You need to configure the RADIUS server to work with the RSA ACE/Server. See the RSA ACE/Server Administrator's Guide. See the RSA ACE/Server Installation Guide. You need to set up the FortiGate unit as an Agent Host within the RSA ACE/Server database. If needed, refer to the RSA ACE/Server documentation for more information. The FortiGate unit will use the RADIUS server to authenticate SecurID users. You need to create a user group with the SecurID RADIUS server as its only member. You can use the SecureID user group in several FortiGate features that authenticate by user group:Configure the RADIUS server
Configure the RSA ACE/Server to support the RADIUS server
Configure the FortiGate unit as an Agent Host
Add the RADIUS server
Create a SecurID user group
Use the SecurID user group for authentication
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