lw371 回复于:2005-05-17 17:26:10 |
这个在双机日志里面应当有记录的 |
冷月无声 回复于:2005-05-23 22:23:44 |
GAB:port h halting system! 察看了一下系统的配置,发现swap和/tmp以及/var/tmp都很小; 在SCO上面看到可能和这个有关, If the system is swapping excessively then this could cause enough latency at the heartbeat communication layer for a heartbeat to be missed and so a node be killed with a gab halt. Use the standard system tools "sar" and "rtpm" to monitor for swapping behaviour. In addition: Check /etc/conf/cf.d/stune for tuning that may conflict with the shared message queues that ReliantHA needs to operate such as: MSGSEG STRTHRESH Both of these values should be set to the default operating system values even if database vendors such as Oracle say that these values need to be set. 实验了一下 好像还是不行啊! 做到mout的时候还可以,但是到了执行Process_Online的时候总是shutdown! 系统初安装的时候很正常! |
冷月无声 回复于:2005-05-24 13:24:47 |
各位帮忙给看看啊! |
answer 回复于:2005-05-25 23:07:51 |
GAB:port h halting system! 察看了一下系统的配置,发现swap和/tmp以及/var/tmp都很小; 在SCO上面看到可能和这个有关, If the system is swapping e..........[/quote:24f465ff02] 数据库一般需要比较大的swap 如果你现在的空间小可以用swap -a新加一快swap空间 如果是/tmp一般在500MB就可以了 如果小,可以修改环境变量来增加可用空间 引起GAB:port h halting system! 的原因一般有很多种,这个不好说 下面这篇文章是关于GAB:port h的一些说明 http://wdb1.sco.com/kb/showta?taid=116483&qid=765835106&sid=1891949006&pgnum=1 可以参考一下,另外看看系统日志里有什么报错 |
lijizheng 回复于:2005-06-06 11:21:49 |
在2节点上删除全部网卡,重启,重新添加网卡,配置IP等,再重启.故障再没发生过. 但你的问题不知这样是否能解决.另外,你可试着在你.hl文件中删除PMOUNT,Nw,Process等命令,然后再一条条添加命令来试,看问题出在哪一步,再进一步解决. |
lijizheng 回复于:2005-06-21 10:28:34 |
I get an error, "GAB: Port h halting system" when using UnixWare 7 ReliantHa.
Problem I have installed ReliantHA and when I run "hvstart" after a few seconds one or more servers shutdown displaying the message: "GAB: Port h halting system". and/or: "System has halted and may be powered off (Press any key to reboot)." This is a generic ReliantHA error message indicating that a ReliantHA node has been shutdown for some reason, often due to a communications failure of some kind. Solution 解决方案: Use the following tools to help diagnose the problem after first re-booting the servers in the cluster. 先将集群内服务器重启,再使用下列工具诊断问题, 1. Disconnect the public .network and ping SYSA and ping SYSB. NOTE: These are the private network names that ReliantHA uses and are case sensitive. 1.断开公网,ping SYSA 和ping SYSB. 注意:这些是ReliantHA使用的内网名,大小写敏感。 2. Make sure when ReliantHA was configured with "mkcluster" that the external uname (or public name) was used for the name of the nodes and NOT SYSA or SYSB. 2.请确认当ReliantHA配置为"mkcluster",使用结点的外部名(或公共名)而非SYSA或SYSB. 2.请确认在配置ReliantHA时"mkcluster"命令中使用的是结点外部名(或公共名)而非SYSA或SYSB. 3. Check the Release Notes of ReliantHA to look at the S99gab script's timeout values. 3.检查ReliantHA的版本说明查看S99gab脚本的超时值。 These release notes are located at: 这些版本说明在: http://www.sco.com/products/clustering/notes/harelnot.html 4. Check the output from /usr/opt/reliant/log for any errors. 4.在/usr/opt/reliant/log 中差错 This is a directory, most useful is the switchlog file. 这是一个目录,最有用的是switchlog文件。 NOTE: It is normal to see errors such as: 看到下列错误是正常的: dynamic linker: commds: warning: copy relocation size mismatch for symbol svc_fdset 动态链结: 命令: 警告:svc_fdset符号 拷贝位置大小不匹配 5. If using Compaq Network Interface Cards (NIC) Netflex3 series, consider using the OU8 eeE8 (DDI8) driver rather than Compaq's own "n100c" driver. This is because these cards are rebadged Intel Pro100B cards. 5.如果使用Compaq Network Interface Cards (NIC) Netflex3系列,用OU8 eeE8 (DDI8)驱动而非康柏自己的N100C驱动。因为这些卡是Intel Pro100B型的卡。 The latest "nd" package is available from: 最新的”nd”包在: ftp://ftp.sco.com/pub/unixware7/drivers/storage ftp://ftp.sco.com/pub/openunix8/drivers/storage ftp://ftp.sco.com/pub/unixware7/713/ If the Compaq Insight Manager agents are installed for NIC monitoring then this would need to be removed. 如果NIC已安装康柏识别管理器(Compaq Insight Manager agents)其“管理”应该被禁。 Basically, ensure that the NIC can support a programmable MAC address and that cross-over cables are used to directly connect the nodes on the Private LAN. 一般地,保证NIC支持可编程MAC地址并且使用交叉线直接连接局域网的结点。 6. Check the latest patches are installed for the operating system available from: 6.