Memory (RAM)
96 MB minimum (128 MB or higher recommended)
Disk space
Up to 525 MB1
Operating System
IBM AIX Version 4.3.3 or higher
bos.adt.include Base Application Development Include Files
bos.adt.lib Base Application Development Libraries
bos.adt.libm Base Application Development Math Libraries
bos.net.ncs Base Network Computing Services
ifor_ls.compat License Use Management Version 4 Compatibility
ifor_ls.base License Use Management Version 4 Base
bos.rte.. libpthreads
# smitty install_all
INPUT device / directory for software
Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.
F1=Help F2=Refresh F3=Cancel F4=List
Esc+5=Reset Esc+6=Command Esc+7=Edit Esc+8=Image
INPUT device / directory for software
Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.
/dev/cd0 (/cdrom/cd0)
Type or select values in entry fields.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
[Entry Fields]
* INPUT device / directory for software /dev/cd0
* SOFTWARE to install [] <<<<光标停在这里按F4,用F7选择需要安装的FILESETS +
PREVIEW only? (install operation will NOT occur) no +
COMMIT software updates? yes +
SAVE replaced files? no +
AUTOMATICALLY install requisite software? yes +
EXTEND file systems if space needed? yes +
OVERWRITE same or newer versions? no +
VERIFY install and check file sizes? no +
DETAILED output? no +
Process multiple volumes? yes +
ACCEPT new license agreements? no <<<<光标停在这里按F4选择 yes +
Preview new LICENSE agreements? no +
F1=Help F2=Refresh F3=Cancel F4=List
Esc+5=Reset Esc+6=Command Esc+7=Edit Esc+8=Image
vac.C C for AIX compiler
vac.C.readme.ibm C for AIX additional information
vac.lic C for AIX LUM License Files
vac.msg.LANG.C C for AIX compiler messages
xlopt.lib XLOPT Optimization Library
xlopt.rte XLOPT Optimization Runtime
xlopt.tools XLOPT Optimization Tools
xlsmp.msg.LANG.rte XL SMP Runtime Messages
xlsmp.rte XL SMP Runtime Library
memdbg.adt User Heap/Memory Debug Toolkit
memdbg.aix43.adt User Heap/Memory Debug Toolkit for AIX 4.3
memdbg.aix50.adt User Heap/Memory Debug Toolkit for AIX 5.1
memdbg.msg.LANG User Heap/Memory Debug Messages
vacpp.cmp.aix43.lib VisualAge C++ Libraries for AIX 4.3
vacpp.cmp.aix43.tools VisualAge C++ Tools for AIX 4.3
vacpp.cmp.aix50.lib VisualAge C++ Libraries for AIX 5.1
vacpp.cmp.aix50.tools VisualAge C++ Tools for AIX 5.1
vacpp.cmp.core VisualAge C++ Compiler
vacpp.cmp.include VisualAge C++ Compiler Include Files
vacpp.cmp.lib VisualAge C++ Libraries
vacpp.cmp.rte VisualAge C++ Compiler Application Runtime
vacpp.cmp.tools VisualAge C++ Tools
vacpp.lic VisualAge C++ for AIX LUM License Files
vacpp.memdbg.aix43.lib VisualAge C++ User Heap and Memory Debugger
Libraries for AIX 4.3
vacpp.memdbg.aix43.rte VisualAge C++ User Heap and Memory Debugger
Runtime for AIX 4.3
vacpp.memdbg.aix50.lib VisualAge C++ User Heap and Memory Debugger
Libraries for AIX 5.1
vacpp.memdbg.aix50.rte VisualAge C++ User Heap and Memory Debugger
Runtime for AIX 5.1
vacpp.memdbg.lib VisualAge C++ User Heap and Memory Debugger
idebug.client.extras Debugger Interpreted Engine for OS/390&
idebug.client.gui Debugger Graphical User Interface
idebug.client.olt Object Level Trace Viewer
idebug.engine.compiled Debugger Engine for Compiled Languages
idebug.engine.interpreted Debugger Engine for Interpreted Languages
idebug.help.en_US Debugger help — English only
idebug.msg.LANG.engine Debugger Engine Messages
idebug.msg.LANG.olt Object Level Trace Messages
idebug.rte.hpj High-Performance Java™ Runtime
idebug.rte.jre Java Runtime Environment
idebug.rte.olt.Java Object Level Trace Java Runtime
idebug.rte.olt.client Object Level Trace Client Controller
idebug.server.olt Object Level Trace Server
根据操作系统版本选择相应的FILESETS,还要注意那些help、msg文件的语言,选个en_US的也就是了,别忘了装6.0.0.0 VisualAge C++ Compiler Include Files和6.0.0.0 VisualAge C++ Libraries。
Command: failed stdout: yes stderr: no
Before command completion, additional instructions may appear below.
geninstall -I "a -cgNqwXY -J" -Z -d /dev/cd0 -f File 2>&1
# /usr/opt/ifor/bin/i4config
From a License Management point of view,
you can choose to configure this system as:
1) Network License Client
2) Nodelock License Server (and/or Network License Client)
3) Network (and/or Nodelock) License Server
4) Central Registry (and/or Network and/or Nodelock) License Server (*)
(*) Remember that one and only one Central Registry License Server (i4gdb daemon
) can be active in a Licensing domain.
