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RFC1295 - User Bill of Rights for entries and listings in the Public Directory

发布: 2007-6-23 14:09 | 作者:   | 来源:   | 查看: 15次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论


  Network Working Group The North American Directory Forum
Request for Comments: 1295 January 1992

User Bill of Rights
for entries and listings
in the Public Directory

Status of this Memo

This memo provides information for the Internet community. It does
not specify an Internet standard. Distribution of this memo is


This RFCis a near-verbatim copy of a document, known as NADF-265,
which has been produced by the North American Directory Forum (NADF).

User Bill of Rights
for entries and listings
in the Public Directory

The mission of the North American Directory Forum is to provide
interconnected electronic directories which empower users with
unprecedented access to public information. To address significant
security and privacy issues, the North American Directory Forum
introduces the following "User Bill of Rights" for entries in the
Public Directory. As a user, you have:

I. The right not to be listed.

II. The right to have you or your agent informed when
your entry is created.

III. The right to examine your entry.

IV. The right to correct inaccurate information in your

V. The right to remove specific information from your

VI. The right to be assured that your listing in the
Public Directory will comply with US or Canadian law
regulating privacy or access information.

VII. The right to expect timely fulfillment of these rights.

Scope of Intent - User Bill of Rights

The North American Directory Forum is a collection of service
providers that plan to offer a cooperative directory service in North
America. This is achieved by interconnecting electronic directories
using a set of internationally developed standards known as the CCITT
X.500 series.

In this context, the "Directory" represents the collection of
electronic directories administered by both service providers and
private operators. When an entry containing information about a user
is listed in the Directory, that information can be accessed unless
restricted by security and privacy controls.

A portion of the Directory -- The Public Directory -- contains
information for public dissemination. In contrast, other portions of
the Directory may contain information not intended for public access.
A user or user's agent may elect to list information in the Public
Directory, a private directory, or some combination. For example, a
user might publicly list a telephone number or an electronic mail
address, and might designate other information for specific private

The User Bill of Rights pertains to the Public Directory.

Security Considerations

Security issues are not discussed in this memo.

Author's Address

North American Directory Forum
c/o Theodore H. Myer
Rapport Communication
3055 Q Street NW
Washington, DC 20007

Phone: +1 202-342-2727

EMail: 0004454742@mcimail.com

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