很多人熟悉Solaris在SPARC平台的网络安装,SPARC平台上的OBP很好用,没OS时也可从网上引导OS,甚至 WAN boot, 但Intel服务器也有类似的功能,即PXE协议,也可从网上引导,现试一把Intel平台PXE网络安装Solaris:
将Intel Xeon client的IP和MAC地址填入服务器表中, 主机名b200:
#vi /etc/hosts u10 b200
# vi /etc/ethers
00:03:ba:2d:f4:64 b200
将Solaris x86 DVD image挂上:
# lofiadm -a /dvd/sol-10-GA-x86-dvd-iso.iso
# mount -F hsfs -o ro /dev/lofi/1 /cdrom
# df -k
/dev/lofi/1 2575552 2575552 0 100% /cdrom
将Solaris 10 x86 DVD目录共享出去:
# share -F nfs -o ro /cdrom
# share
- /cdrom ro ""
# ./add_install_client -d -e "00:03:ba:2d:f4:64" -b "input-device
=ttya" -b "input-device=ttya" -b "output-device=ttya" -c u10:/config -p u10:/config i86pc
/cdrom already has an entry in /etc/dfs/dfstab.
However, /cdrom must be shared read-only with root access.
Use ro and anon=0 for /cdrom. The /etc/dfs/dfstab file must be
fixed and /cdrom shared before 00:03:ba:2d:f4:64 can boot.
To enable 0103BA2DF464 in the DHCP server, ensure that
the following Sun vendor-specific options are defined
(SinstNM, SinstIP4, SinstPTH, SrootNM, SrootIP4,
SrootPTH, SbootURI and optionally SjumpCF and SsysidCF),
and add a macro to the server named 0103BA2DF464,
containing the following option values:
Install server (SinstNM) : u10
Install server IP (SinstIP4) :
Install server path (SinstPTH) : /cdrom
Root server name (SrootNM) : u10
Root server IP (SrootIP4) :
Root server path (SrootPTH) : /cdrom/Solaris_10/Tools/Boot
Boot file (BootFile) : nbp.0103BA2DF464
Solaris boot file (SbootURI) : tftp://
Profile location (SjumpsCF) : u10:/config
sysidcfg location (SsysidCF) : u10:/config
If not already configured, enable PXE boot by creating
a macro called PXEClient:Arch:00000:UNDI:002001
which contains the following values:
Boot server IP (BootSrvA) :
This macro will be explicitly requested by the PXE boot.
3。与SPARC平台不一样,先再建好PXE DHCP服务器:
# cd /usr/sadm/admin/bin
# ./dhcpmgr
加永久IP地址10.1.1.200给b200(同往常), 不同之处是DHCP服务器工具中缺省
# dhtadm -A -s SrootIP4 -d 'Vendor=SUNW.i86pc,2,IP,1,1'
# dhtadm -A -s SrootNM -d 'Vendor=SUNW.i86pc,3,ASCII,1,0'
# dhtadm -A -s SrootPTH -d 'Vendor=SUNW.i86pc,4,ASCII,1,0'
# dhtadm -A -s SinstIP4 -d 'Vendor=SUNW.i86pc,10,IP,1,1'
# dhtadm -A -s SinstNM -d 'Vendor=SUNW.i86pc,11,ASCII,1,0'
# dhtadm -A -s SinstPTH -d 'Vendor=SUNW.i86pc,12,ASCII,1,0'
# dhtadm -A -s SsysidCF -d 'Vendor=SUNW.i86pc,13,ASCII,1,0'
# dhtadm -A -s SjumpsCF -d 'Vendor=SUNW.i86pc,14,ASCII,1,0'
# dhtadm -A -s SbootURI -d 'Vendor=SUNW.i86pc,16,ASCII,1,0'
再建立全局PXE宏,即建立一个名为PXEClient:Arch:00000:UNDI:002001的宏,并为其添加9个支持PXE的选项参数,不能有分毫差错,Intel Client就hung了:
SinstNM - 安装服务器主机名,u10
SinstIP4- 安装服务器IP,
SrootPTH - Solaris DVD目录,/cdrom
SrootNM - 安装服务器主机名,u10
SrootIP4 - 安装服务器IP,
SrootPTH - 系统引导,/cdrom/Solaris_10/Tools/Boot
SbootURI - 系统引导文件URI,tftp://
SjumpsCF - 系统 jumpstart 配置文件目录,如/config,如交互安装则不用
SsysidCF - 系统 jumpstart 配置文件目录,如/config,如交互安装则不用
BootFile - 系统引导文件,nbp.010003BA2DF464, 可在/tftpboot目录下找到
BootSrvA - 安装服务器IP,
单独建立另一宏,给Intel Xeon用,名为010003BA2DF464:
4。此时在dhcpmgr重启DHCP服务,如Intel Xeon client加电,即可发现其用PXE
Broadcom UNDI PXE-2.1 (build 082) v6.2.11
Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Broadcom Corporation
Copyright (C) 1997-2000 Intel Corporation
All rights reserved.
CLIENT MAC ADDR: 00 03 BA 2D F4 64 GUID: 00020003 0004 0005 0006 000700080009
CLIENT MAC ADDR: 00 03 BA 2D F4 64 GUID: 00020003 0004 0005 0006 000700080009
Solaris .network boot ...
SunOS Secondary Boot version 4.02 /dev/diskette0: can't open - bios configuration error Solaris Booting System Running Configuration Assistant... Autobooting from bootpath: /pci@0,0/pci8086,2545@3/pci8086,1460@1d/pci108e,16a8@3
If the system hardware has changed, or to boot from a different
device, interrupt the autoboot process by pressing ESC.
Initializing system
Please wait...
<<< Current Boot Parameters >>>
Boot path: /pci@0,0/pci8086,2545@3/pci8086,1460@1d/pci108e,16a8@3
Boot args:
Select the type of installation you want to perform:
1 Solaris Interactive
2 Custom JumpStart
3 Solaris Interactive Text (Desktop session)
4 Solaris Interactive Text (Console session)
Enter the number of your choice followed by the <ENTER> key.
Alternatively, enter custom boot arguments directly.
If you wait for 30 seconds without typing anything,
an interactive installation will be started.
Select type of installation:
Booting kernel/unix...
SunOS Release 5.10 Version Generic 32-bit
Copyright 1983-2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms
( 其它过程,同SPARC平台安装,走到底就装完了,但想简单了,后面还是 hung了,可能是用Solaris 10 x86的问题? image? NFS? )
nimysun 回复于:2005-02-07 22:57:33 |
好贴,好贴!! |
lxw2016 回复于:2005-02-08 12:50:44 |
好资料。收下! |
brucewoo 回复于:2005-02-16 09:21:30 |
好文 |
Solaris12 回复于:2005-05-25 14:57:33 |
[quote:ef7bd6bc05="alfee"]Booting kernel/unix...
SunOS Release 5.10 Version Generic 32-bit Copyright 1983-2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms ... ( 其它过程,同SPARC平台安装,走到底就装完了,但想简单了,后面还是 hung了,可能是用Solaris 10 x86的问题? image? NFS? ).[/quote:ef7bd6bc05] 过程基本正确,估计是硬件兼容的问题, 有些可以通过增加vendor id 和device id解决 |
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/