SCSI的硬盘DD后从盘插入fsck 从盘后reboot就可。(U60上测试通过)
ok boot /pci@1f,4000/scsi@3,0/disk@0,0
gang5415 回复于:2003-10-28 21:36:02 |
应该也是查找的从盘的启动路径进行BOOT的吧,但是应该修改一下/etc/vfstab吧。您说? |
solarissystem 回复于:2003-10-28 21:44:11 |
大家支持一下吧。 |
solarissystem 回复于:2003-10-28 21:48:15 |
做完后把从盘插到主盘的位置要怎样才能成功启动?改那些设置? |
milan 回复于:2003-10-29 09:26:16 |
FC的硬盘没做过,是不是还得加个installboot |
diag 回复于:2003-10-29 09:27:53 |
edit vfstab ..
billwang 回复于:2003-10-29 10:29:15 |
首先dd完成后,将目标盘mount,并将目标盘上的一个文件path_to_inst删除。 然后将目标盘放入启动盘位置(这样就不需要改vfatab),使用boot -ai来进行引导并重建path_to_inst |
solarissystem 回复于:2003-10-29 10:31:26 |
光纤盘好象不是改vfstab这么简单吧。(听说光纤盘比较特殊,现在用光纤硬盘的机器多了,问题也出来了。如:280 480 880 等)
有做过的高手请顶一下。谢谢 |
南非蜘蛛 回复于:2003-10-29 10:31:48 |
但是都不推荐 |
procrus 回复于:2003-10-29 10:45:37 |
直接dd就可以了 |
solarissystem 回复于:2003-10-29 10:48:13 |
这么多星的蜘蛛将军办法应该很多,来给个答案。(巴顿将军也只有4颗星) |
solarissystem 回复于:2003-10-29 10:51:43 |
procrus 你说的是光纤硬盘吗?换位后可直接启动?原盘拔出后可直接启动吗?你用什么机器试的? |
race 回复于:2003-10-29 10:59:19 |
20-80那本书上说了不建议dd克隆用在FC-AL盘上 |
solarissystem 回复于:2003-10-29 11:17:49 |
FD硬盘镜像后换位哪?怎么做? |
race 回复于:2003-10-29 11:25:24 |
直接把原盘拔下来,把新盘换上去,OK>boot -r |
race 回复于:2003-10-29 11:28:24 |
http://chinaunix.net/jh/6/108308.html http://chinaunix.net/jh/6/97610.html |
sbxu 回复于:2003-10-29 12:03:19 |
SRDB ID: 17643
SYNOPSIS: Recovering from a failed FCAL boot disk DETAIL DESCRIPTION: A host that boots from a non-mirrored FCAL disk (either an A5000 or the E3500 internal disks) will have to overcome the hard-coded World Wide Number (WWN) that each of these disks uses as an integral part of their device path. On failure of the boot disk the systems administrator must ensure that this WWN is correctly updated throughout the system to ensure it will reboot. SOLUTION SUMMARY: Procedure : 1) The boot disk fails and is replaced by another disk with a different WWN. 2) Boot the system into single user from the cdrom or network. 3) Label the replacement disk to match the slices from the failed one. 4) Create filesystems on all the slices to be restored. 5) Mount the root filesystem and restore the data from backups. 6) Install the boot block onto the recovered root slice using the "installboot" command. 7) With root mounted under "/a" run the following commands to re-build the devices tree : drvconfig -r /a/devices -p /a/etc/path_to_inst cd /devices find . -print | cpio -pduVm /a/devices disks -r /a devlinks -r /a NOTE: It is currently necessary to use both "drvconfig" and "find | cpio" due to bugid 4161768, drvconfig does not work properly with socal disks. 8) Configure the "boot-device" parameter in the EEPROM using the "luxadm set_boot_dev /dev/dsk/{root slice entry}" command. 9) Restore the other filesystems on that disk, or comment out the entries for them from /a/etc/vfstab. At least you must have all the Solaris filesystems (root, /var, /usr, /opt, etc.) recovered. 10) Reboot the system from the recovered disk. |
