 successfully added …
#chown -R oracle8:dba /dev/rdrd
hello_unix 回复于:2003-08-12 13:22:10 |
好东西,顶! |
hazbxc 回复于:2003-08-12 13:36:24 |
你在哪? |
david5337 回复于:2003-08-13 17:28:01 |
很好的东西!! |
liaohuihui 回复于:2003-08-13 21:44:28 |
好东西,存下来慢慢看,建议为精华帖 |
jobman 回复于:2003-08-14 02:12:04 |
这是1。6版本的,等我有时间整理一个5。0的 |
zhouyazhou 回复于:2003-08-14 20:04:51 |
是呀,现在都用5.0的了 |
yddll 回复于:2003-08-17 19:40:00 |
正好要研究,谢楼主 |
hazbxc 回复于:2003-08-25 10:00:27 |
愿意交TRU64 UNIX的朋友. |
hazbxc 回复于:2003-08-25 10:03:53 |
愿意交TRU64 UNIX的朋友. |
hadli 回复于:2003-08-25 14:04:12 |
谢谢! |
一个学生 回复于:2003-09-20 18:25:46 |
hao |
zwpb 回复于:2005-07-06 14:19:48 |
慢慢看,谢谢 |
zyluck999 回复于:2005-07-12 09:39:11 |
盼望楼主5.0的总结,嘿嘿 |
tru64 回复于:2005-07-15 08:37:07 |
这是以前豆腐兄的贴子!怎么又给转贴了? |