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领测软件测试网       <br>
  <b>5.3 Scripting.Dictionary</b><b>对象</b><br>
         许多Microsoft的编程语言,如Visual Basic、VBScript和Jscript,都提供集合(collection)。可以把集合想象为数组,可以使用其中内建的函数完成存储和操纵数据等基本任务。无须担心数据是在哪些行列,而是使用唯一的键进行访问。<br>
  <b>5.3.1 </b><b>创建和使用Dictionary</b><b>对象</b><br>
         ‘In VBScript:<br>
         Dim objMyData<br>
         Set objMyData = Server.CreateObject(“Scripting.Dictionary”)<br>
         //In Jscript:<br>
         var objMyData = Server.CreateObject(‘Scripting.Dictionary’);<br>
         <!-- Server-Side with an OBJECT element --><br>
         <OBJECT RUNAT=”SERVER” SCOPE=”PAGE” ID=”objMyData”<br>
  1.  Dictionary对象的成员概要<br>
  表5-2  Dictionary对象的属性和说明<table class=ubb cellspacing=0><tr><td class=ubb><br>
  属 性</td><td class=ubb><br>
  说 明</td></tr><tr><td class=ubb><br>
  CompareMode</td><td class=ubb><br>
  (仅用于VBScript)设定或返回键的字符串比较模式</td></tr><tr><td class=ubb><br>
  Count</td><td class=ubb><br>
  只读。返回Dictionary里的键/条目对的数量</td></tr><tr><td class=ubb><br>
  Item(<i>key</i>)</td><td class=ubb><br>
  设定或返回指定的键的条目值</td></tr><tr><td class=ubb><br>
  Key(<i>key</i>)</td><td class=ubb><br>
  表5-3  Dictionary对象的方法和说明<table class=ubb cellspacing=0><tr><td class=ubb><br>
  方 法</td><td class=ubb><br>
  说 明</td></tr><tr><td class=ubb><br>
  Add(<i>key,item</i>)</td><td class=ubb><br>
  增加键/条目对到Dictionary</td></tr><tr><td class=ubb><br>
  Exists(<i>key</i>)</td><td class=ubb><br>
  如果指定的键存在,返回True,否则返回False</td></tr><tr><td class=ubb><br>
  Items()</td><td class=ubb><br>
  返回一个包含Dictionary对象中所有条目的数组</td></tr><tr><td class=ubb><br>
  Keys()</td><td class=ubb><br>
  返回一个包含Dictionary对象中所有键的数组</td></tr><tr><td class=ubb><br>
  Remove(<i>key</i>)</td><td class=ubb><br>
  删除一个指定的键/条目对</td></tr><tr><td class=ubb><br>
  RemoveAll()</td><td class=ubb><br>
  2.  对Dictionary中增加和删除条目<br>
  ‘ In VBScript:<br>
  objMyData.Add “MyKey”, “MyItem”                 ‘Add Value MyItem with key MyKey<br>
  objMyData.Add “YourKey”, ”YourItem”             ‘Add value YourItem with key YourKey<br>
  blnIsThere = objMyData.Exists(“MyKey”)          ‘Returns True because the item exists<br>
  strItem = objMyData.Item(“YourKey”)               ‘Retrieve value of YourKey<br>
  strItem = objMyData.Remove(“MyKey”)            ‘Retrieve and remove YourKey<br>
  objMyData.RemoveAll                                      ‘Remove all the items<br>
  // In JScript;<br>
  objMyData.Add (‘MyKey’, ‘MyItem’);               //Add Value MyItem with key MyKey<br>
  objMyData.Add (‘YourKey’, ‘YourItem’);           //Add value YourItem with key YourKey<br>
  var blnIsThere = objMyData.Exists(‘MyKey’);    //Returns True because the item exists<br>
  var strItem = objMyData.Item(‘YourKey’);         //Retrieve value of YourKey<br>
  var strItem = objMyData.Remove(‘MyKey’);      //Retrieve and remove YourKey<br>
  objMyData.RemoveAll();                                   //Remove all the items<br>
  3.  修改键或条目的值<br>
  ObjMyData.Item(“MyKey”) = “NewValue”          ‘ In VBScript<br>
  ObjMyData.Item(‘MyKey’) = ‘NewValue’;          // In JScript<br>
  如果指定的键在Dictionary未找到,将在Dictionary中创建一个以MyKey为键,以New Value为其条目值的新的键/条目对。有意思的是,如果使用一个不存在的键来检索条目,不仅得到一个空的字符串(这是可以想到的),而且还在Dictionary里添加一个新的键/条目对,键即是指定的键,但条目的数据为空。<br>
  objMyData.Key(“MyKey”) = “MyNewValue”              ‘ In VBScript<br>
  objMyData.Item(‘MyKey’) = ‘MyNewValue’;             // In JScript<br>
  4.  设置比较模式<br>
  5.  遍历Dictionary<br>
  ‘In VBScript:<br>
  arrKeys = objMyData.Keys                                ‘Get all the keys into an array<br>
  arrItems = objMyData.Items                              ‘Get all the items into an array<br>
  For intLoop = 0 To objMyData.Count –1            ‘Iterate through the array<br>
         StrThisKey = arrKeys(intLoop)                   ‘This is the key value<br>
         StrThisItem = arrItems(intLoop)                 ‘This is the item (data) value<br>
  // In JScript<br>
  // Get VB-style arrays using the Keys() and Items() methods<br>
  var arrKeys = new VBArray(objMyData.Keys()).toArray();<br>
  var arrItems = new VBArray(objMyData.Items()).toArray();<br>
  for (intLoop = 0; intLoop < objMyData.Count; intLoop++) {<br>
         // Iterate through the arrays<br>
         strThisKey = arrKeys[intLoop];                  // This is the key value<br>
         strThisItem = arrItems[intLoop];                // This is the item (data) value<br>
