We all agreed that when GUI-level regression automation is developed in Release N of the software, most of the benefits are realized during the testing and development of Release N+1. I think that we were surprised to realize that we all shared this conclusion, because we are so used to hearing about (if not experiencing) the oh-so-fast time to payback for an investment in test automation.
Some benefits are realized in release N. For example:
o There’s a big payoff in automating a suite of acceptance-into-testing (also called "smoke") tests. You might run these 50 or 100 times during development of Release N. Even if it takes 10x as long to develop each test as to execute each test by hand, and another 10x cost for maintenance, this still creates a time saving equivalent to 30-80 manual executions of each test case.
o You can save time, reduce human error, and obtain good tracking of what was done by automating configuration and compatibility testing. In these cases, you are running the same tests against many devices or under many environments. If you test the program’s compatibility with 30 printers, you might recover the cost of automating this test in less than a week.
o Regression automation facilitates performance benchmarking across operating systems and across different development versions of the same program.
Take advantage of opportunities for near-term payback from automation, but be cautious when automating with the goal of short-term gains. Cost-justify each additional test case, or group of test cases.
If you are looking for longer term gains, across releases of the software, then you should seriously thinking about setting your goals for Version N as:
o providing efficient regression testing for Version N in a few specific areas (such as smoke tests and compatibility tests);
o developing scaffolding that will make for broader and more efficient automated testing in Version N+1.
2.Recognize that test automation development is software development.
You can’t develop test suites that will survive and be useful in the next release without clear and realistic planning.
You can’t develop extensive test suites (which might have more lines of code than the application being tested) without clear and realistic planning.
You can’t develop many test suites that will have a low enough maintenance cost to justify their existence over the life of the project without clear and realistic planning.
Automation of software testing is just like all of the other automation efforts that software developers engage in—except that this time, the testers are writing the automation code.
o It is code, even if the programming language is funky.
o Within an application dedicated to testing a program, every test case is a feature.
o From the viewpoint of the automated test application, every aspect of the underlying application (the one you’re testing) is data.
As we’ve learned on so many other software development projects, software developers (in this case, the testers) must:
o understand the requirements;
o adopt an architecture that allows us to efficiently develop, integrate, and maintain our features and data;
o adopt and live with standards. (I don’t mean grand schemes like ISO 9000 or CMM. I mean that it makes sense for two programmers working on the same project to use the same naming conventions, the same structure for documenting their modules, the same approach to error handling, etc.. Within any group of programmers, agreements to follow the same rules are agreements on standards);
采用并遵守标准。(我不是指如ISO 9000 或者CMM这样的大型标准。我的意思是务必使在同一个项目中的两个程序员使用相同的命名规则、相同的模块文档结构、相同的错误处理方法等。在任何一个程序员团队中,遵守相同规则本身就是一种标准)
o be disciplined.
Of all people, testers must realize just how important it is to follow a disciplined approach to software development instead of using quick-and-dirty design and implementation. Without it, we should be prepared to fail as miserably as so many of the applications we have tested.
3.Use a data-driven architecture. [6]
In discussing successful projects, we saw two classes of approaches, data-driven design and framework-based design. These can be followed independently, or they can work well together as an integrated approach.
A data-driven example: Imagine testing a program that lets the user create and print tables. Here are some of the things you can manipulate:
o The table caption. It can vary in typeface, size, and style (italics, bold, small caps, or normal).
o The caption location (above, below, or beside the table) and orientation (letters are horizontal or vertical).
o A caption graphic (above, below, beside the caption), and graphic size (large, medium, small). It can be a bitmap (PCX, BMP, TIFF) or a vector graphic (CGM, WMF).
标题图形的位置(标题的上边、下边还是两侧),图形大小(大号、中号、小号)。是位图格式(PCX, BMP, TIFF)还是向量格式(CGM, WMF)。
o The thickness of the lines of the table’s bounding box.
o The number and sizes of the table’s rows and columns.
o The typeface, size, and style of text in each cell. The size, placement, and rotation of graphics in each cell.
o The paper size and orientation of the printout of the table.

Figure 1 Some characteristics of a table
图1 一张表格的特征
These parameters are related because they operate on the same page at the same time. If the rows are too big, there’s no room for the graphic. If there are too many typefaces, the program might run out of memory. This example cries out for testing the variables in combination, but there are millions of combinations.
Imagine writing 100 scripts to test a mere 100 of these combinations. If one element of the interface should change—for example, if Caption Typeface moves from one dialog box to another—then you might have to revise each script.]

Figure 2 The first few rows of a test matrix for a table formatter
图2 某表格格式的测试矩阵的前几行
Now imagine working from a test matrix. A test case is specified by a combination of the values of the many parameters. In the matrix, each row specifies a test case and each column is a parameter setting. For example, Column 1 might specify the Caption Location, Column 2 the Caption Typeface, and Column 3 the Caption Style. There are a few dozen columns.
现在,假设根据一个测试矩阵来工作。我们用很多参数值的一种组合来确定一个测试用例。在矩阵中,每一行确定了一个测试用例,而每一列则代表一个参数。例如,第1列可以是标题位置,第2列可以是标题字体 ,而第3列则是标题风格。这样就会得到若干列。
Create your matrix using a spreadsheet, such as Excel.
To execute these test cases, write a script that reads the spreadsheet, one row (test case) at a time, and executes mini-scripts to set each parameter as specified in the spreadsheet. Suppose that we’re working on Row 2 in Figure 2’s matrix. The first mini-script would read the value in the first column (Caption Location), navigate to the appropriate dialog box and entry field, and set the Caption Location to Right, the value specified in the matrix . Once all the parameters have been set, you do the rest of the test. In this case, you would print the table and evaluate the output.
The test program will execute the same mini-scripts for each row.
In other words, your structure is:
Load the test case matrix
For each row I (row = test case)
For each column J (column = parameter)
Execute the script for this parameter: 为该参数执行脚本:
· Navigate to the appropriate dialog box or menu 导航至合适的对话框或菜单。
· Set the variable to the value specified in test item (I,J) 把变量设置为测试项(I,J)指定的值
Run test I and evaluate the results
If the program’s design changed, and the Caption Location was moved to a different dialog, you’d only have to change a few lines of code, in the one mini-script that handles the caption location. You would only have to change these lines once: this change will carry over to every test case in the spreadsheet. This separation of code from data is tremendously efficient compared to modifying the script for each test case.
There are several other ways for setting up a data-driven approach. For example, Bret Pettichord (one of the LAWST participants) fills his spreadsheet with lists of commands. [7] Each row lists the sequence of commands required to execute a test (one cell per command). If the user interface changes in a way that changes a command sequence, the tester can fix the affected test cases by modifying the spreadsheet rather than by rewriting code. Other testers use sequences of simple test cases or of machine states.
还有其它几种建立数据驱动的方法。例如,Bret Pettichord(LAWST的成员之一)在他的电子表格中添加了命令行。每一行都列出执行一个测试所需的命令序列(一个单元格对应一个命令)。如果用户界面的一个命令序列发生了变化,那么测试人员可以通过修改电子表格,而不是重写代码来更正相关的测试用例。另外,还有其他测试人员使用简单测试用例序列或状态机序列来建立数据驱动。
Another way to drive testing with data uses previously created documents. Imagine testing a word processor by feeding it a thousand documents. For each document, the script makes the word processor load the document and perform a sequence of simple actions (such as printing).
A well-designed data-driven approach can make it easier for non-programming test planners to specify their test cases because they can simply write them into the matrix. Another by-product of this approach, if you do it well, is a set of tables that concisely show what test cases are being run by the automation tool.
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/