应用环境:JBuilderX+Welogic7.0+MSSQL server2000
一、 安装MSSQL Server驱动程序
此处假设安装路径是:F:\green\Microsoft SQL Server 2000 JDBC那么在F:\green\Microsoft SQL Server 2000 JDBC\lib下面, 会有以下三个文件msbase.jar、mssqlserver.jar、msutil.jar。
二、 设置Weblogic的启动classpath,也就是设置Weblogic启动时要加载的包
@rem *************************************************************************
@rem This script is used to start WebLogic Server for the domain in the
@rem current working directory. This script simply sets the SERVER_NAME
@rem variable and calls the startWLS.cmd script under
@rem %WL_HOME%\server\bin.
@rem To create your own start script for your domain, all you need to set is
@rem SERVER_NAME, then call %WL_HOME%\server\bin\startWLS.cmd
@rem Other variables that startWLS takes are:
@rem WLS_USER - cleartext user for server startup
@rem WLS_PW - cleartext password for server startup
@rem STARTMODE - true for production mode servers, false for
@rem development mode
@rem JAVA_OPTIONS - Java command-line options for running the server. (These
@rem will be tagged on to the end of the JAVA_VM and MEM_ARGS)
@rem JAVA_VM - The java arg specifying the VM to run. (i.e. -server,
@rem -hotspot, etc.)
@rem MEM_ARGS - The variable to override the standard memory arguments
@rem passed to java
@rem For additional information, refer to the WebLogic Server Administration
@rem Guide (http://e-docs.bea.com/wls/docs70/adminguide/startstop.html).
@rem *************************************************************************
echo off
@rem Set SERVER_NAME to the name of the server you wish to start up.
set SERVER_NAME=myserver
@rem Set WLS_USER equal to your system username and WLS_PW equal
@rem to your system password for no username and password prompt
@rem during server startup. Both are required to bypass the startup
@rem prompt. This is not recomended for a production environment.
set WLS_USER=zy
set WLS_PW=zy
@rem Set Production Mode. When this is set to true, the server starts up in
@rem production mode. When set to false, the server starts up in development
@rem mode. If it is not set, it will default to false.
@rem Set JAVA_OPTIONS to the java flags you want to pass to the vm. i.e.:
@rem set JAVA_OPTIONS=-Dweblogic.attribute=value -Djava.attribute=value
set JAVA_OPTIONS=-Dweblogic.security.SSL.trustedCAKeyStore=d:\bea\weblogic700\server\lib\cacerts
@rem Set JAVA_VM to the java virtual machine you want to run. For instance:
@rem set JAVA_VM=-server
set JAVA_VM=
@rem Set MEM_ARGS to the memory args you want to pass to java. For instance:
@rem set MEM_ARGS=-Xms32m -Xmx200m
set classpath=%WL_HOME%\common\lib\classes12.jar;%WL_HOME%\common\lib\mssqlserver.jar;%WL_HOME%\common\lib\msbase.jar;%WL_HOME%\common\lib\msutil.jar
@rem Call Weblogic Server
call "d:\bea\weblogic700\server\bin\startWLS.cmd"
三、 在Weblocig的控制台中设置连接池和数据源,略
如果还有问题和我联系 zhyiwww@163.com
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