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发布: 2009-6-03 15:35 | 作者: 网络转载 | 来源: 测试时代采编 | 查看: 522次 | 进入软件测试论坛讨论

领测软件测试网 在LoadRunner中没有提供直接监控MySQL的方法,但是在实际工作中需要我们对mysql数据库服务器进行监控,我们可以利用sitescope监控然后在lr中显示SiteScope监控的结果,达到间接监控mysql的目的。 

备注:Mercyry SiteScope 介绍:它是一款无代理监测解决方案,可确保分布式IT基础架构——如服务器、操作系统、网络设备、网络服务、应用和应用组件的可用性和性能。这款主动的、基于Web界面的基础架构监测解决方案是非常简洁的,而且完全根据客户度身定制,无需在您的上线系统中增加额外的代理。 
SiteScope为上线系统提供24×7的监控服务,为维护工程师及时发现问题提供帮助,确保系统架构内一切组建的正常运作。SiteScope在大量增加检测周期的同时也降低了维护人员的工作成本 。 

SiteScope利用Database Query monitor监控指定的数据库,通过SiteScope监控器的SHOW STATUS 命令,获得相应数据,命令如下: 

show status where variable_name like ’innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total’ 

为了确保监控请确认LoadRunner and SiteScope之间的端口, SiteScope和MySQL必须打开TCP 8888 和TCP 3306 . 还有SiteScope要监控必须要确保有JDBC的安装。 


1. SiteScope to be deployed. 
2. Sufficient license points for Database Query monitor. 
3. TCP 8888 (default) opened two-way for LoadRunner to SiteScope. 
4. TCP 3306 (default) opened two-way for SiteScope to MySQL. 
5. Monitoring privileges for SiteScope to monitor MySQL. 
6. JDBC driver to be installed on SiteScope. 
7. Have knowledge of the counter you want to monitor. 

Monitoring mySQL Databases 
Monitoring a MySQL database requires the use of a JDBC driver. To enable SiteScope to monitor a MySQL database: 

Download the JDBC driver from http://www.mysql.com/downloads/api-jdbc.html 
Uncompress the distribution file 
Among all the other files, you should find a file with a .jar extension. 
Copy the .jar file into the <SiteScope install path>/SiteScope/java/lib/ext directory 
Stop and restart SiteScope 
Now, use your browser to add a Database Query Monitor within SiteScope. 
The Database Connection URL format for the MySQL JDBC driver is: 

jdbc:mysql://<database hostname>[:<tcp port>]/<database> 

For example to connect to the MySQL database "aBigDatabase" on a machine using the standard MySQL port number 3306 you would use: 

If you are using a different port to connect to the database then you should include that port number as part of the IP address. 

The specification for the MySQL JDBC driver is: org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver 

Enter this string into the Database Driver text box under the Advanced Options section of the Add Database Query Monitor form. 

除此之外还可以利用Mysql 提供的监控接口 ,编写dll 然后利用lr中用户定义监控器进行监控,由于最近时间比较忙,忙过这段时间在提供demo例子


文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/

TAG: loadrunner LoadRunner Loadrunner loadRunner MySQL Mysql mysql mySQL MYSQL MySql MYsql

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