Please indicate your choice [1,2,3,4]: 2
Do you want to disable remote administration of this Nodelock License
Server? [y,n]: n
You have to choose now which mechanism must be enabled
to locate this License Server:
1) NCS Namespace and Direct Binding (*)
2) Direct Binding only
(*) WARNING: Modifying NCS Namespace configuration may affect
any other application that use NCS on this system.
NCS Namespace is necessary to support old Netls, iFOR/LS Clients.
Please indicate your choice [1,2]: 2
The Administration Tool usually uses port number [12999] to locate the
Nodelock License Servers. If for some reason your environment can not use port [
or you want to modify a previously assigned port number you can do it now.
Do you want to change the Nodelock License Server ip port number? [y,n]: n
Choose the desired Server(s) logging level
1) Default
2) All
3) Customized
Please indicate your choice [1,2,3]: 1
The default Log file(s) path is /var/ifor
Enter blank to accept default or specify a new path:
Server configuration is complete.
Do you want to modify the list of remote Nodelock and/or Network License Servers
this system can connect to in direct binding mode (both for
Administration purposes and for working as Network License Client) ? [y,n]: n
Do you want the License Server(s) automatically start on this system
at boot time? [y,n]: y
WARNING: Configuration is about to end.
This is your last chance to quit before your updates will be written.
Do you want to continue? [y,n]: y
*** Configuration file updated. ***
Do you want the License Server(s) start now? [y,n]: y
0513-059 The i4llmd Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 29674.
'Start Services' has completed successfully
* Configuration completed successfully *
# /usr/opt/ifor/bin/i4blt -a -f /usr/vac/cforaix_cn.lic -R root -T 10
i4blt Version 4.6.6 AIX -- LUM Basic License Tool
(c) Copyright 1995-2002, IBM Corporation, All Rights Reserved
US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure
restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
(c) Copyright 1991-1997 Gradient Technologies Inc., All Rights Reserved
(c) Copyright 1991,1992,1993, Hewlett-Packard Company, All Rights Reserved
ADM-10099: Product successfully enrolled
# find / -name cc
# cc
C for AIX Compiler, Version 6
xlc [ option | inputfile ]...
cc [ option | inputfile ]...
c89 [ option | inputfile ]...
xlc128 [ option | inputfile ]...
cc128 [ option | inputfile ]...
xlc_r [ option | inputfile ]...
cc_r [ option | inputfile ]...
xlc_r4 [ option | inputfile ]...
cc_r4 [ option | inputfile ]...
xlc_r7 [ option | inputfile ]...
cc_r7 [ option | inputfile ]...
The xlC and related commands compile C and C++ source files.
They also processes assembler source files and object files. Unless the
-c option is specified, xlC calls the linkage editor to produce a
single object file. Input files may be any of the following:
1. file name with .c suffix: C source file
2. file name with .i suffix: preprocessed C or C++ source file
3. file name with .o suffix: object file for ld command
以上在IBM VisualAge C++ Professional for AIX, Version 6.0 5765-F56-00
AIX5.2.0.02下测试通过,具体信息请参考Getting Started with VisualAge C++ for
AIX Introduction, Installation, and Migration Guide SC09-4962-00
firefoxli 回复于:2004-02-12 09:52:48 |
好!感谢! |
ewhisper 回复于:2004-02-12 09:57:07 |
如今咱也有原创精华了,哈! |
hulihutu 回复于:2004-02-18 15:04:44 |
哪里可以下载阿…… |
mywg 回复于:2004-02-18 15:23:13 |
哪里可以下载阿……!我刚下载了一个60天的版本330M |
hulihutu 回复于:2004-02-18 15:43:39 |
我下的那个c不能用阿,在tar开的时候就报错了 |
mywg 回复于:2004-02-18 15:53:27 |
-rw-r----- 1 root system 369489920 2月18 15时22 vacpp.60.tnb.tar
正在安装中! |
ewhisper 回复于:2004-02-18 15:55:20 |
这好像是花钱买的吧 |
starmoon2003 回复于:2004-02-18 20:01:00 |
注册那方面的事情还多着呢。。。 |
ewhisper 回复于:2004-02-18 20:52:03 |
还有啥啊 |
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/