solarissystem 回复于:2003-10-29 18:36:51 |
谢谢各位!billwang;sbxu谢谢,明天上班我去试试,准备去“神州数码“的朋友那问问清楚,试成后给大家一个答案。高手请继续支持一下,谢谢! |
xzh2002 回复于:2003-10-29 22:27:45 |
光纤的带宽是多少? |
iamark 回复于:2003-10-29 23:59:24 |
[quote:f11bacedd6="sbxu"]SRDB ID: 17643
SYNOPSIS: Recovering from a failed FCAL boot disk DETAIL DESCRIPTION: A host that boots from a non-mirrored FCAL disk (either an A5000 or the E3500 internal disks) will h..........[/quote:f11bacedd6] 楼上的正解,就是这样的,俺试过的。 |
solarissystem 回复于:2003-10-30 10:19:43 |
sbxu;iamark你好,你的意思是我做完DD后、换位、用BOOT CDROM -S启动后,挂上DD的那个从盘、接下来只要做以下几部就可以了吗?其它还要做什么吗?谢谢请回复我。
drvconfig -r /a/devices -p /a/etc/path_to_inst cd /devices find . -print | cpio -pduVm /a/devices disks -r /a devlinks -r /a reboot |
予默 回复于:2003-11-06 00:40:16 |
换了盘,wwn也就换了,是起不来的。 |
cookiwu 回复于:2003-11-06 09:32:24 |
[quote:c4236bd327="solarissystem"]sbxu;iamark你好,你的意思是我做完DD后、换位、用BOOT CDROM -S启动后,挂上DD的那个从盘、接下来只要做以下几部就可以了吗?其它还要做什么吗?谢谢请回复我。
drvconfig -r /a/devices -p /a/etc/path_to_inst ..........[/quote:c4236bd327] 你可以在做完以上几步后这样确认有没有正确的完成: boot cdrom -s mount /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0(启动分区) /mnt cd /mnt/dev/dsk ls -l c0t0d0s0 看看链接指向的硬盘的wwn号有没改变。 接下来的事就是改改boot-device了 |
njdexp 回复于:2003-11-06 09:54:29 |
我觉得它与SCSI硬盘不一样的,不是这样简单的换一下的,因为光纤的硬盘的确有个WWN的号的问题,那么它的物理地址也就不一样。 |
iamark 回复于:2003-11-06 11:27:23 |
[quote:4bcaf7a785="solarissystem"]sbxu;iamark你好,你的意思是我做完DD后、换位、用BOOT CDROM -S启动后,挂上DD的那个从盘、接下来只要做以下几部就可以了吗?其它还要做什么吗?谢谢请回复我。
drvconfig -r /a/devices -p /a/etc/path_to_inst ..........[/quote:4bcaf7a785] 就是这样 |
wuzhengok 回复于:2003-11-06 11:47:28 |
SCSI硬盘dd系统盘后,直接插入,boot ,no problem! 不需要修改任何参数,当然两台机器都是一样的——v210。 FC硬盘以前试过,没有成功,有机会按照sbxu试一试。 |
solarissystem 回复于:2003-12-02 23:44:29 |
谢谢!大家辛苦了。 |
solarissystem 回复于:2003-12-02 23:55:33 |
谢谢大家! |
solarissystem 回复于:2003-12-02 23:57:22 |
周末就去用280R试一下。 |
MTTCT86 回复于:2005-07-06 14:54:42 |
E-MAIL:MT81888@163.COM WWW.MT81.COM |
lyh003473 回复于:2005-07-06 15:05:03 |
难道你们就这么喜欢用DD吗? |
Philmoon 回复于:2005-07-06 15:22:55 |
将一个新盘(DD过的备用盘或ufsrestore+installboot的盘)插到坏boot盘原来的位置,对SCSI盘而言,只要SCSI ID相同就没问题。而内置盘是不用做SCSI ID跳线的,只要插到原来位置ID号就相同,因此更换比较简单。