检查操作系统最新版本: ftp://ftp.sco.com/pub/<os> 7. Check the output of "mswconfig -l", "llstat -a" and "/etc/mswtab" for any errors. 7.有差错否:mswconfig –l llstat –a /etc/mswtab 8. If no specific config files are defined then hvstart will use a simple default set of scripts for basic testing between the nodes. 8.如果未制定配置文件,hvstart将使用简单默认脚本集来进行结点间测试 9. Running "ipcs -a" should allocate a message queue once "hvstart" has run. You can also see the status of ReliantHA with "hvdisp -a". 9.运行ipcs –a将在hvstart运行时分配一个信息队列。你也可以通过hvdisp –a查看reliantHA的状态。 10. Use the "truss" command to examine the output of the "hvstart" command to get an indication of when the failure occurs: 10.使用truss命令检查hvstart命令的输出,获悉故障何时发生的: truss -f -o /hvstart.truss hvstart 11. If the system is swapping excessively then this could cause enough latency at the heartbeat communication layer for a heartbeat to be missed and so a node be killed with a gab halt. Use the standard system tools "sar" and "rtpm" to monitor for swapping behaviour. 11.如果系统过度交换,将造成心跳(heartbeat)流通层的延迟,引起一个心跳被错过,一个结点被误“杀”。请使用标准系统工具"sar" and "rtpm"管理交换行为。 In addition:另外: Check /etc/conf/cf.d/stune for tuning that may conflict with the shared message queues that ReliantHA needs to operate such as: 检查/etc/conf/cf.d/stune以调整与(reliantHA要对其操作的)共享信息队列的冲突,例如: MSGSEG STRTHRESH Both of these values should be set to the default operating system values even if database vendors such as Oracle say that these values need to be set. 上两个值应该被设为默认操作系统值,即使数据库发行商如ORACLE说这些值该被设定 NOTE: MSGSSZ, MSGMNB and MSGTQL should be tuned from their default values to at least 524288, 65536 and 1000 respectively (add any further application related tuning to these values). NOTE: The minimum requirement for ReliantHA is 2 private LAN connections. 注意:MSGSSZ, MSGMNB, MSGTQL应该分别被设为其默认值,即至少524288, 65536,1000 (还可对这些值进行应用程序相关的调整――如加一些值) NOTE: Instead of a "real" NIC you could also use a (null modem) serial cable as the second interface. 注意:除了用“真实”NIC,你也可用(空MODEM)串行线作为第二接口。 For Unisys: CBL6099-10M Null Modem Cable 对UNISYS:CBL6099-10M Null空MODEM线 For Compaq/HP: BC29Q-02M Null Modem Cable 对COMPAQ/HP: BC29Q-02M Null Modem Cable NOTE: In general, note that should a node fail if shared memory or disk buffering is used then this data will be lost when the second node takes over. This is important for databases that use this technology. Ensure that RAID controllers are configured to WRITE-THRU and not cached. 注意:通常,当一个结点有故障,如果使用共享内存或磁盘缓冲区,第二个结点接管时数据都被丢弃。此技术对数据库很重要,保证RAID控制器被配置为WRITE-THRU而非缓存。 NOTE: When you run "hvstart" manually, you will need to hit RETURN to return to the prompt. 注意:当手动运行“hvstart“,你要单击回车键回到命令行界面。 NOTE: With ReliantHA 1.1.3a a new option "gabconfig" option was added called -P. 注:对ReliantHA 1.1.3a,添加了新的gabconfig选项:-p。 The -P option was added as a standalone "debug" option for use after the gab driver is already configured which will generate a PANIC should "gab" halt. By default it is turned off. To turn it on set the value to -P 1. -p选项作为一个独立的调试选项,在gab驱动被配置为若产生PANIC就gab停。默认值是关,若要开,设置为-p1. It is not recommended to use this feature within /etc/rc2.d. 不推荐在/etc/rc2.d中使用此功能 Create an S92gab file in /etc/init.d to execute this command at the end of the reboot, after entering multiuser mode in the following format: 可在/etc/init.d新建一个S92gab文件执行此命令,这些应在重启,并进入多用户模式后,如下: /sbin/gabconfig -S 4000 -c /sbin/gabconfig -P 1 Also add -D 63 to the previous line for more debug as: 也可在前一行加-D 63获得更多调试功能: /sbin/gabconfig -S 4000 -c -D 63 /sbin/gabconfig -P 1 NOTE: When replacing a private NIC, first remove the mswtab and clustertab, then recreate them again after the new card is installed. NOTE: For RHA 1.1.4, please also run "rdu" for the Reliant Diags Utility. 注意:在替换一个私有NIC时,先删除mswtab和clustertab(群标签),在新卡安装后在重建他们。对于RHA1.1.4,还请运行“rdu”以获得Reliant Diags Utility。 |
亢猫有悔 回复于:2005-08-24 16:39:29 |
如果是备机挂,就是心跳线问题。你可能用了不稳定的网线连接,或者其中一条心跳线为串口线。当发生串口阻塞的时候,系统就挂了。可以把串口换成网卡,这样一般都能解决。 如果是主机挂,通常是因为CPU负载太大,导致系统响应时间太慢。ReliantHA是老外设计出来的,比较教条+理想化,他们认为如果CPU IDEL时间在10%以下,那一定是系统出问题了,所以强制切换,呵呵 要解决的话,加CPU,或者减少一个数据库引擎,就可以搞定 |
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