  在VBScript里也可以使用For Each … Next语句完成同样的功能:<br>
  ‘ Iterate the dictionary as a collection in VBScript<br>
  For Each objItem in arrItems<br>
         Response.Write objItem & “ = “ & arrItems(objItem) & “<BR>”<br>
  <b>5.3.2 Dictionary</b><b>对象示例</b><br>
  图5-2  ASP脚本运行期对象示例页面<br>
  图5-3  Dictionary对象的属性和方法<br>
  1.  Dictionary的global.asa文件<br>
  如果在自己的服务器上下载并安装示例,必须创建一个基于此global.asa文件的虚拟应用程序。或者将其内容添加到缺省站点的根文件夹中的global.asa文件里。在第3章讲述了如何用向导创建虚拟应用程序。然而对于本示例,创建一个虚拟应用程序最简单的方法是在Chapter05示例文件夹内右击dictionary子文件夹,在Properties对话框的Home Directory选项卡里,点击Create按钮,如图5-4所示:<br>
  图5-4  创建虚拟应用程序<br>
  Sub Session_onStart()<br>
    objBookList.Add "2610", "Professional Active Server Pages 3.0"<br>
    objBookList.Add "1274", "Instant JavaScript"<br>
    objBookList.Add "2882", "Beginning ASP Components"<br>
    objBookList.Add "1797", "Professional ASP Techniques"<br>
    objBookList.Add "1835", "AD0 2.0 Programmer's Reference"<br>
    Set Session("MyDictionary") = objBookList<br>
  End Sub<br>
  2.  Dictionary示例页面<br>
  在“Scripting.Dictionary Object”主页面里,首要的任务是得到一个会话层作用域的Dictionary对象实例的引用。注意,这个引用是一个对象变量,因此必须在VBScript里使用Set关键字。<br>
  on error resume next  ' turn off error handling to test if object exists<br>
  'retrieve Dictionary object from user's session<br>
  Set objMyData = Session("MyDictionary")<br>
  If IsObject(objMyData) Then  'found Dictionary object in Session<br>
  <P><DIV CLASS="subhead">Iterating the Dictionary with Arrays</DIV><br>
  arrKeysArray = objMyData.Keys           'get all the keys into an array<br>
  arrItemsArray = objMyData.Items         'get all the items into an array<br>
  For intLoop = 0 To objMyData.Count - 1   'iterate through the array<br>
      Response.Write "Key: <B>" & arrKeysArray(intLoop) & "</B>   Value: <B>" _<br>
                   & arrItemsArray(intLoop)& "</B><BR>"<br>
  … Other code and controls go here …<br>
    'could not find Dictionary object in the session<br>
    Response.Write "Dictionary object not available in global.asa for session"<br>
  End If<br>
  3.  Dictionary页面控件<br>
  该页的第一个按钮用于设定Dictionary里的条目的Key属性。这里使用了一个下拉列表,可以选择一个已经存在的Key值。下面的代码创建了页面内该部分的控件。为了填充列表,使用了另外一个遍历Dictionary对象的技术,即For Each … Next语句。代码如下:<br>
  <FORM ACTION="<% = Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") %>" METHOD="POST"><br>
    <P><DIV CLASS="subhead">The Dictionary Properties</DIV><br>
    <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="cmdChangeKey" VALUE="   "><br>
      Dictionary.Key ("<br>
    <SELECT NAME="lstChangeKey" SIZE="1"><br>
    For Each objItem in objMyData<br>
      Response.Write "<OPTION>" & objItem<br>
    </SELECT> ") = "<br>
    <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="txtChangeKey" SIZE="15" VALUE="New Key Name"> "<br>
    … Other controls go here …<br>
  4.  使用Dictionary的属性和方法<br>
  在“Scription.Dictionary Object”页面,点击用来检查并改变条目的Key属性的按钮,如图5-5所示:<br>
  图5-5  使用Dictionary的Key属性<br>
  'look for a command sent from the FORM section buttons<br>
  If Len(Request.Form("cmdChangeKey")) Then<br>
      strKeyName = Request.Form("lstChangeKey")           'Existing key from list box<br>
      strNewKey = Request.Form("txtChangeKey")            'New key value from text box<br>
      objMyData.Key(strKeyName) = strNewKey               'Set key property of this item<br>
  End If<br>
  图5-6  页面重载后的结果<br>
  If Len(Request.Form("cmdChangeItem")) Then<br>
      strKeyName = Request.Form("lstChangeItem")   'Existing key from list box<br>
      strNewValue = Request.Form("txtChangeItem")   'New item value from text box<br>
      objMyData.Item(strKeyName) = strNewValue     'Set the Item property<br>
  End If<br>
  If Len(Request.Form("cmdAdd")) Then<br>
  strKeyName = Request.Form("txtAddKey")         'New key value from text box<br>
      strItemValue = Request.Form("txtAddItem")        'New item value from text box<br>
      objMyData.Add strKeyName, strItemValue          'Execute the Add method<br>
  End If<br>
  If Len(Request.Form("cmdRemove")) Then<br>
      strKeyName = Request.Form("lstRemove")         'Existion key from list box<br>
      objMyData.Remove strKeyName                        'Execute the Remove method<br>
  End If<br>
  If Len(Request.Form("cmdRemoveAll")) Then<br>
      objMyData.RemoveAll                                      'Execute the RemoveAll method<br>
  End If<br>
  图5-7  增加一个新方法<br>
  图5-8  Add方法的结果<br>


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