昨晚我们把一台开了三年的ES40正常关机后搬了个机房,结果就开不起来了,ES40的液晶面板上显示“TIG error”,请问这会是什么原因啊,是不是坏了?这可是台刚过三年保修的机器啊。
鬼怪精灵 回复于:2003-05-22 11:00:44 |
Power off the system
Unplug power cable Change jumper J21 from J1-2 to J2-3 Repower the system Update Firmware Update TIG Before any action, read carefully the attachment to identify J21 location and other infor. |
netkey 回复于:2003-05-21 21:03:02 |
系统报什么错呢? |
qiankg 回复于:2003-05-21 22:29:58 |
根本就无发开机,进不了系统。 |
robert 回复于:2003-05-21 22:37:10 |
TIG error:Code essential to system operation is not loaded and/or running or TIG flash is corrupt.. 以上信息应该是 RMC Error Messages 而RMC 为 remote management console 另外你的HALT键动过没有.或者在RMC 有无执行HALT IN 其他解决办法: 1,看看机器有无松动的地方. 2,fail-safe load 试试.参考随机手册.做之前应与高手确认. The fail-safe loader [FSL] is a utility to recover from possible console firmware corruption (e.g. checksum ROM error). The FSL is enabled, on the System Motherboard, by moving CSB jumper J22 to position 2-3 (default is 1-2 position). System power-on invokes the console SROM to look for a bootable FSL floppy disk [disk 1] in which to load the SRM image into memory. Invoking disk 1 therefore gives you the SRM prompt P00>>>. From the SRM prompt, restore console firmware by booting the Alpha Firmware CD or a bootable floppy disk. Update firmware in LFU manual update mode, as described in section, after you boot the firmware CD or other bootable medium that invokes the Loadable Firmware Utility. After firmware has completed updating, power down the system and move jumper J22 to its default position. |
yang034 回复于:2003-05-22 08:46:24 |
1 在底版(CPU,MEM)上找到JUMPER J21, 改 PINS 1-2 为 2-3.
加电就好了. 2 若还有tig error. 把Firmware CD 插上, 重新加电既好. 3 Jumper J21 不用改回来, 就留在 2-3 的位置. |
diuss 回复于:2003-05-22 08:49:33 |
顶,太好了。 |
qiankg 回复于:2003-05-22 09:35:45 |
谢谢!小弟先去试试,再来向大家汇报结果。 |
qiankg 回复于:2003-05-25 22:09:53 |
多谢了! 这个论坛真是个好地方! |
我爱臭豆腐 回复于:2003-05-26 08:42:11 |
希望你能够经常来.虽然我们这里不是很热门.但是在这里的朋友都不错![]() |
robert 回复于:2003-05-26 09:31:40 |
原因是什么. |
冰雪世界 回复于:2003-05-26 10:39:07 |
可以问一下,使用那位高手的方法吗? |
qiankg 回复于:2003-05-26 18:24:42 |
我使用的方法是:在底版(CPU,MEM)上找到JUMPER J21, 改 PINS 1-2 为 2-3, 加电机器就起来了,然后重写了一下firmware。 |
我爱臭豆腐 回复于:2003-05-26 20:04:36 |
我有一次去给一个地方的客票机器搬家.搬家完事后就这样了.但是差点没有吓死我.多亏了我过去的一个同事告诉我了这个方法.但是现在时间长就忘记了![]() |
冰雪世界 回复于:2003-05-27 09:09:58 |
收到,thanks 楼上的各位大大 |
nmgzw 回复于:2003-05-28 11:15:31 |
[quote:c32a27e171="robert"]in which to
load the SRM image into memory. Invoking disk 1 therefore gives you the SRM prompt P00>>>. From the SRM prompt, restore console firmware by booting the Alpha Firmware CD or a bo..........[/quote:c32a27e171] ![]() 老大,这资料机子里有么??从那搞到的?? |
nmgzw 回复于:2003-05-29 14:15:57 |
是豆腐斑竹置顶的那些在线帮助文挡里的么? |
robert 回复于:2003-05-29 22:40:27 |
资料我有,好象是以前在网上下载的。 |
我爱臭豆腐 回复于:2003-05-30 08:28:19 |
是豆腐斑竹置顶的那些在线帮助文挡里的么?[/quote:e188c1e098] 在hp的网站上面有. |
lyjun 回复于:2003-05-30 12:43:49 |
1-2: Load TIG from Flash RAM (default)
2–3: Load TIG from serial ROM. Allows loading the TIG if the flash RAM is corrupted. Example TIG update J20 FIR_FUNC2 1-2 = “0” 2-3 = “1” FIR_FUNC Table 000 = Normal 001 = Prevent FLASH Loads - Load from SROM 010 = Load from Floppy 111 = Lock Console - Prevents writing flash from CPUs. J22 FIR_FUNC1 1-2 = “0” 2-3 = “1” J23 FIR_FUNC0 1-2 = “0” 2-3 = “1” |
qhgyh 回复于:2003-06-02 15:22:48 |
![]() 我也遇到过这样的情况,这么处理很管用,不过当时把自己吓个半死! |
cocooo 回复于:2003-06-12 14:05:07 |
明白啦 |
海盗4922 回复于:2003-06-12 15:56:46 |
[quote:ed00cc106d="冰雪世界"]收到,thanks 楼上的各位大大[/quote:ed00cc106d] |
上沿江人 回复于:2003-06-19 11:38:42 |
从别地读这时候需要的信息.所以要跳线. |
我爱小笼包 回复于:2003-06-29 22:48:42 |
记得一定要update TIG,还要记得机器正常后,再把JUMP跳回来,否则下次就没办法再依此法搞定了。 |
冰雪世界 回复于:2003-06-30 08:13:06 |
[quote:b01b6edfa1="我爱小笼包"]记得一定要update TIG,还要记得机器正常后,再把JUMP跳回来,否则下次就没办法再依此法搞定了。[/quote:b01b6edfa1]
update TIG,怎么做? |
我爱小笼包 回复于:2003-06-30 16:40:35 |
update TIG 就是升级firmware里的一个选项。
P00>>>boot from firmware CDROM UPD>exit Do you want to go to Manual Mode? [y/n]: y UPD>update TIG 即可 或 UPD> update 选 all |
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/