5. Recognize staffing realities.
You must educate your management into several staffing issues.
First, many testers are relatively junior programmers. They don’t have experience designing systems. Poorly designed frameworks can kill the project too. So can overly ambitious ones. To automate successfully, you may have to add more senior programmers to the testing group.
Second, many excellent black box testers have no programming experience. They provide subject matter expertise or other experience with customer or communications issues that most programmers can’t provide. They are indispensable to a strong testing effort. But you can’t expect these people to write automation code. Therefore, you need a staffing and development strategy that doesn’t require everyone to write test code. You also want to avoid creating a pecking order that places tester-programmers above tester-non-programmers. This is a common, and in my view irrational and anti-productive, bias in test groups that use automation tools. It will drive out your senior non-programming testers, and it will cost you much of your ability to test the program against actual customer requirements.
Non-programmers can be well served by data-driven approaches that let them develop test cases simply by entering test planning ideas into a spreadsheet.
Third, be cautious about using contractors to implement automation. Develop these skills in-house, using contractors as trainers or to do the more routine work.
Finally, you must educate management that it takes time to automate, and you don’t gain back much of that time during the Release in which you do the initial automation programming. If you are going to achieve your usual level of testing, you have to add staff. If a project would normally take ten testers one year for manual testing, and you are going to add two programmer-years of automation work, you will have to keep the ten testers and add two programmers. In the next Release, you might be able to cut down on tester time. In this Release, you’ll save some time on some tasks (such as configuration testing) but you’ll lost some time on additional training and administrative overhead. By the very end of the project, you might have improved your ability to quickly regression test the program in the face of late fixes, but at this last-minute point in the schedule, this probably helps you test less inadequately, rather than giving you an opportunity to cut staffing expense.
6. Consider using other types of automation
The LAWST meeting focused on GUI-level regression tools and so I have focused on them in this article. Near the start of the LAWST meeting, we each described our experiences with test automation. Several of us had dramatic successes to report, but most of the biggest successes involved extensive collaboration with programmers who were writing the application under test. The types of tools used in these success stories varied widely, reflecting the many different kinds of benefits available from many different kinds of testing tools.
There is too much hype, mythology, and wishful thinking surrounding GUI-based regression automation. They can create an illusion of testing coverage where no significant coverage exists, they can cause serious staff turnover, and they can focus your most skilled staff into designing and maintaining test cases that yield relatively few bugs.
These tools can be genuinely useful, but they require a significant investment, careful planning, trained staff, and great caution.
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/