FC盘的设备号前部分是与插槽位置有关,后面部分则是盘所固有的WWN,因此不同的FC盘在同一个插槽中的设备名称是不一样的。只要在OK下把BOOT DEVICE的设备名中的WWN部分改为新盘的就可以了。 过去在E3500中换启动盘或从另一位置的盘启动都要做类似的WWN修改处理。 |
youarewolf 回复于:2005-07-07 17:22:45 |
你的问题涉及到个关于光纤盘启动的问题。你可以去网上查一下“SAN BOOT”这个词,可以查到你想要的:)。也可以在论坛上找一下我以前发过的帖子,有一篇讲的是如何在SUN F15K上实现SAN BOOT的实践经验。 |
samshi 回复于:2005-07-11 16:15:58 |
********问题描述: 目前大多光纤硬盘都有wwn号码,这类服务器系统根盘出现故障时更换硬盘、恢复操作系统,系统是无法正常启动的,如果原来系统采用了disksuite,处理过程更加复杂。 更换的过程中必须适当地处理光纤盘的wwn号,对于disksuite镜像的系统盘还需考虑到镜像的适当处理。 *******解决该问题采取的措施: 1) The boot disk fails and is replaced by another disk with a different WWN. 2) Boot the system into single user from the cdrom or network:boot cdrom -s 3) Label the replacement disk to match the slices from the failed one. 可以用prtvtoc备份原有硬盘分区信息,用fmthard 恢复到新硬盘上。 4) Create filesystems on all the slices to be restored. 5) Mount the root filesystem and restore the data from backups. 6) Install the boot block onto the recovered root slice using the "installboot" command. 7) With root mounted under "/a" run the following commands to re-build the devices tree : drvconfig -r /a/devices -p /a/etc/path_to_inst cd /devices find . -print | cpio -pduVm /a/devices disks -r /a devlinks -r /a NOTE: It is currently necessary to use both "drvconfig" and "find | cpio" due to bugid 4161768, drvconfig does not work properly with socal disks. Configure the "boot-device" parameter in the EEPROM using the "luxadm set_boot_dev /dev/dsk/{root slice entry}" command. 9) Restore the other filesystems on that disk, or comment out the entries for them from /a/etc/vfstab. At least you must have all the Solaris filesystems (root, /var, /usr, /opt, etc.) recovered. 补充一点: 如果原有系统根盘采用disksuite做了镜像的话,先在缺省引导盘上做1-9步,完毕后做以下步骤: 备份/etc/system,然后将里面的disksuite root信息、内核驱动信息全部删除干净。 * Begin MDD root info (do not edit) forceload: misc/md_trans forceload: misc/md_raid forceload: misc/md_hotspares forceload: misc/md_sp forceload: misc/md_stripe forceload: misc/md_mirror forceload: drv/pcipsy forceload: drv/glm forceload: drv/sd rootdev:/pseudo/md@0:0,10,blk * End MDD root info (do not edit) * Begin MDD database info (do not edit) set md:mddb_bootlist1="sd:6:16 sd:6:1050 sd:6:2084 sd:14:16 sd:14:1050" set md:mddb_bootlist2="sd:14:2084 sd:22:16 sd:30:16" * End MDD database info (do not edit) 10、如果原有系统根盘采用disksuite做了镜像的话,需要将disksuite镜像配置信息清理掉 /etc/lvm/md.cf 10) Reboot the system from the recovered disk. 建议用reboot -- -r选项重启 12、如果原有系统根盘采用disksuite做了镜像的话,正常启动后按照标准做法重新配置disksuite镜像。 |
samshi 回复于:2005-07-11 16:17:20 |
我是根据sun的文档做的,只是我的环境稍微复杂一点. |
文章来源于领测软件测试网 https://www.ltesting.net/