几年前aix433 维护工作,,一个人的孤单!
硬件 两台F85 + 7133 T40
软件 oracle817 ops + hacmp 4.4 es
系统 aix 433 ml09 两个concurrent vg
硬件 两台F85 + 7133 T40
软件 oracle817 ops + hacmp 4.4 es
系统 aix 433 ml09 两个concurrent vg
两台机器的hacmp 4.4 补丁
lslpp -l | grep cluster 最高到
instfix -i | grep ML 到09 (有必要升级)
两台机器的hacmp 配置了三个资源组,分别是
node relationship cascading
participating node names/default node priority sj85_1 sj85_2
service ip label sj85_1srv
application servers appsrv1
node relationship cascading
participating node names/default node priority sj85_2 sj85_1
service ip label sj85_2srv
application servers appsrv2
node relationship concurrent
participating node names/default node priority sj85_1 sj85_2
service ip label 空
application servers 空
smitty hacmp---cluster system management------两边应该能够自动同步。做了之后,一边lv状态正常,但在另一边则
lsvg -l zdatavg1 其中type 一项应该是jfs ,显示的是 ??,于是我手工同步
synclvodm -v lvname 状态正常,数据库也能够同时认出两边的数据文件。此时没有向数据文件添加数据,过了几天,同事说数据文件两边不能同时用,有问题。当时想可能这种添加方式有问题,不行的话估计还得用古老的方式,一边建,importvg。此时正赶上我出差,让同事帮着看看,我就走了
3、varyonvg (不是-c模式)
照着这个思路作,1 ok ,2 有一台机器ha宕不下来,我是两边分别执行的smitty clstop 思路
1、clstop graceful
2、clstop force
3、clstop force 连续两次,一般应该能搞定
1 2 3 都作后无法宕ha,没有想到更好的办法,重新启动机器,一台启动了,另一台主机无法启动,到检测设备,白屏出现后 0518
挂起文件系统时 hang 。
具体步骤见附件 ,还是不行!此时郁闷,起不来了,还没有以前的备份,这时同事出主意说恢复另一台机器的系统应该好使,想想应该可行,做!
另一台机器 mksysb
在这台机器上用磁带恢复,之前为了避免ip地址的冲突,先把机器的ip地址改走, smitty ch.net
11、lsnrctl start
1、etc/hosts sj85_2srv sj85_2 sj85_2std sj85_2boot sj85_1srv sj85_1 sj85_1std sj85_1boot
2、0518 代码 解决步骤
Repairing File Systems with fsck in AIX V4 and V5 (LED 517 or 518)
This document covers the use of the fsck (file system check) command in
Maintenance mode to repair inconsistencies in file systems. The procedure
described is useful when file system corruption in the primary root file
systems is suspected or, in many cases, to correct an IPL hang at LED value
517, 518, or LED value 555.
This document applies to AIX V4 and V5.
Recovery procedure
Boot your system into a limited function maintenance shell (Service, or
Maintenance mode) from AIX bootable media to perform file system checks on your
root file systems.
Please refer to your system user's or installation and service guide for
specific IPL procedures related to your type and model of hardware. You can also refer to the document titled "Booting in Service Mode," available at http://techsupport.services.ibm.com...r/aix.techTips.
With bootable media of the same version and level as the system, boot the
system. The bootable media can be any ONE of the following:
Bootable CD-ROM NON_AUTOINSTALL mksysb Bootable Install Tape
Follow the screen prompts to the following menu:
Welcome to Base Operating System
Installation and Maintenance
Choose Start Maintenance Mode for System Recovery (Option 3).
The next screen displays the Maintenance menu.
Choose Access a Root Volume Group (Option 1).
The next screen displays a warning that indicates you will not be able to
return to the Base OS menu without rebooting.
Choose 0 continue.
The next screen displays information about all volume groups on the system.
Select the root volume group by number.
Choose Access this volume group and start a shell before mounting file systems
(Option 2).
If you get errors from the preceding option, do not continue with the rest of
this procedure. Correct the problem causing the error. If you need assistance
correcting the problem causing the error, contact one of the following:
local branch office your point of sale your AIX support center
If no errors occur, proceed with the following steps.
Run the following commands to check and repair file systems.
NOTE: The -y option gives fsck permission to repair file system corruption when necessary. This flag can be used to avoid having to manually answer multiple confirmation prompts, however, use of this flag can cause permanent, unnecessary data loss in some situations.
fsck /dev/hd4
fsck /dev/hd2
fsck /dev/hd3
fsck /dev/hd9var
fsck /dev/hd1
To format the default jfslog for the rootvg Journaled File System (JFS) file
systems, run the following command:
/usr/sbin/logform /dev/hd8
Answer yes when asked if you want to destroy the log.
If your system is hanging at LED 517 or 518 during a Normal mode boot, it is
possible the /etc/filesystems file is corrupt or missing. To temporarily
replace the disk-based /etc/filesystems file, run the following commands:
mount /dev/hd4 /mnt
mv /mnt/etc/filesystems /mnt/etc/filesystems.[MMDDYY]
cp /etc/filesystems /mnt/etc/filesystems
umount /mnt
MMDDYY represents the current two-digit representation of the Month, Day and Year, respectively.
Type exit to exit from the shell. The file systems should automatically mount after you type exit. If you receive error messages, reboot into a limited function maintenance shell again to attempt to address the failure causes.
If you have user-created file systems in the rootvg volume group, run fsck on them now. Enter:
fsck /dev/[LVname]
LVname is the name of your user-defined logical volume.
If you used the preceding procedure to temporarily replace the /etc/filesystems
file, and you have user-created file systems in the rootvg volume group, you
must also run the following command:
imfs -l /dev/[LVname]
If you have file systems in a volume group other than rootvg, run fsck on them now. Enter:
varyonvg [VGname]
fsck /dev/[LVname]
VGname is the name of your user-defined volume group.
If you used the preceding procedure to temporarily replace the /etc/filesystems file, also run the following command:
imfs [VGname]
The preceding commands can be repeated for each user-defined volume group on the system.
If your system was hanging at LED 517 or 518 and you are unable to activate non-rootvg volume groups in Service mode, you can manually edit the /etc/filesystems file and add the appropriate entries.
The file /etc/filesystems.MMDDYY saved in the preceding steps may be used as a reference if it is readable. However, the imfs method is preferred since it uses information stored in the logical volume control block to re-populate the /etc/filesystems file.
If your system has a mode select key, turn it to the Normal position.
Reboot the system into Normal mode using the following command:
If your system still halts at the LED 517 or 518 display, in many cases, it is
faster and more cost-effective to reinstall from a recent system backup.
Attempting to isolate the cause of the problem can be very time-consuming and often results in the determination that a reinstall is required to correct the problem anyway.
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/